Player: mr.unknown

Player Name: mr.unknown Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 918
Ladder games: 918 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
AddictBroken toys
Total ladder games: 918 Current PSR: 1610
Wins: 52 (5%) Highest PSR: 1610
Loses: 50 (5%) Kills / Deaths: 0.7
Draws: 11 (1%) Assists / Deaths: 1.3
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 1.9
Left games: 1 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 6.7 Kills: 684
Average deaths: 10.1 Deaths: 1028
Average assists: 12.9 Assists: 1317
Average creep kills: 98.5 Creep kills: 10046
Average creep denies: 6 Creep denies: 617
Average neutral kills: 28.3 Neutral kills: 2883
Average tower kills: 0.5 Tower kills: 51
Average rax kills: 0.2 Rax kills: 24
Total ladder games: 851
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
20-02-2024 23:10:58 SD // +1 PUB Juggernaut 1610 | +9 18 16 22 236 13 81 WON
20-02-2024 20:55:04 AP +1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1601 | -5 10 16 23 180 13 55 LOST
15-02-2024 23:58:26 sdfast #1 PUB Pit Lord 1606 | +8 5 11 24 248 14 27 WON
15-02-2024 22:26:54 ap 10/10 PUB Sand King 1598 | +6 10 14 36 336 7 54 WON
15-02-2024 20:50:12 Sd +1 PUB Oblivion 1592 | -7 7 13 20 123 4 22 LOST
14-02-2024 21:34:29 SD Rmk PUB Shadow Fiend 1599 | +12 3 7 13 113 10 33 WON
14-02-2024 19:23:08 ap 10/10 PUB Bristleback 1587 | +12 14 14 23 137 5 48 WON
14-02-2024 18:21:58 SD EU + +1 #4 PUB God of War 1575 | +14 7 1 11 153 12 44 WON
13-02-2024 00:01:27 ap last slot fast 9/10 #1 PUB Juggernaut 1561 | +13 12 3 5 152 9 78 WON
12-02-2024 23:13:36 sd+1 #2 PUB Bounty Hunter 1548 | -11 3 5 1 0 0 0 LOST
12-02-2024 20:42:47 SD +1 rly fast PUB Priestess of the Moon 1559 | +13 10 4 18 129 5 26 WON
12-02-2024 19:09:53 AP 9/10 #1 PUB Spiritbreaker 1546 | -12 1 12 7 51 7 9 LOST
12-02-2024 17:56:53 SD + Rly #1 PUB Sand King 1558 | +14 16 11 25 266 4 62 WON
11-02-2024 22:19:07 apal #10 PUB Stone Giant 1544 | +22 14 12 24 214 6 36 WON
11-02-2024 20:41:34 SD +1 #2 PUB Oblivion 1522 | -12 8 6 12 49 5 9 LOST
11-02-2024 18:54:06 SD RMKK #3 PUB Stone Giant 1534 | -11 5 10 6 29 6 5 LOST
11-02-2024 18:13:42 SD GOOO #9 PUB Tuskarr 1545 | -12 1 12 4 0 0 0 LOST
11-02-2024 00:59:07 dumbro PUB Juggernaut 1557 | +11 12 12 8 203 9 87 WON
10-02-2024 23:47:01 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Butcher 1546 | -12 6 17 30 57 15 9 LOST
08-02-2024 20:05:56 AP 9/10 PUB Bloodseeker 1558 | +9 9 14 19 115 15 21 WON
08-02-2024 19:09:53 SD EU +++ #2 PUB Lord of Olympus 1549 | +15 10 4 16 202 4 40 WON
07-02-2024 23:30:52 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Tidehunter 1534 | -8 0 15 13 117 3 27 LOST
07-02-2024 21:35:14 cimo PUB Spiritbreaker 1542 | +13 8 5 18 0 0 0 WON
07-02-2024 19:47:04 ap PUB Windrunner 1529 | +17 6 9 16 143 7 49 WON
07-02-2024 18:46:58 ap 10/10 PUB Sacred Warrior 1512 | +21 7 12 9 81 11 56 WON
07-02-2024 17:55:22 AP GOO #18 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1491 | -19 2 14 5 76 7 7 LOST
06-02-2024 22:47:55 AP +1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1510 | -13 1 5 3 0 0 0 LOST
06-02-2024 21:10:02 _+1__AP_9/10_ PUB Lord of Olympus 1523 | +17 6 13 24 108 2 11 WON
06-02-2024 19:26:06 ap 10/10 PUB Sand King 1506 | +20 9 7 28 197 3 60 WON
06-02-2024 18:40:04 ap 9/10 PUB Spiritbreaker 1486 | +0 0 0 2 0 0 0 DRAW

Player hasn't played any custom games.