Game Name: SD RMKK Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: grozer
Date: 12-01-2024 21:34:31 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 03:15 Game duration: 70:50
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c5.w3x
Mode: sd Winner: Scourge
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Disruptor 271682 | -4 3 19 21 83 2 7 0 empty Sentry Wards Aeon Disk Arcane Boots Aether Lens Aghanim's Scepter70:40 has left the game voluntarily
Tidehunter 291609 | -8 9 15 22 408 1 136 0 Buriza-do Kyanon Arcane Blink Ghost Scepter Refresher Orb Aghanim's Scepter Boots of Speed70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Sacred Warrior 271598 | -9 9 18 23 87 17 18 2 Kelen's Dagger Orchid Malevolence Blade Mail Black King Bar (6) Power Treads (Strength) Mask of Death70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Demon Witch 301682 | -4 21 11 17 263 23 37 1 Overwhelming Blink Ethereal Blade Boots of Travel Octarine Core Aghanim's Scepter (Lion) Aeon Disk70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Drow Ranger 301513 | -14 19 12 21 430 13 105 0 Silver Edge Manta Style Hurricane Pike Black King Bar (6) The Butterfly Power Treads (Agility)70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Spiritbreaker 301685 | +5 16 12 14 420 8 64 0 Black King Bar (8) Silver Edge Echo Sabre Assault Cuirass empty Blade Mail70:50 has left the game voluntarily
Ursa Warrior 301488 | +18 26 9 13 419 3 271 6 Swift Blink Abyssal Blade Satanic Linken's Sphere Black King Bar (6) Stygian Desolator70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Witch Doctor 271732 | +2 11 16 17 155 11 31 1 Boots of Travel Black King Bar (6) Aether Lens Aghanim's Scepter (Witch Doctor) Sentry Wards (active) Lothar's Edge70:44 has left the game voluntarily
Faerie Dragon 301697 | +4 6 9 33 674 17 111 0 Arcane Blink Eul's Scepter of Divinity Black King Bar (6) Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Octarine Core Aeon Disk70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Earthshaker 301521 | +16 15 15 27 200 15 41 0 Boots of Travel Overwhelming Blink Stygian Desolator empty Buriza-do Kyanon Black King Bar (6)70:41 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:05 justify has joined the game.
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [justify :].
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [justify :].
00:11 bestslayerplay has joined the game.
00:11 Spoof check accepted for [bestslayerplay :].
00:11 Spoof check accepted for [bestslayerplay :].
00:12 agent.of.shield has joined the game.
00:12 Spoof check accepted for [agent.of.shield :].
00:12 Spoof check accepted for [agent.of.shield :].
00:12 TheBosyakTV has joined the game.
00:12 Spoof check accepted for [TheBosyakTV :].
00:12 Spoof check accepted for [TheBosyakTV :].
00:12 GrozeR has joined the game.
00:12 Spoof check accepted for [GrozeR :].
00:12 Spoof check accepted for [GrozeR :].
00:13 Kyoo has joined the game.
00:13 Spoof check accepted for [Kyoo :].
00:13 Spoof check accepted for [Kyoo :].
00:13 aldagEL has joined the game.
00:13 Spoof check accepted for [aldagEL :].
00:13 Spoof check accepted for [aldagEL :].
00:16 byleGOLAS has joined the game.
00:17 Spoof check accepted for [byleGOLAS :].
00:17 Spoof check accepted for [byleGOLAS :].
00:17 Kyoo has left the game.
00:23 OLes has joined the game.
00:23 Spoof check accepted for [OLes :].
00:23 Spoof check accepted for [OLes :].
00:24 byleGOLAS kyonun aw
00:33 LewisHamilton has joined the game.
00:33 Spoof check accepted for [LewisHamilton :].
00:33 Spoof check accepted for [LewisHamilton :].
00:35 TheBosyakTV bratik
00:36 Kyoo has joined the game.
00:36 Spoof check accepted for [Kyoo :].
00:36 Spoof check accepted for [Kyoo :].
00:39 byleGOLAS su botu kim almadı
00:43 TheBosyakTV poruli chtob vmeste
00:46 TheBosyakTV otoidu
00:48 TheBosyakTV min
00:53 byleGOLAS enes abi kaldı
00:57 byleGOLAS kyoyu
00:57 byleGOLAS ar
00:58 byleGOLAS at
01:02 GrozeR !hcl sd
01:02 TheBosyakTV !owner
01:03 aldagEL kyoo no slot
01:04 aldagEL bro
01:06 aldagEL we r 10
01:13 TheBosyakTV host i with 1
01:14 GrozeR !open 9
01:14 Slot 9 opened
01:14 Kyoo has left the game.
01:14 Exxile has joined the game.
01:14 Spoof check accepted for [Exxile :].
01:14 Spoof check accepted for [Exxile :].
01:14 byleGOLAS !owner
01:19 GrozeR !balance
01:19 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1620 (46% to win, avg WR=56%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1620 (54% to win, avg WR=52%)
01:20 GrozeR !P
01:20 GrozeR: 59ms, aldagEL: 56ms, bestslayerplay: 43ms, byleGOLAS: 43ms, TheBosyakTV: 42ms, LewisHamilton: 41ms, agent.of.shield: 33ms, Exxile: 29ms, justify: 27ms, OLes: 13ms
01:20 Kyoo has joined the game.
01:20 justify has left the game.
01:20 Spoof check accepted for [Kyoo :].
01:20 Spoof check accepted for [Kyoo :].
01:25 GrozeR no slot bro
01:28 GrozeR we are 10
01:31 Kyoo lol
01:31 GrozeR ok ?
01:32 TheBosyakTV has left the game.
01:33 Kyoo has left the game.
01:46 justify has joined the game.
01:46 Spoof check accepted for [justify :].
01:46 Spoof check accepted for [justify :].
01:50 justify ?
01:55 GrozeR kyoo düsürdü
01:55 aldagEL kyoo
01:57 bestslayerplay kyoo admin ya
01:57 aldagEL kıck you
01:57 OLes alda gel atti seni
02:00 [Did you know?] Switching Power Treads to Agility while healing allows your health and mana to restore slightly faster. Just don't forget to switch them back!
02:00 bestslayerplay düsürüyo
02:02 OLes yalan aq
02:04 agent.of.shield selo :D
02:06 aldagEL open 3
02:06 agent.of.shield pic selo :D
02:07 aldagEL host
02:08 aldagEL oles
02:08 OLes :D
02:09 aldagEL leaver
02:09 agent.of.shield mikser selo :D
02:11 aldagEL fucker
02:12 aldagEL dog
02:13 aldagEL open 3
02:14 aldagEL pls
02:16 agent.of.shield mikserr karıstır aq ortalıgı :D:D:D
02:18 byleGOLAS ruiner
02:19 byleGOLAS open
02:19 byleGOLAS 3
02:22 OLes justgy alda gel atin dedi
02:24 GrozeR bosyak gelecek mi simdi
02:25 OLes gercekten bak
02:27 TheBosyakTV has joined the game.
02:27 GrozeR justify
02:27 Spoof check accepted for [TheBosyakTV :].
02:27 Spoof check accepted for [TheBosyakTV :].
02:28 aldagEL this GERMAN dog vs ME
02:29 GrozeR !balance
02:29 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1620 (46% to win, avg WR=56%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1620 (54% to win, avg WR=52%)
02:36 GrozeR !swap 5 10
02:37 TheBosyakTV i m with 4
02:37 GrozeR !rs
02:37 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1602(35% to win, WR=52%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1638(65% to win, WR=56%)
02:39 TheBosyakTV thx
02:48 bestslayerplay !locked
02:50 aldagEL !rs
02:52 aldagEL !rall
02:52 GrozeR !owner alda
02:52 Setting game owner to [aldagEL].
03:04 OLes niye verdin bu pice simdi owneri
03:05 aldagEL !swap 2 10
03:06 aldagEL !R
03:06 aldagEL's PSR is 1730, estimated +2/-1
03:07 aldagEL !Rs
03:07 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1625(49% to win, WR=53%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1616(51% to win, WR=54%)
03:09 aldagEL !mode sd
03:10 aldagEL !start
03:10 Game is starting, game mode is set to [sd].
03:10 10. . .
03:11 9. . .
03:11 8. . .
03:12 7. . .
03:12 6. . .
03:13 5. . .
03:13 OLes stak
03:13 4. . .
03:14 3. . .
03:14 2. . .
03:14 OLes stek
03:15 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 162
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:06 agent.of.shield [Allies] -cam 2600
00:07 agent.of.shield [Allies] -betterfps
00:09 OLes [Allies] -cam 2200
00:09 agent.of.shield [Allies] -clear
00:10 Exxile [Allies] >> Ursa Warrior > is ready
00:10 Exxile [Allies] >> Ursa Warrior > is ready
00:10 Exxile [Allies] >> Ursa Warrior > is ready
00:11 justify [Allies] -lat 40
00:11 agent.of.shield [Allies] -minimap 3
00:12 LewisHamilton [Allies] -cam 3000
00:13 OLes [Allies] -minimap 3
00:13 Exxile [Allies] -minimap 3
00:15 LewisHamilton [Allies] -light 6
00:17 byleGOLAS [Allies] -cam 3000
00:21 TheBosyakTV [Allies] -cam 1.65
00:28 aldagEL [Allies] >> Witch Doctor > is ready
00:28 aldagEL [Allies] >> Witch Doctor > is ready
00:28 aldagEL [Allies] >> Witch Doctor > is ready
00:31 OLes [Allies] ..!..
00:32 justify [Allies] mid
00:39 byleGOLAS [Allies] disruptor veren mi
00:41 OLes [Allies] ..!..
00:46 justify [Allies] zachem
00:47 LewisHamilton [Allies] ne verecen bana
00:47 agent.of.shield [Allies] selo
00:47 justify [Allies] traxu
00:49 justify [Allies] blyat
00:49 agent.of.shield [Allies] puck versene
00:50 agent.of.shield [Allies] be
00:53 LewisHamilton [Allies] husk
00:56 OLes [Allies] enesin dili yokmu
00:57 TheBosyakTV [Allies] a chto?
00:58 OLes [Allies] siktilermi
00:59 justify [Allies] vzyal bi legu
01:00 agent.of.shield [Allies] enes hasta
01:02 LewisHamilton [Allies] -swap 1
01:03 agent.of.shield [Allies] dil hastalıgı warmıs
01:03 byleGOLAS [Allies] -swap 3
01:03 TheBosyakTV [Allies] da poh
01:06 byleGOLAS [Allies] gel üst
01:07 byleGOLAS [Allies] bro
01:09 GrozeR [Allies] -minimap 3
01:10 justify [Allies] chto pox
01:11 agent.of.shield [Allies] dil atmaktan dili mikrop kapmıs
01:11 OLes [Allies] -swap 4
01:12 Exxile [Allies] -swap 5
01:12 GrozeR [Allies] ben nc
01:17 OLes [Allies] -mute 4
01:20 aldagEL [Allies] -minimap 3
01:22 aldagEL [Allies] -light 6
01:22 OLes [Allies] eart
01:25 justify [Allies] s traxoy zaebeshsya
01:25 byleGOLAS [Allies] kapamay verdim
01:26 justify [Allies] v igre
01:26 agent.of.shield [Allies] -swap
01:27 byleGOLAS [Allies] fb alak
01:28 agent.of.shield [Allies] -swap 5
01:28 byleGOLAS [Allies] bounty
01:30 OLes [Allies] -swap 2
01:42 GrozeR [Allies] trax u go solo
01:45 GrozeR [Allies] ?
01:51 TheBosyakTV [Allies] i try
02:01 [All] [TheBosyakTV]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:52 TheBosyakTV [Allies] ???
03:01 TheBosyakTV [Allies] wtf
03:10 byleGOLAS [Allies] suna arkadan
04:06 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Spiritbreaker is missing!
04:06 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Spiritbreaker is missing!
06:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed TheBosyakTV
06:50 [All] [TheBosyakTV]byleGOLAS killed aldagEL
07:00 byleGOLAS [Allies] shrine
07:13 byleGOLAS [Allies] crep mi kacsın
07:29 aldagEL [Allies] >> OLes has a > Fissure [1]
07:29 TheBosyakTV [Allies] 3 bot
07:29 aldagEL [Allies] >> OLes has a > Fissure [1]
07:29 LewisHamilton [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
07:43 byleGOLAS [Allies] yaklasırsa kos
07:50 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Disruptor >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
07:50 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Disruptor >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
07:54 LewisHamilton [Allies] alta git
07:55 LewisHamilton [Allies] sen
08:21 LewisHamilton [Allies] >> Spiritbreaker is missing!
08:21 LewisHamilton [Allies] >> Spiritbreaker is missing!
08:25 LewisHamilton [Allies] Disruptor >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
08:27 Exxile [Allies] >> Demon Witch is missing!
08:33 byleGOLAS [Allies] keselim
09:14 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed TheBosyakTV
09:16 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Disruptor >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
09:17 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Disruptor >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
09:20 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed bestslayerplay
09:57 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Scourge killed justify
10:03 LewisHamilton [Allies] >> Spiritbreaker is missing!
10:39 aldagEL [Allies] b
10:41 aldagEL [Allies] selo
10:53 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
11:01 TheBosyakTV [Allies] need farm
11:04 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Multishot [4] > On cooldown ( 00:08 )
11:04 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Multishot [4] > On cooldown ( 00:08 )
11:17 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed LewisHamilton
11:51 byleGOLAS [Allies] me
12:03 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed OLes
12:10 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed bestslayerplay
12:17 OLes [Allies] +4
12:25 TheBosyakTV [Allies] g
12:33 OLes [Allies] ali doktyorla wood kas
12:38 aldagEL [Allies] !ignore oles
12:40 aldagEL [Allies] yarrak kasarm
12:41 aldagEL [Allies] yarrak
12:47 OLes [Allies] -mute 3
12:48 bestslayerplay [Allies] -mute team
12:51 byleGOLAS [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
12:51 byleGOLAS [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
12:52 OLes [Allies] -mute 8
13:04 byleGOLAS [Allies] gel
13:24 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed LewisHamilton
13:30 Exxile [Allies] >> Demon Witch is missing!
13:35 [All] [TheBosyakTV]byleGOLAS killed aldagEL
13:46 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
14:44 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
14:54 byleGOLAS [Allies] >> Static Storm [1] > On cooldown ( 00:08 )
15:23 Exxile [Allies] >> bestslayerplay (Barathrum) has a > Charge of Darkness[1]
15:49 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed justify
15:51 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed byleGOLAS
15:57 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed LewisHamilton
15:58 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed agent.of.shield
16:01 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed aldagEL
16:30 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed Exxile
17:16 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed TheBosyakTV
17:27 bestslayerplay [Allies] >> Shrine > is ready
18:04 byleGOLAS [All] yok yav
18:12 OLes [Allies] bekle
18:20 OLes [Allies] simid
18:26 GrozeR [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 40 cooldown left
18:27 GrozeR [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 39 cooldown left
18:33 byleGOLAS [Allies] samo
18:45 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed TheBosyakTV
18:58 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed aldagEL
19:02 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed bestslayerplay
19:02 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed GrozeR
19:02 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed LewisHamilton
19:16 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile killed byleGOLAS
19:25 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed justify
19:46 aldagEL [Allies] !unignore oles
19:46 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Scourge destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
20:36 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
20:39 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed byleGOLAS
20:44 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed justify
20:45 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed GrozeR
21:07 GrozeR [Allies] >> TheBosyakTV (Traxex) has a > Observer Ward
21:18 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed TheBosyakTV
21:30 GrozeR [Allies] o wardı ya koysun ya almasın arkadas
21:52 justify [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 2 charges, 49 cooldown left
21:54 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed OLes
21:56 bestslayerplay [Allies] >> Charge of Darkness[4] > On cooldown ( 00:02 )
21:59 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
22:04 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed byleGOLAS
22:09 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile killed LewisHamilton
22:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed bestslayerplay
23:47 TheBosyakTV [Allies] ill
24:10 GrozeR [Allies] >> Ravage [2] > On cooldown ( 00:10 )
24:30 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed agent.of.shield
24:31 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed aldagEL
24:33 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed Exxile
26:19 GrozeR [Allies] >> Ravage [2] > On cooldown ( 00:38 )
26:48 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
27:00 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed GrozeR
27:00 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed justify
27:01 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed LewisHamilton
27:12 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed Exxile
27:13 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed TheBosyakTV
27:29 GrozeR [Allies] 10 sn gec gang yapsak alacaz
27:33 GrozeR [Allies] ulti dolmadı
27:47 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
28:02 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
28:05 OLes [Allies] :D
28:18 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed byleGOLAS's courier
28:31 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Scourge destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
28:54 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
29:25 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed LewisHamilton
29:34 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed justify
29:40 [All] [TheBosyakTV]byleGOLAS killed bestslayerplay
29:56 justify [Allies] -LIGHT 6
30:30 bestslayerplay [Allies] >> I will respawn in 4 seconds!
30:48 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed agent.of.shield
30:54 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed LewisHamilton
30:55 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile killed GrozeR
31:06 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
31:06 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed byleGOLAS
31:21 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed justify
31:24 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed TheBosyakTV
31:35 aldagEL [Allies] -msa
31:52 TheBosyakTV [Allies] maska
31:54 TheBosyakTV [Allies] hueta
31:59 TheBosyakTV [Allies] na traxu
32:09 TheBosyakTV [Allies] razobrat mogu?
32:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed byleGOLAS
33:24 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
33:33 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
34:09 justify [Allies] >> TheBosyakTV (Traxex) has a > Multishot [4]
34:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
34:20 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed Exxile
34:30 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed bestslayerplay
35:08 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
35:16 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
35:26 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed aldagEL
35:47 aldagEL [Allies] bekleyın kassınlar
35:47 aldagEL [Allies] D:
36:50 justify [Allies] -cam 2.1
37:02 aldagEL [Allies] evt
37:02 aldagEL [Allies] go
37:03 aldagEL [Allies] ?
37:33 justify [Allies] b
37:59 agent.of.shield [Allies] ros warmı sello
38:15 agent.of.shield [Allies] geldim go ros
38:40 justify [Allies] >> 36:34
38:54 TheBosyakTV [Allies] tide
38:55 TheBosyakTV [Allies] wait
38:58 TheBosyakTV [Allies] after bkb
39:27 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the top level 2 Sentinel tower
39:40 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 56 )
40:03 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 22 )
41:02 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed aldagEL
41:07 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
41:12 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed agent.of.shield
41:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed bestslayerplay
41:17 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed GrozeR
41:18 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed TheBosyakTV
41:19 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed LewisHamilton
41:24 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed justify
41:27 agent.of.shield [Allies] :D
41:29 agent.of.shield [Allies] b
41:32 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed Exxile
41:32 agent.of.shield [Allies] rampage kovalama :D
41:34 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
41:51 OLes [Allies] tekledi bizi alttta
41:54 TheBosyakTV [Allies] fast
41:54 OLes [Allies] tam atlicaktim
41:55 TheBosyakTV [Allies] deward
41:56 OLes [Allies] sen girdin
42:00 agent.of.shield [Allies] dc de olsam
42:03 agent.of.shield [Allies] olsan
42:05 agent.of.shield [Allies] soyledim atlıcam diye
42:11 agent.of.shield [Allies] duyardın bebitoo
42:14 OLes [Allies] adam alta atladi
42:21 OLes [Allies] direk ulti atti olduk aliyle aq
42:26 TheBosyakTV [Allies] bot
42:27 agent.of.shield [Allies] ali ölmemistir
42:31 agent.of.shield [Allies] yanlısın warmdır
42:33 agent.of.shield [Allies] :D
42:35 agent.of.shield [Allies] aliler ölmez
42:38 agent.of.shield [Allies] sen hatalısındır
42:46 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed LewisHamilton
42:49 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed aldagEL
43:14 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
43:23 aldagEL [Allies] gogoog
43:25 aldagEL [Allies] tıde
43:25 aldagEL [Allies] yok
43:26 aldagEL [Allies] go
43:30 aldagEL [Allies] hyarın
43:32 aldagEL [Allies] ortayı
44:00 aldagEL [Allies] -msa
44:13 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed agent.of.shield
44:46 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile killed byleGOLAS
44:59 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed LewisHamilton
45:06 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed aldagEL
45:19 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed OLes
45:44 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed bestslayerplay
46:07 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile killed byleGOLAS
46:13 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
46:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed Exxile
46:17 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed agent.of.shield
46:39 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 1:41 seconds remains )
46:47 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
46:51 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
46:51 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed aldagEL
46:52 bestslayerplay [Allies] xD
46:53 OLes [Allies] :D
46:55 GrozeR [All] :)
46:55 justify [All] xD
46:55 OLes [Allies] asdfg
46:56 agent.of.shield [Allies] :D:D:DD
46:59 agent.of.shield [All] :D:D:D
47:03 GrozeR [All] acılara yürüyorsun kahpe
47:04 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Earthshaker is missing!
47:04 TheBosyakTV [Allies] >> Earthshaker is missing!
47:24 aldagEL [Allies] asdafasdsad
47:24 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed LewisHamilton
47:25 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
47:33 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 2 Scourge tower
47:40 TheBosyakTV [Allies] b
47:42 justify [Allies] nu
47:42 justify [Allies] bey
47:43 justify [Allies] che
47:45 justify [Allies] boishsya
47:46 justify [Allies] >> Finger of Death [3] > On cooldown ( 00:12 )
47:46 justify [Allies] >> Finger of Death [3] > On cooldown ( 00:12 )
47:46 justify [Allies] >> Finger of Death [3] > On cooldown ( 00:12 )
48:32 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Ready
48:44 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 504 )
48:47 OLes [Allies] disk alsin
48:55 byleGOLAS [Allies] buraya
48:56 byleGOLAS [Allies] gelcek
49:23 byleGOLAS [Allies] :D
49:46 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Ready
51:24 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Ready
51:52 TheBosyakTV [Allies] tide
51:53 TheBosyakTV [Allies] pls
51:56 TheBosyakTV [Allies] back
52:02 TheBosyakTV [Allies] no need you def
52:04 TheBosyakTV [Allies] wait
53:11 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed GrozeR
53:11 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed byleGOLAS
53:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed TheBosyakTV
53:18 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed bestslayerplay
53:23 [All] [TheBosyakTV]GrozeR killed aldagEL
53:36 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed OLes
53:43 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed agent.of.shield
55:13 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile denied the top level 1 Scourge tower
55:55 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed aldagEL
56:00 justify [Allies] >> TheBosyakTV (Traxex) has a > Sentry Ward
56:06 justify [Allies] b
56:06 justify [Allies] b
56:17 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed bestslayerplay
56:25 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed GrozeR
56:27 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed OLes
56:30 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed Exxile
56:32 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed LewisHamilton
56:32 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed agent.of.shield
56:49 aldagEL [Allies] >> TheBosyakTV has a > The Butterfly
56:49 aldagEL [Allies] >> TheBosyakTV has a > Hurricane Pike
57:42 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed aldagEL
57:46 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed justify
57:49 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
57:58 justify [Allies] b
58:00 justify [Allies] >> Enemy Ursa Warrior will respawn in 12 seconds!
58:08 justify [Allies] Disruptor >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, ready
58:09 OLes [Allies] :D
58:10 justify [Allies] Drow Ranger >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 1.4 cooldown left
58:32 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 1:45 seconds remains )
59:06 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
59:22 justify [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 5:26 seconds remains )
60:05 OLes [Allies] baho rosta agnim cikcak ben alim
60:07 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 0:10 seconds remains )
60:10 agent.of.shield [Allies] aldı enes
60:12 aldagEL [Allies] :D
60:25 aldagEL [Allies] refresh cıkacak
60:26 aldagEL [Allies] smdı
60:32 agent.of.shield [Allies] tmm onu al
60:49 OLes [Allies] thrall
60:53 OLes [Allies] melo
61:09 OLes [Allies] gg olruz olrsek
61:32 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed byleGOLAS
61:35 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed OLes
61:37 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed LewisHamilton
61:38 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed agent.of.shield
61:42 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed bestslayerplay
61:49 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed aldagEL
62:27 TheBosyakTV [Allies] g
62:39 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
62:49 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV destroyed the mid Scourge melee rax
62:52 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Sentinel destroyed the mid Scourge ranged rax
62:54 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed Exxile
62:57 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton destroyed the mid level 4 Scourge tower
63:01 justify [Allies] b
63:02 justify [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 1:46 seconds remains )
63:07 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed aldagEL
63:18 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed Exxile
63:25 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed GrozeR
63:26 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed LewisHamilton
63:28 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed TheBosyakTV
63:32 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed OLes
63:35 TheBosyakTV [Allies] Buyback >> Ready
63:36 justify [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 1:12 seconds remains )
63:46 OLes [Allies] baho rosh lagzm
63:48 OLes [Allies] geri
63:51 OLes [Allies] ilerlemicez
63:54 aldagEL [Allies] yarn
63:56 aldagEL [Allies] 2-2
63:57 OLes [Allies] ilerde gang alamadik
64:00 OLes [Allies] bukadar yeter
64:13 TheBosyakTV [Allies] mozhet rapiru?
64:20 justify [Allies] satanic
64:23 justify [Allies] +agha
64:29 TheBosyakTV [Allies] agha togda
64:37 justify [Allies] satanic
64:39 justify [Allies] ti prosto
64:41 justify [Allies] jivi i vse
65:20 byleGOLAS [Allies] >> Static Storm [3] > is ready
65:56 justify [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 1846 )
67:03 justify [Allies] >> bestslayerplay (Barathrum) has a > Triforce Blade
67:07 justify [Allies] >> Smoke of Deceit > is ready
67:36 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed LewisHamilton
67:38 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL killed byleGOLAS
67:38 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
67:39 justify [Allies] b
67:44 [All] [TheBosyakTV]bestslayerplay killed TheBosyakTV
67:55 GrozeR [Allies] nşiye fogda girdik
67:59 GrozeR [Allies] her yer görünürken
68:04 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
68:14 [All] [TheBosyakTV]aldagEL destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
68:14 [All] [TheBosyakTV]justify killed aldagEL
68:23 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Scourge destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
68:23 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed justify
68:25 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
68:32 [All] [TheBosyakTV]TheBosyakTV killed bestslayerplay
68:39 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
68:44 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
68:56 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The Scourge destroyed the top level 3 Sentinel tower
69:08 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed justify
69:15 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the top Sentinel melee rax
69:18 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the top Sentinel ranged rax
69:19 [All] [TheBosyakTV]Exxile killed TheBosyakTV
69:26 [All] [TheBosyakTV]LewisHamilton killed OLes
69:30 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed LewisHamilton
69:30 byleGOLAS [Allies] !Ff
69:30 [All] [byleGOLAS] voted to forfeit [1/5 Sentinel]
69:46 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed LewisHamilton
69:49 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield killed GrozeR
70:07 TheBosyakTV [Allies] suka ni 1 bb
70:09 TheBosyakTV [Allies] ne bilo
70:14 GrozeR [Allies] !ff
70:14 [All] [GrozeR] voted to forfeit [2/5 Sentinel]
70:23 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
70:29 [All] [TheBosyakTV]agent.of.shield destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
70:33 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
70:36 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
70:36 [All] [TheBosyakTV]OLes killed byleGOLAS
70:37 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
70:38 [All] [TheBosyakTV]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:39 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
70:40 [All] byleGOLAS has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] GrozeR has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] OLes has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] Exxile has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] LewisHamilton has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] agent.of.shield has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] justify has left the game voluntarily.
70:41 [All] TheBosyakTV has left the game voluntarily.
70:44 [All] aldagEL has left the game voluntarily.
70:50 [All] bestslayerplay has left the game voluntarily.