Player: udrimujo

Player Name: udrimujo Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 550
Ladder games: 550 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 550 Current PSR: 1527
Wins: 2 (0%) Highest PSR: 1537
Loses: 1 (0%) Kills / Deaths: 1.3
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths: 1.3
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 2.5
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 17 Kills: 51
Average deaths: 13.3 Deaths: 40
Average assists: 16.7 Assists: 50
Average creep kills: 191 Creep kills: 573
Average creep denies: 5.3 Creep denies: 16
Average neutral kills: 97.3 Neutral kills: 292
Average tower kills: 1 Tower kills: 3
Average rax kills: 0.7 Rax kills: 2
Total ladder games: 550
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
09-09-2023 21:15:13 SD -- v7 +++ #4 PUB Spectre 1562 | +11 10 5 14 188 11 30 WON
09-09-2023 20:28:50 AP +1 #1 PUB Shadow Fiend 1551 | -10 4 14 7 277 23 127 LOST
03-09-2023 21:59:52 SD v7 +++ #5 PUB Witch Doctor 1561 | -8 7 8 11 69 4 12 LOST
03-09-2023 19:24:45 AP 9/10 #4 PUB Drow Ranger 1569 | +12 12 12 23 321 15 225 WON
03-09-2023 18:25:25 SD rmkkk +2 PUB Magnataur 1557 | -11 8 11 13 172 8 73 LOST
03-09-2023 17:38:00 SD +2 PUB Anti-Mage 1568 | +13 20 1 14 358 10 203 WON
03-09-2023 16:46:03 SD v7++ 1 #3 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1555 | -11 7 13 10 87 3 18 LOST
03-09-2023 15:37:46 Ap // v7++ Fast! #2 PUB Faceless Void 1566 | +15 15 8 14 311 6 178 WON
12-08-2023 15:53:26 Ap +1 +1 Rly #1 PUB Windrunner 1551 | -9 1 2 0 28 8 0 LOST
12-08-2023 15:11:27 AP FAST +1 FNISH #1 PUB Faceless Void 1560 | +12 6 2 2 95 3 23 WON
12-08-2023 14:28:59 AP FAST RMK GO FAST GAME #10 PUB Butcher 1548 | +13 9 16 18 123 0 23 WON
11-08-2023 17:42:26 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Windrunner 1535 | -10 10 12 10 115 6 26 LOST
11-08-2023 16:49:43 ap 10/10 PUB Butcher 1545 | +14 6 5 12 20 2 1 WON
10-08-2023 01:13:42 AP // EU // 1500 ++++ PUB Butcher 1531 | -13 15 15 19 74 2 9 LOST
09-08-2023 22:13:36 ___SD___ PUB Phantom Assassin 1544 | -12 19 7 6 180 4 64 LOST
09-08-2023 00:36:43 AP RMK +1 #3 PUB Windrunner 1556 | +11 29 10 22 145 4 22 WON
08-08-2023 23:40:11 ap last slot PUB Butcher 1545 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
08-08-2023 23:16:14 sd +1 #3 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1545 | +13 13 11 23 168 6 44 WON
07-08-2023 21:39:49 ap +1 PUB Night Stalker 1532 | -13 10 14 8 115 4 36 LOST
07-08-2023 01:28:56 AP PUB Spiritbreaker 1545 | +14 6 4 18 57 5 6 WON
07-08-2023 00:15:52 sd last #14 PUB Anti-Mage 1531 | -11 7 11 1 127 4 35 LOST
06-08-2023 22:57:59 ap #1 PUB Warlock 1542 | +21 6 8 23 106 2 6 WON
06-08-2023 14:42:33 SD v7 +++ RMK! #4 PUB Butcher 1521 | +16 22 10 15 67 2 7 WON
06-08-2023 13:48:42 SD v7 +++++ #6 PUB Shadow Fiend 1505 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
27-07-2023 23:57:07 AP last slot PUB Warlock 1505 | +14 9 3 12 54 6 2 WON
27-07-2023 23:22:55 SD +1 #1 PUB Queen of Pain 1491 | -15 6 6 3 83 5 0 LOST
27-07-2023 18:07:01 ap last slut PUB Butcher 1506 | +14 6 9 19 29 2 0 WON
27-07-2023 17:19:10 ap #1 PUB Butcher 1492 | +0 2 1 1 10 1 0 DRAW
27-07-2023 00:27:42 ap rmk all #1 PUB Queen of Pain 1492 | -13 11 7 5 166 7 56 LOST
26-07-2023 23:33:10 AP +1 FAST PUB Night Stalker 1505 | +0 3 0 1 34 8 3 DRAW

Player hasn't played any custom games.