Unofficial Section => Offtopic => Topic started by: jeandarc on December 09, 2014, 00:11

Title: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: jeandarc on December 09, 2014, 00:11
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: ColdWorld on December 09, 2014, 00:16
i vote.
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: paltunas on December 09, 2014, 00:38
ye, if you're not a human
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 09, 2014, 00:48
i voted.
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: paltunas on December 09, 2014, 01:06
when you think about it, human souls possible on sun or not?
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: SaintKnight on December 09, 2014, 03:56
2nd option
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on December 09, 2014, 04:33
2nd option
keep crying saint
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on December 09, 2014, 09:17
Again you don't put option about you, still scared of the results. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: jeandarc on December 09, 2014, 10:05
Learn new posts
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: KeMCek on December 10, 2014, 00:06
Why u guys hate my master?
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: SaintKnight on December 10, 2014, 01:01
2nd option
keep crying saint
crying? I'm giving my opinion on an important question. If the sun was your mom, you would be able to walk on it.
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on December 10, 2014, 06:15
Why u guys hate my master?
They're too frustrated that they'll never reach my level, so they try to win in some other place since ingame they can't, too bad they can't win here either. :D
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 10, 2014, 15:08
Its ok to defend ur rights comy, keep doing that.
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: 1QuestioN! on December 11, 2014, 02:36
Shore it is
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 11, 2014, 15:00
only a moron can come up with a stupid-ass-question like this !

it ain't even funny !
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: Rocka on December 11, 2014, 16:02
option 2 is fanie scorkpo
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 11, 2014, 17:35
only a moron can come up with a stupid-ass-question like this !

it ain't even funny !
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 11, 2014, 23:11
only a moron can come up with a stupid-ass-question like this !

it ain't even funny !

it's not butthurt , it's rather possessing a fucking brain .
let's ask who can walk on Venus , or who can jump from the stratosphere of Jupiter towards the center of the planet .
while we have idiots who ask stupid questions like this , we got engineers planing another mission that's going to send a satellite 10-20 years hurling in the space on a colliding trajectory with an asteroid or comet just so that they can find the answer to an old question that brings out two new questions .

so , while we have visionary people , thinking on how to improve communication between satellites or how to boost the power of rockets , we got a cornholing dimwit called jeandarc who asks on a forum if we can walk on the sun .

i'm sorry NightMare^, but i feel offended , cause i feel that jeandarc has been wasting our air for the past 20+ years for nothing . i want that air back !
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: LexMonster on December 11, 2014, 23:26
i'm sorry NightMare^, but i feel offended , cause i feel that jeandarc has been wasting our air for the past 20+ years for nothing . i want that air back !
Well played mate, I will take this for signature  ;D

Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 11, 2014, 23:27
only a moron can come up with a stupid-ass-question like this !

it ain't even funny !

it's not butthurt , it's rather possessing a fucking brain .
let's ask who can walk on Venus , or who can jump from the stratosphere of Jupiter towards the center of the planet .
while we have idiots who ask stupid questions like this , we got engineers planing another mission that's going to send a satellite 10-20 years hurling in the space on a colliding trajectory with an asteroid or comet just so that they can find the answer to an old question that brings out two new questions .

so , while we have visionary people , thinking on how to improve communication between satellites or how to boost the power of rockets , we got a cornholing dimwit called jeandarc who asks on a forum if we can walk on the sun .

i'm sorry NightMare^, but i feel offended , cause i feel that jeandarc has been wasting our air for the past 20+ years for nothing . i want that air back !

And what did u do in your whole life for human race? :D
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 12, 2014, 00:26
And what did u do in your whole life for human race? :D

i could brag with medals and international recognition , i could post pictures on the forum just to show i'm maybe smarter than 90 % of the LA forum users , but then i won't be any better than jeandarc - regarding this situation .

also , you're missing the point :

even if you or i or anyone else has achieved less than Neil deGrass Tyson or Richard Dawkins (i just handpicked these 2 up) that doesn't give you or i the right to ask a stupid ass question that a 5 years old kid has found out and answer to it .

a joke is a joke , acting stupid might seem fine for some , but my god , some people need to get a slap on the face ... with a metal chair ... 200 times ... a day !

Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 12, 2014, 00:45
i'm sorry NightMare^, but i feel offended , cause i feel that jeandarc has been wasting our air for the past 20+ years for nothing . i want that air back !
Well played mate, I will take this for signature  ;D


i am glad you like it ! :D

but i still consider as the pinnacle of my achievements on the LA Forum this (it was used in another post open by none-other than jeandarc himself , and you censured it  :'() :


The painting , reproduced in classic MS Paint colors on a white canvas, was painted in the marvelous year of 2014 by the Master Timeshift aka ME :D , is entitled " Your Mom , Your Sister " and it recreates the problem of the juvenile delinquency and extra-conjugal relationships from a compassionate angle . The artistic value is highly elevated and treats thoroughly the relationship between " cause and effect " . The picture contains a Babylonian causality, an endless stream of chain events, being remarked through a contrast of making love and nudity while the main character is subjected to philosophical debates that can not be comprehended by the ordinary man .

Already been called by the Louvre , they wanna hang my picture in staid of the Gioconda . :D
I had to refuse them , I said that 200 mill $ doesn't even touch half of the true value of this paining .
Abramovich said he might buy it from me when he's going to sell all his assets , and after 5 years of prostituting himself in down-town Bombay he might have the money .
I think I can wait 5 years ...  8)

Filmul trateaza problema delicventei juvenile si a relatiilor extraconjugale dintr-un unghi compasiv. Valoare artistica este foarte ridicata si trateaza minutios relatia cauza-efect.Filmul contine o babilonie de cauzalitati, un sir nesfarsit de evenimente in lantm, remarcandu-se prin succesiunea imaginilor pline de contraste.

i laughed my ass off when i had the 1st idea , i still laugh at it now :D
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 12, 2014, 00:49
i forgot to say it : the sentences that you don't understand are for my fellows guys who want to understand what i wrote in my native language ... it has a few more grains of salt in there , which would make the description even funnier .

Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: div.ide on December 12, 2014, 01:23
Scorpion, buddy...

Annoyed because random guy with extended puberty issues tosses his shit all over the place like angry ape, seeking for different kind of attantion than he actually needs? Ok, I understand.

Want some fresh air back? Sure. Though you could simply just plant some trees (I did).

Having you own opinion and are aspiring to create art, even if in MS Paint and only for shits and giggles? Nothing wrong with that.

But for the love of whatever god you belive in, if you're actually trying to sound eloquent, fix your goddamn punctuation if you're writing more than 2 sequences in single post :D

RIP in pieces topic, such useful discussion derailed, what a bummer, I'll now go celebrate it with silence.
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 12, 2014, 02:21
Scorpion, buddy...

Annoyed because random guy with extended puberty issues tosses his shit all over the place like angry ape, seeking for different kind of attantion than he actually needs? Ok, I understand.

Want some fresh air back? Sure. Though you could simply just plant some trees (I did).

Having you own opinion and are aspiring to create art, even if in MS Paint and only for shits and giggles? Nothing wrong with that.

But for the love of whatever god you belive in, if you're actually trying to sound eloquent, fix your goddamn punctuation if you're writing more than 2 sequences in single post :D

RIP in pieces topic, such useful discussion derailed, what a bummer, I'll now go celebrate it with silence.

after some glasses of cognac + beers , even I am surprised how I managed to write so many lines .
so fuck the punctuation  ;D
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on December 12, 2014, 06:56
I've got bad news for you scorpion2001gla.

If you can't recognize that jean is simply fooling around and having a laugh (or if you do recognize it BUT STILL act like he is serious, just because you don't share his sense of humour), and if you think being smart is proven by having medals or international recognition, you're most likely not too bright.

Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 12, 2014, 08:47
I've got bad news for you scorpion2001gla.

If you can't recognize that jean is simply fooling around and having a laugh (or if you do recognize it BUT STILL act like he is serious, just because you don't share his sense of humour), and if you think being smart is proven by having medals or international recognition, you're most likely not too bright.


intre a te prostii , a face pe prostu si a fi prost eu zic ca e mare diferenta .
dar cand de ani , inafara sa comenteze deampulea asta nu face , inseamna ca nu are toate tiglele pe casa sau e prost facut gramada.
faptul ca-l mai bagati si voi in seamna nu face decat sa-i alimenteze tampeniile , sa mai scoata porumbei pe gura ... o fi dintr-ala cu probleme de cauta sa fie in centru atentiei tot timpu , nu ma intereseaza , dar la 20 de ani sa vii cu afirmatii de genu " e posibil sa mergi pe soare " ... scuza-ma , daca tu nu vezi problema , inseamna ca esti pe acelasi calapod ca si el .
daca doamne fereste asta ajunga sa conduca o echipa de oameni , si ii trazneste vreo idee de genu asta , asta va omori ceva oameni . la 20+ ani , nu doar ca nu are nicio decenta , discernamant si bun simt in a posta ceva pe net , pai in viata particulara - care-l priveste - cine stie ce dracu face !
si nu , ala nu e umor , aia e prostie crasa si trebuie tratata ca atare !

legat de medalii : daca tu ai impresia ca am luat 2-3 medalii la olimpiada de religie de pe muntele athos , te inseli amarnic !
te aflii in necunostinta de cauza : cand faci ceva pentru tara , si platesti taxe enorme - dar statul nu ma ajuta absolut deloc - si intre timp primesc recunoastere internationala pentru ceea ce am realizat , si scuza-ma dar imi permit sa fiu putin arogant in a-ti spune ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti .
pana una alta , nu-mi dau in stamba ca-s altii de zeci de ori mai buni decat mine , mai straluciti si chiar mai tineri decat mine . 
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on December 12, 2014, 09:32
Below there is mostly RO language, feel free to not read it.
intre a te prostii , a face pe prostu si a fi prost eu zic ca e mare diferenta .
dar cand de ani , inafara sa comenteze deampulea asta nu face , inseamna ca nu are toate tiglele pe casa sau e prost facut gramada.
Poti sa deduci asta foarte usor din comportamentul pe care l-ai vazut, dar nu poti spune ca este in mod definitiv asa (ceea ce tu faci) pentru ca nu ai de unde sa stii defapt cum este el, pentru ca nu il cunosti.

Il cunosc de foarte mult timp, asa ca iti pot spune ca lui ii place sa se amuze in felul asta, fiecare cu ale lui.
faptul ca-l mai bagati si voi in seamna nu face decat sa-i alimenteze tampeniile , sa mai scoata porumbei pe gura ... o fi dintr-ala cu probleme de cauta sa fie in centru atentiei tot timpu , nu ma intereseaza , dar la 20 de ani sa vii cu afirmatii de genu " e posibil sa mergi pe soare " ... scuza-ma , daca tu nu vezi problema , inseamna ca esti pe acelasi calapod ca si el .
Asta si urmareste, sa vada reply-uri "nervoase" ale oamenilor care trateaza ce spune in mod serios, in loc sa o ia ca pe o gluma sau pur si simplu sa ignore si sa-si vada de treaba lor, ii place asta, se amuza pe chestia asta, cum am mai zis, fiecare cu ale lui.

Din nou ma simt nevoit sa te intreb asta, eu vad ca si inainte de postul asta ai spus ca stii ca glumeste, iar apoi tot tratezi ce zice de parca ar vorbi serios, deci, te intreb, tu stii ce e aia o gluma ? Glumele nu se iau in serios.
daca doamne fereste asta ajunga sa conduca o echipa de oameni , si ii trazneste vreo idee de genu asta , asta va omori ceva oameni . la 20+ ani , nu doar ca nu are nicio decenta , discernamant si bun simt in a posta ceva pe net , pai in viata particulara - care-l priveste - cine stie ce dracu face !
Nu iti trebuie decenta sau bun simt sa postezi pe internet, poti sa postezi aproape orice vrei fara nici o consecinta relevanta, de aia se poate amuza cu chestia asta, in viata particulara sunt de obicei consecinte destul de relevante cand te comporti asa, asa ca este evident de ce face asta aici si probabil nu si in viata particulara.
si nu , ala nu e umor , aia e prostie crasa si trebuie tratata ca atare !
Umorul este foarte subiectiv, poti spune ca pe tine nu te amuza chestia asta, dar nu toata lumea este de aceeasi parere cu tine.
legat de medalii : daca tu ai impresia ca am luat 2-3 medalii la olimpiada de religie de pe muntele athos , te inseli amarnic !
Ideea nu era ce tip de medalie ai sau nu ai, ideea era ca nu medalile iti redau inteligenta.
Tu practic ai spus ceva de genul "am medalii si sunt recunoscut international, deci sunt destept", ceea ce implica "daca nu as avea medalii si nu as fi recunoscut international nu as fi destept", ambele afirmatii, nu doar ultima, sunt false.
te aflii in necunostinta de cauza : cand faci ceva pentru tara , si platesti taxe enorme - dar statul nu ma ajuta absolut deloc - si intre timp primesc recunoastere internationala pentru ceea ce am realizat , si scuza-ma dar imi permit sa fiu putin arogant in a-ti spune ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti .
Nu este o veste noua ca statul nu ajuta individul si isi urmareste interesele sale, si nu este o veste noua nici ca daca faci ceva bine si expui ceea ce ai facut in mod clar exista o recunoastere pentru munca depusa, insa nu inteleg de ce imi spui asta ? Din nou iti zic, nu asta iti reda inteligenta.

Poti spune ce vrei despre mine din partea mea, nu ma deranjeaza cu absolut nimic, dar eu nu inteleg de unde tragi tu asemenea concluzii, eu am raspuns doar pe ce am vazut si nu am facut nici un fel de presupunere "concreta", daca ai observat am si zis "you're most likely not too bright", adica probabil, nu am zis in mod definitiv ca asa e pentru ca nu am de unde sa stiu, am vorbit doar din ce am vazut.
Tu insa vad ca faci niste presupuneri "concrete", le dai asa, batute in cuie, "habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti", si asa mai departe.
Din nou, nu ma deranjeaza, I'm just saying. :)
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 12, 2014, 09:37
I've got bad news for you scorpion2001gla.

If you can't recognize that jean is simply fooling around and having a laugh (or if you do recognize it BUT STILL act like he is serious, just because you don't share his sense of humour), and if you think being smart is proven by having medals or international recognition, you're most likely not too bright.


intre a te prostii , a face pe prostu si a fi prost eu zic ca e mare diferenta .
dar cand de ani , inafara sa comenteze deampulea asta nu face , inseamna ca nu are toate tiglele pe casa sau e prost facut gramada.
faptul ca-l mai bagati si voi in seamna nu face decat sa-i alimenteze tampeniile , sa mai scoata porumbei pe gura ... o fi dintr-ala cu probleme de cauta sa fie in centru atentiei tot timpu , nu ma intereseaza , dar la 20 de ani sa vii cu afirmatii de genu " e posibil sa mergi pe soare " ... scuza-ma , daca tu nu vezi problema , inseamna ca esti pe acelasi calapod ca si el .
daca doamne fereste asta ajunga sa conduca o echipa de oameni , si ii trazneste vreo idee de genu asta , asta va omori ceva oameni . la 20+ ani , nu doar ca nu are nicio decenta , discernamant si bun simt in a posta ceva pe net , pai in viata particulara - care-l priveste - cine stie ce dracu face !
si nu , ala nu e umor , aia e prostie crasa si trebuie tratata ca atare !

legat de medalii : daca tu ai impresia ca am luat 2-3 medalii la olimpiada de religie de pe muntele athos , te inseli amarnic !
te aflii in necunostinta de cauza : cand faci ceva pentru tara , si platesti taxe enorme - dar statul nu ma ajuta absolut deloc - si intre timp primesc recunoastere internationala pentru ceea ce am realizat , si scuza-ma dar imi permit sa fiu putin arogant in a-ti spune ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti .
pana una alta , nu-mi dau in stamba ca-s altii de zeci de ori mai buni decat mine , mai straluciti si chiar mai tineri decat mine . 
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: scorpion2001gla on December 12, 2014, 09:48


Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 12, 2014, 09:52
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: XeqtR on December 12, 2014, 10:32
Guys, sorry to tell you but the next post in another language than english will be removed. Move it in Romania section if you want to discuss things.
Scorpi te rog, cand incepi sa scri la "roman" sa-l contrazici pe comy, muta-te pe chatul nostru :).
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: [Yuma]Psihijatar on December 12, 2014, 11:50
Why u guys hate my master?
They're too frustrated that they'll never reach my level, so they try to win in some other place since ingame they can't, too bad they can't win here either. :D
Dude i won vs you almost every game with random pubers .Stop lying in posts or i ban you.!
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on December 12, 2014, 12:56
Why u guys hate my master?
They're too frustrated that they'll never reach my level, so they try to win in some other place since ingame they can't, too bad they can't win here either. :D
Dude i won vs you almost every game with random pubers .Stop lying in posts or i ban you.!
:D nice imagination bloodmenguymandude :D
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on December 12, 2014, 13:01
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: KeMCek on December 12, 2014, 18:49
Why u guys hate my master?
They're too frustrated that they'll never reach my level, so they try to win in some other place since ingame they can't, too bad they can't win here either. :D
Dude i won vs you almost every game with random pubers .Stop lying in posts or i ban you.!

You are just jealous my Master Commy. Nab
Title: Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
Post by: ilikedat on December 15, 2014, 08:22
ahahhahah NightMare^ nice medal  ;D +1