Game: aa

Game Name: aa Game Type: Custom Game
Game State: PUB Creator: ysneac
Date: 01-09-2022 16:59:34 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 01:09 Game duration: 54:50
Map: Maps\Download\twrpgv0.61r_eng.w3x
Player Left at Reason
Team 0
54:28 has left the game voluntarily
54:23 has left the game voluntarily
54:23 has left the game voluntarily
54:46 has left the game voluntarily
17:33 has left the game voluntarily
54:50 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:02 lunahime has joined the game.
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [lunahime :].
00:20 MrNabi_ has joined the game.
00:20 Spoof check accepted for [MrNabi_ :].
00:20 Spoof check accepted for [MrNabi_ :].
00:24 Ysneac has joined the game.
00:24 Spoof check accepted for [Ysneac :].
00:24 Spoof check accepted for [Ysneac :].
00:26 MBDKK#1111 has joined the game.
00:26 Spoof check accepted for [MBDKK#1111 :].
00:26 Spoof check accepted for [MBDKK#1111 :].
00:33 Ysneac .swap 2 8
00:41 Yufura2020 has joined the game.
00:41 Spoof check accepted for [Yufura2020 :].
00:41 Spoof check accepted for [Yufura2020 :].
00:49 Positardo#0017 has joined the game.
00:49 Spoof check accepted for [Positardo#0017 :].
00:49 Spoof check accepted for [Positardo#0017 :].
00:58 Ysneac .start
00:58 Players not yet pinged 3 times: Positardo#0017
00:59 Ysneac .ping
00:59 lunahime: 137ms, Yufura2020: 68ms, Positardo#0017: 63ms, MrNabi_: 58ms, Ysneac: 54ms, MBDKK#1111: 45ms
01:03 Ysneac .start
01:03 10. . .
01:04 9. . .
01:04 8. . .
01:05 7. . .
01:06 6. . .
01:06 5. . .
01:07 4. . .
01:07 3. . .
01:08 2. . .
01:08 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] Longest load by player [MBDKK#1111] was 64.51 seconds.
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:06 Yufura2020 [Allies] -load vyi%?AuFq1BnCS7QFEk5CMfYrQ9cp4mrKD#SWokzcHd0DBiE9n6YWxhgtfbx09pTRRYPaXNiF69x6rabSOgruz@uuuln2Eqa?5kFZbKWUtLlPZ
00:06 Ysneac [Allies] -load bsO1AZ1K&P&sUbQFF?D&yR
00:08 MrNabi_ [Allies] -load fKbaa&U93EZH2WwpXuuZMqdQA1Qtre#oqM8Mu9c
00:08 MrNabi_ [Allies] -load xA?nmG4GzHmE6yu5srZLjdx$Yf4bROuumk5VeSDA5g%g5PzYteHdUB4$AieNcSO0SErQAG&Lbre4m2Ltj&QqmzRb2OAov8tvapMbYpoNja03QHsFMg
00:08 MrNabi_ [Allies] -refresh
00:09 Ysneac [Allies] -load ufg4lutGA#VSK8CjFtqAyYxU2U8xVFhmyZtHCVOXq$nW5MNRoqdDK&DYlR&BASE2BeAKuluXt0XNN@KDDQs$GyqlhZNX1?mZTSbiL1@53z
00:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -angle 34
00:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -convert PositiveOne
00:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -load KhCLSQi2V8Ft30O$F
00:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -load z02FpMzMKptdvgfjYiBsZ%vQ6hMWZ0wf1RTu0HNRuRz379YPKU1CWj&mkX963PB$pY58ebVKqZTx5uvwBpudth&5yW@a?PpO@lrGqxU$sNQHXOd
00:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -load h6GgOwfFvtrwWzZXuhKiQi75G#KWYZ%hbez2FlD$%5sQVqftnk@Ahw7uacYTqorUXF7kUk$xabhzF#DqvcVL4Cal#mOK9&w1&%?OeYb@
00:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -refresh
00:35 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] -convert Mohammed_Hossny
00:35 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] -load V&Y&29ORdw7@4?L6SeDMW8iyn?fD&weQDd5bViD
00:35 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] -load 7DK9XzQ5UiObx8?h3@u5?Ug1oBa#1UC3%9#TlsfvduMDaa0aCkqTq@@ywbKkB7fUV3C0O7$f%rp4jFGfi5zA2tqk#?@QLFHeB9P7c
00:35 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] -refresh
01:05 lunahime [Allies] -load mQF$Ypcqr8LUw4lXBCsvws?zh#zPxKD9@b&
01:06 lunahime [Allies] -load BWTi4msuFGtqhb&wR$sHuEp941&jeAwpy?qtYB5cp1U@9Zs3KGaLnB5zMUM3nxa39rlsOjDAsm29OKT8zheHHCEzB?svQgZR6jEE
01:14 Ysneac [Allies] make your wish
01:16 Ysneac [Allies] im waiting
01:34 lunahime [Allies] ty
02:36 Positardo#0017 [Allies] i last run
02:42 Ysneac [Allies] okay
02:48 MrNabi_ [Allies] okey
02:52 MrNabi_ [Allies] gz
02:52 Ysneac [Allies] gz
02:54 Ysneac [Allies] xd
02:58 Positardo#0017 [Allies] easy!
02:58 MrNabi_ [Allies] В
02:58 lunahime [Allies] xd
02:59 MrNabi_ [All] D
02:59 Yufura2020 [Allies] gz!
03:02 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] gz
03:34 Ysneac [Allies] how is thunderer in end game?
03:43 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -save AltMA
03:46 Yufura2020 [Allies] idk
03:46 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
03:55 Yufura2020 [Allies] i am quite newby one
04:18 Ysneac [Allies] actually i was asking positiveone xd
04:31 MrNabi_ [Allies] сори
04:33 MrNabi_ [Allies] sory
04:48 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] im stuck xD
04:58 Positardo#0017 [Allies] mid
05:00 Ysneac [Allies] hold them
05:46 lunahime [Allies] pepega
06:06 MrNabi_ [Allies] sory my bad
06:10 Positardo#0017 [Allies] gg))0
06:20 Ysneac [Allies] its okay :)
06:27 Ysneac [Allies] -r
06:49 Yufura2020 [Allies] -r
06:51 Ysneac [Allies] -rf
06:54 Yufura2020 [Allies] -rf
07:00 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
07:13 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Aya >> Nameless Arts(F) | Cooldown: 37
07:13 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Aya >> Nameless Arts(F) | Cooldown: 37
07:13 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Aya >> Nameless Arts(F) | Cooldown: 37
09:27 Ysneac [Allies] -recipe storm
10:18 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] xf
10:19 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] xd
10:42 Ysneac [Allies] orbs
10:43 MrNabi_ [Allies] -agi 597
10:46 MrNabi_ [Allies] -agi 100
12:03 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] x
12:03 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] x
12:57 MrNabi_ [Allies] omg
12:58 MBDKK#1111 [All] gz
12:58 Yufura2020 [Allies] wow
12:58 MrNabi_ [Allies] gz
13:00 Ysneac [Allies] gz
13:04 lunahime [Allies] thx
13:07 lunahime [Allies] -save fm
15:02 MrNabi_ [Allies] ;d
15:35 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Luna
15:36 Positardo#0017 [Allies] come
15:37 Positardo#0017 [Allies] .p
15:37 [All] MrNabi_ has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
15:37 MrNabi_ [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (343 seconds remain).
15:37 [All] Player [MrNabi_] reconnected with GProxy++!
15:37 Positardo#0017 [Allies] .f
15:48 lunahime [Allies] where
15:50 lunahime [Allies] xd
15:57 Positardo#0017 [Allies] :DDDD
15:58 lunahime [Allies] xd
16:04 Ysneac [Allies] .ping
16:04 [All] MrNabi_: 1187ms, lunahime: 131ms, Yufura2020: 72ms, MBDKK#1111: 48ms, Ysneac: 46ms, Positardo#0017: 18ms
16:07 Positardo#0017 [Allies] slap
16:09 Positardo#0017 [Allies] :))0
16:25 lunahime [Allies] got kicked :c
16:34 Positardo#0017 [Allies] loved
16:34 MrNabi_ [Allies] .p
17:28 MrNabi_ [Allies] -save her
17:30 Positardo#0017 [Allies] ggs
17:31 Positardo#0017 [Allies] guys
17:31 MrNabi_ [Allies] -rf
17:33 MrNabi_ [Allies] gl
17:33 [All] Ysneac has left the game voluntarily.
17:35 Positardo#0017 [Allies] ty host <3
17:36 lunahime [Allies] gg ty
17:39 Yufura2020 [Allies] ty!
17:43 Yufura2020 [Allies] -r
17:49 lunahime [Allies] -save fm
18:06 Yufura2020 [Allies] are you going to farm any other bosses?
18:22 MrNabi_ [Allies] aza
18:23 MrNabi_ [Allies] ты помер
18:24 Positardo#0017 [Allies] mb
18:34 lunahime [Allies] ring of time or seal of deceiver
18:34 Yufura2020 [Allies] да знаю,ща мне позвонили
18:35 lunahime [Allies] ??
18:46 lunahime [Allies] -recipe seal of deceiver
18:50 MrNabi_ [Allies] idk
18:51 MrNabi_ [Allies] xd
19:04 Positardo#0017 [Allies] .p
19:05 Positardo#0017 [Allies] .f
19:36 Yufura2020 [Allies] are we going to samuel??
19:46 Positardo#0017 [Allies] о
19:47 lunahime [Allies] yes
19:47 Positardo#0017 [Allies] ij
19:48 Positardo#0017 [Allies] шо
19:50 Yufura2020 [Allies] oh ok
19:57 Positardo#0017 [Allies] come?
21:03 Positardo#0017 [Allies] .p
21:38 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] OMG
21:38 lunahime [Allies] xd
21:39 Positardo#0017 [Allies] :D
21:44 MrNabi_ [Allies] .p
22:15 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
22:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] sd?
22:23 lunahime [Allies] -r
22:27 lunahime [Allies] why not
22:28 lunahime [Allies] :D
22:32 Yufura2020 [Allies] why not))
22:43 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
22:44 Yufura2020 [Allies] and could we farm bd?
22:56 Positardo#0017 [Allies] play footboll
22:58 Positardo#0017 [Allies] :))
24:49 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -save AltMA
24:52 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
24:54 [All] MrNabi_ has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
24:54 MrNabi_ [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (346 seconds remain).
24:54 [All] Player [MrNabi_] reconnected with GProxy++!
25:55 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] lag
25:56 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] nice
25:57 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] xD
26:39 lunahime [Allies] -cam 250
26:42 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
26:50 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
26:53 lunahime [Allies] -cam 200
27:03 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] .checkme
27:20 lunahime [Allies] -dice
27:36 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -wntkdnl
27:40 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
28:23 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
28:26 lunahime [Allies] -r
28:30 MrNabi_ [Allies] -r
28:33 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
28:36 Positardo#0017 [Allies] 38sec
28:37 Yufura2020 [Allies] -r
30:06 lunahime [Allies] -r
30:11 lunahime [Allies] 38 again
30:15 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
30:20 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rs
30:22 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
31:45 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
31:48 MrNabi_ [Allies] -r
31:48 lunahime [Allies] -r
31:51 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
31:55 lunahime [Allies] -cam 300
32:51 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] Rainbow R. >> Comet Storm(F) | Cooldown: 33
33:13 lunahime [Allies] -fog
33:37 lunahime [Allies] -flash
33:43 Positardo#0017 [Allies] :)
33:43 [All] MrNabi_ has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
33:43 MrNabi_ [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (346 seconds remain).
33:43 [All] Player [MrNabi_] reconnected with GProxy++!
33:48 MrNabi_ [Allies] -r
33:53 MrNabi_ [Allies] i hate
33:59 MrNabi_ [Allies] my internet connection
34:17 lunahime [Allies] xd
34:40 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] hmm
34:43 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] recall? :D
35:25 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Дгтф луккн
35:26 Positardo#0017 [Allies] ьу)
35:32 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Luna kerry
35:33 Positardo#0017 [Allies] me)
35:54 Positardo#0017 [Allies] :D
35:56 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] -recall
36:13 lunahime [Allies] t-t
36:18 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] good try thou
37:52 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] dl
37:53 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] flfe -fk ke
37:55 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] fk
40:47 MrNabi_ [Allies] -r
40:48 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
40:50 Yufura2020 [Allies] -r
41:03 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -rf
43:33 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
45:49 Positardo#0017 [Allies] re
45:53 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] -recall
45:57 Yufura2020 [Allies] -recall
47:23 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] Aya >> lvl: 100 | xp: 3951403/3951403 (-nan(ind)%)
49:21 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] gz
49:21 Positardo#0017 [Allies] gz
49:27 Yufura2020 [Allies] ty!
49:29 lunahime [Allies] gz
49:31 Yufura2020 [Allies] -save esta
49:35 Yufura2020 [Allies] -rf
50:32 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Aya >> Nameless Arts(F) | Cooldown: 30
50:32 Positardo#0017 [Allies] Aya >> Nameless Arts(F) | Cooldown: 30
51:41 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
51:43 MrNabi_ [Allies] -r
51:46 lunahime [Allies] -r
52:22 Yufura2020 [Allies] -r
54:00 Positardo#0017 [Allies] -r
54:01 MrNabi_ [Allies] -save her
54:11 MrNabi_ [Allies] -rf
54:12 MrNabi_ [Allies] gl
54:15 Positardo#0017 [Allies] ggs
54:19 lunahime [Allies] thx
54:20 MrNabi_ [Allies] i gtg
54:21 MBDKK#1111 [Allies] gg
54:21 lunahime [Allies] -save fm
54:23 [All] Positardo#0017 has left the game voluntarily.
54:23 [All] MBDKK#1111 has left the game voluntarily.
54:24 MrNabi_ [Allies] gg
54:26 Yufura2020 [Allies] gg
54:28 [All] MrNabi_ has left the game voluntarily.
54:29 Yufura2020 [Allies] -save estat
54:46 [All] lunahime has left the game voluntarily.
54:50 [All] Yufura2020 has left the game voluntarily.