Player: hand0fking

Player Name: hand0fking Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 573
Ladder games: 573 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has 1 warn points.
Player was warned by [bestslayerplay] on [06-10-2022 23:09:59] with reason [Afking] in game [SD +1].
Total ladder games: 573 Current PSR: 1634
Wins: 63 (10%) Highest PSR: 1635
Loses: 56 (9%) Kills / Deaths: 1
Draws: 16 (2%) Assists / Deaths: 1.8
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 2.8
Left games: 3 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 8.6 Kills: 1029
Average deaths: 8.7 Deaths: 1032
Average assists: 15.9 Assists: 1891
Average creep kills: 125.1 Creep kills: 14887
Average creep denies: 9.5 Creep denies: 1135
Average neutral kills: 26.5 Neutral kills: 3153
Average tower kills: 0.6 Tower kills: 69
Average rax kills: 0.3 Rax kills: 35
Total ladder games: 573
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
23-04-2024 23:50:27 AP +1 go PUB Faerie Dragon 1634 | +1 10 10 18 194 12 32 WON
23-04-2024 22:52:57 sd 9/10 PUB Witch Doctor 1633 | +3 22 11 12 171 20 11 WON
22-04-2024 19:52:38 AP +1 PUB Shadow Demon 1630 | -5 6 4 5 0 0 0 LOST
22-04-2024 19:16:21 AP +1 rly fast PUB Lord of Olympus 1635 | +8 7 5 23 89 18 23 WON
19-04-2024 19:58:39 SD LAST PUB Axe 1627 | -7 1 11 7 104 2 80 LOST
18-04-2024 21:28:36 SD #1 PUB empty 1634 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
18-04-2024 21:23:16 Ap +1 PUB Tuskarr 1634 | +7 12 8 24 0 0 0 WON
18-04-2024 19:52:47 AP +1 PUB Lord of Avernus 1627 | +7 5 6 21 0 0 0 WON
15-04-2024 19:28:46 Ap +1 PUB Faerie Dragon 1620 | -6 8 8 18 122 8 2 LOST
14-04-2024 00:49:28 Ap +2 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1626 | +9 22 7 12 137 11 9 WON
13-04-2024 22:32:23 AP +3 PUB Lord of Olympus 1617 | +8 15 9 25 121 10 16 WON
13-04-2024 21:36:48 AP + + + #2 PUB Centaur Warchief 1609 | +10 3 3 9 162 9 99 WON
13-04-2024 20:55:51 Ap+ 2 PUB Sacred Warrior 1599 | -8 4 11 3 80 9 5 LOST
13-04-2024 20:04:30 SD LAST PUB Storm Spirit 1607 | -10 7 9 9 117 11 26 LOST
12-04-2024 22:31:46 SD +1 PUB Sand King 1617 | +12 6 6 15 202 2 92 WON
12-04-2024 21:48:14 SD // + 9/10 #4 PUB Ogre Magi 1605 | +12 14 9 25 74 12 12 WON
12-04-2024 20:45:30 AP + + 3 #2 PUB Lich 1593 | +12 11 12 32 85 9 15 WON
12-04-2024 19:50:05 AP + 1 LAST #2 PUB empty 1581 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
12-04-2024 19:36:07 AP + 1 LAST #1 PUB Butcher 1581 | +10 3 4 14 58 9 5 WON
12-04-2024 18:33:34 SD ++++ PUB Twin Head Dragon 1571 | +15 4 3 16 0 0 0 WON
12-04-2024 17:54:58 SD 8/10 #5 PUB Butcher 1556 | +0 1 1 1 0 0 0 DRAW
09-04-2024 21:28:32 AP +1 PUB Butcher 1556 | +16 12 11 20 164 4 21 WON
09-04-2024 20:23:39 SD PRO GAME #5 PUB Nerubian Assassin 1540 | -11 2 10 17 65 14 5 LOST
08-04-2024 22:07:49 ap 10/10 PUB Axe 1551 | -10 7 15 9 145 7 56 LOST
08-04-2024 19:59:52 SD // 1550 -- 8/10 #6 PUB Centaur Warchief 1561 | +14 6 1 26 239 18 33 WON
08-04-2024 00:21:33 AP 9/10 PUB Faerie Dragon 1547 | -14 9 19 14 129 8 25 LOST
07-04-2024 23:32:21 AP 9/10 #1 PUB Centaur Warchief 1561 | +13 11 6 22 0 0 0 WON
07-04-2024 00:15:58 AP 9/10 PUB Earthshaker 1548 | -13 3 15 15 106 5 6 LOST
06-04-2024 23:22:46 SD RMKK PUB Dwarven Sniper 1561 | +12 16 10 17 335 41 75 WON
06-04-2024 21:57:40 Ap + 1 #2 PUB empty 1549 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW

Player hasn't played any custom games.