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Messages - LEEKING2005

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DotA Discussion / Re: Anyone miss the old visage?Or it is just me?
« on: September 20, 2016, 17:10 »
I'll just cut it short: I agree with IceFrog.

You can have your own opinion, but I thought now even the most beginner player in DotA society know the fact given what happen recently (or not~).

So the void won TI5 fair and square, that amazed me cause the nowadays so called professional player in tournament's final don't even know how to counter a moderate skill void player.

It actually doesn't surprise me that much they cannot counter void combo cause I know it is nearly impossible with their skill but they could at least acknowledge what kind of hero is void and banned him in the next match. They just show completely ignorance in Dota OP hero history.

I don't think the chinese won the TI5 fair and square, but well, good job Ice Frog.

PS: I didn't hate Ice Frog, I barely know him and I donno he's the one fuck up dota until recently told by Astaroth. Thanks for telling me that IF did the changelog after 6.12b, I always knew something was wrong when they completely rework visage to rubbish cause that is not previous changelog style.

Thanks for the information though I can more or less predicted it cause i followed countless changelog between 5.84c to 6.12b. In every new changelog I think more and more hero become stronger and usable, but that is not the case after 6.12b. I always thought IF did all the changelog from 5.84c onward.

PPS: It is funny because I can't seem to think of a reason why Guinsoo is the worst top tier item compare to butterfly and heart if he name the item after himself.

DotA Discussion / Re: Beginner's luck? Stupidity infection?
« on: September 20, 2016, 16:47 »
What thing am I exaggerating?

SK managed to get 2 or 3 Rapiers and lost them all. That is what happend, regarding to your words. Thus there is a way such a player can get 3 Rapiers. Because he did.

I can tell you honestly in that time the players are far more superior than nowaday dota 2 9k MMR noobs. Also in this game we were win by luck, you just didn't watch the replay, that add on toward the point of how clueless you were when you state you statement. I can tell by

1. I never build kill steal item so it is not possible I leading kill with 2 dagon combo hero.
2. It is not my decision to hide in base and let them get aegis and after that 1st, 2nd and 3rd divine.
3. I don't think my team-mate is low skill, they just purposely throwing, stalling for late game  and going FULL YOLO mode for some reason.

I know the reason why we won al-right, it was because the opposite think they won the team-fight but in reality they are not.

If they didn't get 2 aegis, free structure bonuses and snowballing, or our team-mate didn't go full yolo kill steal mode in the 1st place and feed 1 by 1 we will win this game easily, but in the end their team stupidity overpower our team stupidity cause they think buying divine vs solo kill item team is good idea~ Really the stupidity to buy 3 divine vs 2 dagon hero make me feel real wtf, what make him think he is owning us if not every time our team-mate let him fight with his ulti available by playing passively.

PS: This post is just to share some entertainment value like wtf dota video, I'm not really clueless, at least not in dota~
Too bad that these "DotA 2 9k MMR noobs" are world's best players fighting for milions of dollars on big tournaments and you or your "far superior" team mates play 1580 PSR games on Nevermind, this is just random comment.

I don't think you were lucky. You won because your enemy wasn't able to finish the game even tho, as you said, your teammates were going to get killed 1 by 1.

If they couldn't finish even tho they had everything they might need or want, they were just extremely bad.
You even said it yourself, let me show you:
in this game we were win by luck
I know the reason why we won al-right, it was because the opposite think they won the team-fight but in reality they are not.
their team stupidity overpower our team stupidity cause they think buying divine vs solo kill item team is good idea
See? No luck, their stupidity let you win the game.

This line

"That's why I don't need to watch the replay to know that they most likely pushed one lane, when it got to your base they just stood outside, watched you killing creeps and waiting for another wave.
They killed the new wave and watched you how you killed their wave.
After several awkward minutes of waiting they failed to initiate and died."

If they are that dumb to push they won't get divine, aegis and using this advantage get mega creep.

There will always be some portions of skill in strategy game, in this game it just in extremely small portion.

Cause IMO passively defense couldn't win you a game, or 90% lose rate if you let opponent get free farm and aegis a few time with at least 1 late game hero on their team. So yes I would say we are pretty lucky to win an 90% losing rate game, they could buy better item than a divine with sk but they chose to buy divine with 2 Dagon on opposite side.

Also there are peoples dreamt of becoming a gamer but there will be more of people will choose not to but to become doctor or other occupation instead, in reality it doesn't reflecting their gaming skill at all. But gamer like to live in fantasy world, so in your mind high MMR = higher skill, I get it.

DotA Discussion / Re: Anyone miss the old visage?Or it is just me?
« on: September 20, 2016, 14:04 »
1. Max dmg is at the center only, ofc. The spell itself still does dmg, unlike Choro. Plus Enigma can cast Midnight pulse (or just have Agha) to add extra dmg.

2. Void in Chrono still can get hurt. He can run, yes. He either use Time walk to get in right position to ulty or keeps it for escape. Or has to buy Dagger which counters your point that Void needs 0 gold, while Enigma needs over 2k.

3. I wouldn't say that Chrono is used just to initiate. Chrono takes some time to be cast, giving enemies a chance to blink away or make themselfs invulnerable (especially when you use Time walk to get to the place).
Timing is the key and waiting to cast Chrono, instead of initiating with it, can change the outcome of the battle.

Black Hole is perfect to initiate with if you can hit "the dangerous" heroes: disablers. You don't need to worry about bkb as Black Hole goes through.
Tower won't kill you in those 4 seconds and even if you die after good Black hole, your team should already be in significant advantage.

4. I always considered Void a carry and Enigma a support.
Main purpose of Enigma is to disable enemy team while your team wipes them out.
Carry Void, well, needs more than the blink dagger to do his part.

5. And stun can be countered by bkb.
Enigma with bkb is basically unstoppable and all the combos you mentioned works as well. Furthermore, there are more combos as Black Hole doesn't disable your allies and drags enemies closer together.

If I understand your statement correctly you are saying.

1. In 1v1, lv 6 void can easily deal 200 damage. In 5v5 black hole can be cancel. Chrono > Black hole

2. To cast ulti void need 0 gold, only to ESCAPE after he ulti he need dagger; while Enigma need bkb + dagger just to cast ulti. Chrono > blackhole. Also void ulti can use to save himself in some situation, enigma ulti cannot use for escape. Chrono > black hole

3. Tower will kill you, in lv 6 you had extremely slow walking speed and melee casting range of black hole. so in order to pull it off without dagger when you cast black hole you generally already 30% hp. Black hole can give you significant advantage for team-fight, so do Chrono. But chrono is easier to pull off, lower cd, harder to interrupt and so Chrono > black hole.

4. So you just pull out a support card. So this is how IF balancing game, because you are a "support" you need to be extremely weak and your skill had to be channelling effect and also 160 cd. Because void is  a "carry" he need to had un-cancelable Chrono and 60 sec cd. That is what I'm saying, you are unbalancing those hero by making some weak hero weaker and make some OP hero more OP. Carry void need 0 gold to do enigma part, but enigma need 20k gold to do void part (even with refresher Enigma ulti never reach 60 cd).

If making weak hero weaker and making OP hero far more OP is balancing the game yeah good job there~ Cannot be better.

5. Many hero can go though bkb, EG: vengeful ulti, beast master roar, bane ulti and etc. You should say bkb + linken +skillful player + Enigma is unstopable. But so do Skillful player + void. Chrono > blackhole.

visage is a shit hero, always has been
at times it was ok, never good

Just because you never learn that hero doesn't mean it was shitty, he used to had the current Mercurial 3rd skill before it was nerve (which is 28% damage reflecting,regardless of range and go through bkb).
You are a fucking random clueless insect, you have absolutely no idea about the game, you should not talk about it.

Human language please, random insect~ ???

DotA Discussion / Re: Beginner's luck? Stupidity infection?
« on: September 20, 2016, 13:10 »
You need to defend actively.

You have advantage of high ground, enemy can't see you up there + range heroes can miss. You also have tower helping you.

If enemy pushes, most of their creeps survive and you can easily last hit them in your base.

By this tactic you force enemy to do the first step, to attack you in your base, to initiate. One mistake and you kill 2 of them. This happens few times and you are no longer truly weaker.

Then they get Rapier and same mistake happens again.

I can imagine communication in this game so I'm pretty sure this is what happend.

Nope, just make sure you don't get out of base they are auto-win after 10 minutes by having the 100% map control (which mean all gold and exp sources on the map).

Pros just don't make mistake in finishing game, or team fight, your assumption is they will constant make mistake. In pros game team-fight initiation is the key to win, if your team always get initiate by butcher hook, chrono, echo stomp, jugg ulti etc the game is already end.

Not to mention aegis, camp stacking, tower pushing skill  and the structure gold bonuses they will get as bonuses advantages.

For me, hiding in base = 100% lose, at least it is how sk get 3 divine and 2 aegis in this game.
Ofc I assume they will make this mistake. And I assume they will repeat it several times.
Why? This wasn't pro game by far, this was 1580 PSR game.
That's why I don't need to watch the replay to know that they most likely pushed one lane, when it got to your base they just stood outside, watched you killing creeps and waiting for another wave.
They killed the new wave and watched you how you killed their wave.
After several awkward minutes of waiting they failed to initiate and died.

And the fact that they had whole map available in kinda irrelevant.

You are wrong, watch the replay instead, there is no way that kind of player get 3 divine on sk on 40 minutes, even if our team all buy kill-steal item.

I mean human can't be that stupid, even bot is not that stupid, you are exaggerating things.

Its DOTA mate anything can happen :) . By the name you can understand that its DEFEND of the Ancients.

Its DOTA mate anything can happen :) . By the name you can understand that its DEFEND of the Ancients.


If we play the game DEFEND of the ancient literally, did that mean we all do nothing but hide and chat in fountain and the game will automatically win?

No, we win the game by destroying opponent's throne.

You can try your DEFEND of the ancient method, I'm sure you are a good DotA player.  ???

Attack is the best Defense :)

Agreed, good offence is the best defend.

It is absolutely mind boggling how clueless you are, thread opener.

Player: leeking2005

    Player info
    Ladder stats
    Ladder games
    Custom games

Total ladder games:    132    Current PSR:    1585
Wins:    59 (44%)    Highest PSR:    1603
Loses:    62 (46%)    Kills / Deaths:    0.6
Draws:    11 (8%)    Assists / Deaths:    1.6
Observed games:    0    (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:    2.2
Left games:    0 (0%)
-EM games:    2 (1%)

You even have more fucking losses than wins, on such an unbelievably shitty low skill server, and you think you have a clue how this game works ?

You're not supposed to sit in your fountain for 10 minutes and do nothing you monkey, you're supposed to have a TP ready to defend the base as 5 when they are clearly trying to push it and in the meantime farm the map where no enemy is near you, defending the high ground properly would cause you to have 100% win rate on this shit server, because none of you idiots have any clue how to break the base, you think if you are leading by 1 or 10 kills you have enough of an advantage to break the enemy base while all your enemies are alive, in reality whoever does that is throwing the game ( may not even be throwing, just because you lead in kills doesn't mean you lead in the game ) and should just all die at that moment, but you're all fucking clueless.

I give a rating of stupidity of 10, not just for your enemies but for all of your allies and you as well, because none of you have any clue about the real reason why you won or lost, it just happened due to beginner's luck according to you. Completely clueless.

That is where you are wrong, and you always were.

I had been playing in US west BattleNet server from 5.84c-6.12 for around 3 years. I had join more than 200 games on "pros only room" (if you played on battle net that time you know what it is) in MY/SG/US and other regions in the mean time and follow countless change-log.

I can tell you honestly in that time the players are far more superior than nowaday dota 2 9k MMR noobs. Also in this game we were win by luck, you just didn't watch the replay, that add on toward the point of how clueless you were when you state you statement. I can tell by

1. I never build kill steal item so it is not possible I leading kill with 2 dagon combo hero.
2. It is not my decision to hide in base and let them get aegis and after that 1st, 2nd and 3rd divine.
3. I don't think my team-mate is low skill, they just purposely throwing, stalling for late game  and going FULL YOLO mode for some reason.

I know the reason why we won al-right, it was because the opposite think they won the team-fight but in reality they are not.

If they didn't get 2 aegis, free structure bonuses and snowballing, or our team-mate didn't go full yolo kill steal mode in the 1st place and feed 1 by 1 we will win this game easily, but in the end their team stupidity overpower our team stupidity cause they think buying divine vs solo kill item team is good idea~ Really the stupidity to buy 3 divine vs 2 dagon hero make me feel real wtf, what make him think he is owning us if not every time our team-mate let him fight with his ulti available by playing passively.

PS: This post is just to share some entertainment value like wtf dota video, I'm not really clueless, at least not in dota~

DotA Discussion / Re: Beginner's luck? Stupidity infection?
« on: September 20, 2016, 00:00 »
Its DOTA mate anything can happen :) . By the name you can understand that its DEFEND of the Ancients.

Its DOTA mate anything can happen :) . By the name you can understand that its DEFEND of the Ancients.


If we play the game DEFEND of the ancient literally, did that mean we all do nothing but hide and chat in fountain and the game will automatically win?

No, we win the game by destroying opponent's throne.

You can try your DEFEND of the ancient method, I'm sure you are a good DotA player.  ???

DotA Discussion / Re: Beginner's luck? Stupidity infection?
« on: September 19, 2016, 23:42 »
You need to defend actively.

You have advantage of high ground, enemy can't see you up there + range heroes can miss. You also have tower helping you.

If enemy pushes, most of their creeps survive and you can easily last hit them in your base.

By this tactic you force enemy to do the first step, to attack you in your base, to initiate. One mistake and you kill 2 of them. This happens few times and you are no longer truly weaker.

Then they get Rapier and same mistake happens again.

I can imagine communication in this game so I'm pretty sure this is what happend.

Nope, just make sure you don't get out of base they are auto-win after 10 minutes by having the 100% map control (which mean all gold and exp sources on the map).

Pros just don't make mistake in finishing game, or team fight, your assumption is they will constant make mistake. In pros game team-fight initiation is the key to win, if your team always get initiate by butcher hook, chrono, echo stomp, jugg ulti etc the game is already end.

Not to mention aegis, camp stacking, tower pushing skill  and the structure gold bonuses they will get as bonuses advantages.

For me, hiding in base = 100% lose, at least it is how sk get 3 divine and 2 aegis in this game.

DotA Discussion / Re: Anyone miss the old visage?Or it is just me?
« on: September 19, 2016, 23:26 »
Guinsoo collected most of the DotA maps available by that time (no main developer, non protected map) and merged them into DotA AllStars, added new stuff, recipes, Roshan and more.

I know there were more ppl around but w/e.

Guinsoo was literally known for bad balancing tries!

Well, you can say he maybe did some good decisions between 5.84 and 6.12, yet he was there from 3.xx version.

Still, IceFrog did the balancing thing after he took over the map.

Later IceFrog went a different way and made the game somehow faster, boosting some heroes and nerfing others. Yet still, it was IceFrog who balanced the game.

How can you say that, if I understand you correctly, that Chrosphere is stronger version of Black Hole?

If you want to compare these 2 skill, we can.

Chrono does 0 dmg while Black Hole up to 600 to each affected hero.

In Chrono, only 1 affected hero can act. One of ten. In Black hole, any Enigma's allies can act.

Chrono has cooldown of 110 seconds, 60 with Agha.
Black hole with agha does extra dmg of Midnight Pulse at current level.

Chronosphere, as you said, can't be canceled but Void can be stunned or disabled as well, making Chronosphere useless same as when Black hole gets interrupted.

Void doesn't need blink dagger to cast good Chrono but he does need gold to do some damage.
Enigma needs blink dagger to cast good Black hole and does not need any other items.

This being said, shows that Black Hole is more powerfull or usefull than Chrono. Thus nerfed by having longer cd.
It isn't absurd.

I would add one thing, Black Hole was once improved - when it stopped damaging allies.

1. Black hole only doing 200/400/600 damage if enemy are in the center of the black hole (i remember the further you are from center less damage dealt to you, not sure on latest version though) AND the black hole was uninterrupted. Those damage was insignificant on lv 6 and lv 11 (not to mention late game) if you channelling your ulti only 50% or 75% of the ulti duration.

2. You had to stand there and not be able to save your self from range attack, stun and other damage source. Void can easily escape after he cast the chrono. Also void can freely deal attack after he is chrono but enigma had to doing the insignificant damage of black hole, the different may not sound that bad in early game, but it do scale up in huge different after 30 minutes of the game.

3. Anyone know that the correct way of using Chrono is not when the team-fight took place, but to initiate the team-fight by stunning the tower with 2/3 enemies (Or cutting the enemy back line). Black hole usually cannot use to initiate cause you had to use your allies to bait out some of the go through bkb stun, enigma had very low armor + black hole didn't stun tower + enigma walk very slow so it will not be a good idea.

4. I don't wanna go into the detail of survivability, mobility, defensive skill, cast range, turn rate, and etc stat between void and enigma, you just need to know void is less gold dependant and had far more powerful ulti.

5. Both ulti can be counter by stun, but in void ulti case the stun doesn't cancel chrono effect, it only cancel THE DAMAGE DEAL BY VOID in chrono. We all know in order to save someone on chrono is not to stun void, it is to stun the void's combo partner. Void only deal single targeted damage in early game, but void+any decent aoe damage dealer can easily triple kill in lv 6. For example faceless + elder titan, infamous void+ witch doctor, void + invoker  etc ... ... It just too many combo to mention, good luck in stunning void + elder titan + jakiro + zeus to "cancel" the Chrono. In enigma case stun him cancel both the damage and effect of black hole, that why it is call channelling effect. Chrono cannot be interrupt, even void get kill, that why it was not channelling effect ... ... I feel like i'm repeating my self way too much already~

Thus being said, in 1 v 1 game both ulti is more or less the same (late game void will deal much more than 400/600 damage though), not in 5v5 game (why not make wd ulti not channelling effect), please don't even discriminating my IQ by saying black hole > Chrono. I don't even think you mean it if your last reply wasn't so damn long.

PS: It is this kind of retarded balancing that leave me wonder IF is balancing the game or unbalancing the game, 160 vs 60 sec ulti, and aghaim adding midnight pulse which is ALSO F****** channelling effect. This kind of balancing is beyond godlike.

DotA Discussion / Beginner's luck? Stupidity infection?
« on: September 19, 2016, 21:00 »;sa=game;gid=5967515

It was a typical boring wtf game initially, bunch of noobs players all focusing on kill-steal item, then go YOLO mode and feed 1 by 1.

Then suddenly without warning, they all just starting to claim we lose the game and kept stating we should defend in our base and let the opposite team take all the farming resource on DotA map...

I failed to see how passively defending gonna win us the game instead of cost us a game with our full early game heroes lineup and noobs item build, but I can do nothing with all those noob decision.

After we lost a few team fights and buildings in base due passively defend (I fail to see how to carry them if I can't even converting creep in forest as enchantress), suddenly we won the game by picking up item on ground...

Please see the game replay and tell me how I won the game, I was like lol how can passively defend like noobs and hide in base without farming can win you a game?

Also I don't know why they claiming we lost the game in middle stage, we are almost pushing up until their throne until they go all full YOLO mode.

If you was demanded to give a rating for stupidity, please rate this game from 1-10.

DotA Discussion / Re: Anyone miss the old visage?Or it is just me?
« on: September 19, 2016, 16:18 »
Yes, until 6.12. In other words, until IceFrog got in charge, it was still old (probably Guisoo's) hero.

And that is my point. Guinsoo was collecting and introducing new stuff while IceFrog was focusing on balacing.

You can find more heroes or skills that got nerfed a lot.
I could complain that Void used to have global 2.5 seconds long stun that affected building as well.
Now the spell has 425 radius while it used to affect area of 15000 x 15000 units. Lame ability, isn't it?

Not really, I think the opposite for what IF and Guinsoo's impact to Dota. I would say Guinsoo is balancing the game a lot (5.84 to 6.12) but IF is making huge changes and unbalancing many hero for far too many heroes to describe in single thread.

For an example we take the skill black-hole (which is the longest cd in dota 2), if you know how to play enigma you know how powerful this skill used to be. But IF just think that black-hole was OP and the stronger version of black hole (Chrono Sphere) should be 60 seconds cd.

What do you think if you saw cancel-able 4 sec stun consider far more op than un-cancel-able 5 sec stun? That is just absurd like saying Witch doctor, pugna or pheonix ulti should be nerve cause it deal too many damage if uninterrupted. Faceless with 0 net worth can easily land a 2+ enemies Chrono than an Enigma with 2000 networth (with dagger of escape).

Also, I would say globally stun 2.5 is < 5 sec aoe stun in this case.

For 2.5 seconds you can't do much for the time being stun, but with 4/4.5/5 sec stun triple kill in early game is guaranteed if you combo void properly with many other heroes (if you live in the version until 6.12 you know how many golden combo can form with void). It was the hardest combo to break even now a day cause there is just 2 many combo possibly which can guarantee kill in 5 seconds.

For me IF didn't do balancing very well, it just make some hero extremely broken and some extremely OP. The most contributing things IF ever do was inventing those new item. But again, every changelog it makes the game more and more unbalance.

And that all just a tip in the iceberg, if I want to going explain every unwise change-log it could make a bible, literally.

I didnt play back then, but ive heard about A milion things In the older versions of dota, A lot of which were unbalanced/overpowered. To play visage properly, u have to use familiars well, and micro ur hero in the meantime, a task too difficult for most dota players. The hero itself is nice, nerfed quite A bit recently tho, so it aint really played A lot.

And you think a players start with Visage and Chen in Dota 1 don't know how to micro without script?

Obviously I'm talking about how broken the skill visage had even with perfect micro managing.

Think about meepo, you think no one can master meepo in Dota 1? I'm not say Meepo is weak but he just too easy to counter so it will not winning a game with pro, and Visage like only had 10% of Meepo damage output, 30% of meepo survivability and 30% of Meepo control.

New visage is like a pure food in most of the heroes pick and players' mind. Stop kidding yourself and try to actually read my post.

I'm welcoming reasoning but there are a lot of hero need extensively micro managing(Chen, Brood, Beast master,enchantress, meepo, old undying etc), no one as broken as new visage.

DotA Discussion / Re: Anyone miss the old visage?Or it is just me?
« on: September 14, 2016, 16:50 »
visage is a shit hero, always has been
at times it was ok, never good

Just because you never learn that hero doesn't mean it was shitty, he used to had the current Mercurial 3rd skill before it was nerve (which is 28% damage reflecting,regardless of range and go through bkb).

i didnt play 5.84c version, and i dont know how old visage looks, but visage in nowadays is good for me.
Maybe lot of players wont to play with him because they are afraid of failure with that hero and if they played once and lose that game, they wont play with him anymore because they are thinking he is stupid, but actually they didnt understand skills and abilites of visage.
Btw. most players will play with slark, legi, tiny... because its easy to win not to have fun...
im good with visage, i have been playing with him about 3-4 times and i learned that he is good hero, just need to learn his spells and movement of that hero.
It's my oppinion :)

They wont pick visage is not because they afraid of failure, but because it had broken skill and unfair to his team-mate by picking this rubbish.

A single attack hero with low hp, low movespeed, low base armor, low base magic resistant, broken defensive skill, broken ultimate, no farming ability, no disable, ...etc doesn't make it a fun hero, nor a creative one, it just make it broken hero.

Old visage was imba, he was a walking fountain, and if I recall correctly autobanned in competitive leagues :)

That can be help, Mercurial, faceless, invoker and a tons of heroes was very op when they were 1st introduced.

I'm just saying why change it to the current broken state of visage? I see nothing wrong with old visage 1st, 2nd  and ultimate skill, just his 3rd skill (which had been nerved and stolen by Mercurial currently) need some amendment. If they decided to make a broken hero with completely retarded skillset they might just delete this heroes.

I remember when all heroes used to have 30 base dmg.

Now they all have 40+ except Techies. Very unfair for Tech.

All heroes faced some changes from 5.84 to today's 6.88.
Some changes were smaller, some were role changing.

You are also comparing Guinsoon's hero with IceFrog's. Their vision was very different.

it is not that old, until 6.12b visage is still old visage, just his 1st skill from 40% became 28%, 2nd skill changed a little and 3rd skill became aoe heal instead of aoe damage. I'm not really a fan of 5.84c myself cause it still had many broken heroes and item back then, 6.0x is the best when it still be able to purchase aegis and divine.

DotA Discussion / Anyone miss the old visage?Or it is just me?
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:30 »
I'm a dota player since 5.84c and had been playing this game on and off until today version. For me, the most unreasoning thing I've been encounter in this game is the complete skill set changing of visage.

They literally make a good summoner hero became a rubbish, and the reason behind it was beyond my wildest imagination. It used to be a great heroes that was unique and hard to master like Chen, now is just like another badly nerve hero that no one would pick in ap, rd or sd mode.

Let briefly talk about the new visage skill.

Grave chill - badly nerve since now only last for 3/4/5/6 and cding for 16/14/12/10 (it used to be debuff lasting for 10 sec on opponent and self buff lasting for 15 on visage with 23 sec cooldown) it is now a completely useless skill because it took roughly 1 sec for animation casting. You can get the idea how useless is it when you compare his core disable skill with dazzle 1st skill or spectra 1st skill.

Soul Assumption - probably his ulti in new version visage, only skill providing damage output bud sadly it was a passive skill with active usage which make it too hard to use if enemy timing their disable or saving skill correctly.(Old visage soul assumption used to be adding 40 attack to rightlick damage and healing 40 hp per attack)

Gravekeeper cloak - the most useless defensive skill in dota history (I used to thought radiance can perfectly counter this defensive skill, then i realize that urn of shadow can make this skill a shit, finally someone tell me orb of venom work as well... really ?! this shit worth 4 skill points? You cant just steal TA defensive skill, nerf it 70% and throw this shit to Visage) it used to be only passive skill of visage , with 28% damage reduction and deal the damage to aoe opponent hero.

Summon familiar - Arguably the most useless ulti on dota history, 160 cd to summon 2 66/108/164 damage familier, but it attack can only be use every 30 sec and it will be destroying by hero in 3 hit. So if you decide to farm neutral you can farm 2 creep at every 30 sec, thats how good the ulti of his hero. I found that in lv 1 ulti you literally need 1 minutes to farm 1 unstacked camp in forest (they literally just taking Karl's forged spirit and nerf it 70% and make it become visage ulti, or you can say it is taken from Chen 3rd skill and nerfed 70% as well). I found that i'm amazed how they replacing the armies of familier with this 2 complicate familiar wannabe and claiming it was original.
It is not that hard to figure out why this ulti is so useless, long cd so it cannot be use to farm and easy to kill plus give 150 gold per familiar so it is useless in killing. In old visage it used to be able to summoning 5/6/7 familiar with 15/25/35 attack, and 0 cd plus the familiar would give like 20 gold.

Visage and Chen were 1st batch of heroes I'm learning in 5.84c, but I don't think anyone would like to use Visage nowaday because of how broken it became. Please correct me if im wrong~

Ban Requests / Ban request cosm0sis
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:52 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
 insulting / intentional feeding  / family related flame /

4: When was the Rule Broken?
20:21   cosm0sis   [Allies]   i fuck your sistetr
20:23   cosm0sis   [Allies]   in ass
20:29   cosm0sis   [Allies]   so her pussy can wet
20:44   cosm0sis   [Allies]   fucking stupid invoker
29:13   cosm0sis   [Allies]   i will fuck your sister
29:16   cosm0sis   [Allies]   from now on

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
Laning with sk and sniper, intentional feeding by purposely saving skill, then blaming other lane for not support, blaming other hero item, blaming other players relative etc.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=5964468

Ban Requests / Ban request cosm0sis
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:24 »;sa=game;gid=5964468

In my 9 years of dota experiences I never saw mirana feed sk so hard.

With stun, blink and invisible it just not possible.

Must be PSR feeder troll

DotA Discussion / Re: DotA Facts
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:29 »
Probably everyone not a beginner know these by now.

Diffusal blade dispel Omni repel, guardian angel and dust effect.

Necronomicon level 3 warrior can damage Rasta through Last will when kill by his mass serpent ward.

DotA Discussion / Re: this game must be watched!
« on: September 08, 2016, 16:44 »
i will not give link of the game because you must dont know which team is winner . Really very suprising ending.
verry funny , good moves , hard  and long game i think you guys will be fun when watching . i want to hear your feedback about game .
I doubt it, so I took a look at the stats and confirmed my doubts.;sa=game;gid=5924827
so what do the stats tell me:

everyone in this game is very bad, dying 12 times or more each, very bad understanding of positioning on both sides

based on lineups sentinel have like 80% to win, very bad lineup on scourge compared to sentinel, scourge's only fucking stun is a wd cask.

now what do the items tell me:

jug lothar instead of dagger, no finished abyssal in 80 minute game, no bkb in 80 minute game, no evasion. very bad

sf no attackspeed, no evasion. no damage either. very bad

ogre correct items, which is surprising considering he's rayallen

lesh lothar instead of dagger, no bkb in 80 minute game, no armor/evasion vs PA. very bad

tide blademail instead of force staff or some other utility item or halberd. very bad

PA no mkb in 80 minute game would normally be horrible, but apparently no one on the other team has any idea of the importance of evasion, so no mkb in 80 minute game suddenly not as important as it would be normally if against players with a brain, however no finished abyssal in 80 minute game, no finished satanic in 80 minute game. very bad

omni absolutely fucking ridiculously bad items, i have no idea what this kid thinks he's doing, i don't even have the patience to say all the wrong things about him cuz there are too many, just a clueless player
his items should be like dagger force halberd vlads cuirass and he has none of them, just clueless

your items were good except for the aghs, it's a very small increase in damage for 4200 gold and an occupied slot, an early veil would do overall more damage in fights if you get to use your spells more than once and it would help you far more early and you can sell it later for a heart, with a heart you could've afforded to bait them into using their spells and time on you and you would make more room for your carry to do damage while still surviving most likely, heart+forcestaff would've been a far better combination of items than aghs+dagger and overall almost same money spent on them, the wasted slot of the aghs and the implications of wasting your time getting it probably in the early-midgame when you could've gotten something better like force or veil are very important and if the game was close near the end as you say, then you can be certain you would've won if you went for veil/force instead of aghs

wd disconnected, but his items are locked as they were before he left, so he didnt have a dagger in a 60 minute game, very very bad, dagger is very important on heroes that have such great ulties as wd so u can just blink in some trees where they dont see u and cast it for full duration in some big fight

pugna correct items, but bad pick, again, sentinel had far better picks
way too many deaths on everyone, especially on the cores

overall in case you're interested of a dota 2 comparison, if this game were a ranked dota 2 game, the level of play of this game is between high 3k - low 4k mmr i guess, but i can't say for sure because i've never been at that low mmr, it could be less but i don't know, probably not less

edit: also, in case you guys don't know, 99% of the dota 2 players are below 4k mmr, which means you guys are better than some 13-14 millions of dota 2 players

however, if you substitute a 5k player in one of the teams in this game on a core hero, he would crush all of you by himself and win the game if his team didn't feed far more than the enemy team while having at most 5 deaths
if you substitute a 6k player in one of the teams in this game on a core hero, he would humiliate all of you by himself and win the game on his own no matter how hard his team fed while having at most 3 deaths or so
if you substitute a 7k player in one of the teams in this game on a core hero, he would humiliate all of you by himself and win the game on his own no matter how hard his team fed while having 0 deaths
if you substitute a 8k player in one of the teams in this game on a core hero, same as above but he would win like 30 minutes earlier than the 7k guy

in short, the difference is immense between a sub-4k player and a 5k+ player, the difference in lvl of play is higher from 4k to 5k than from 0k to 4k

so i guess moral of the story is you guys can say you're better than millions of dota players and be happy, or you can say you are extremely bad players and the amusement of 5k+ players which could win against you while alttabbing whole game and barely dying/not dying at all

i guess that's all

1st of all, you must be kidding when you said sentinal had better lineup, PA + OMNI is golden combo without counter pick or counter item (diffusa). Repel + guardian angel for pa is just kill guarantee in early game, obviously you never saw PA get 20 kill before even lv 11 with this golden combo. This is probably the oldest combo pick in dota history.

2ndly lothar is better than dagger for jugg in this game, cause lothar > silver edge can cancel passive, so it will be able to cancel omni slow or pa miss. Although i think diffusa is the best item given the opposite lineup.

3rdly Tide blademail is ok because it counter zeus and + armor which make him more tanky with his damage reduction passive.

4rdly omni is not that easy to farming gold

Lastly Pugna do had impact in this game if he build his item correctly, his ward can counter leshrac and orge maggi cause their skill use absurd amount of mana. By buying dagon as his 1st item he can combo his decryp + dagon + maledict which can deal insane damage comparable to wd full length ulti. Also he can buy necromicon book level 3 to counter jugg ulti along with his decryp skill.

I can't check the replay since it is obviously downed but my guess the losing cause is pa + omni + zues are noob player, it reflected in their item and also zeus's creep kill. I would say wd is a solid player cause he get good item with such low creep kill.

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