Player: psicho4u

Player Name: psicho4u Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 939
Ladder games: 939 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 939 Current PSR: 1428
Wins: 6 (0%) Highest PSR: 1517
Loses: 12 (1%) Kills / Deaths: 0.4
Draws: 1 (0%) Assists / Deaths: 0.8
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 1.3
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 4.6 Kills: 83
Average deaths: 10.6 Deaths: 190
Average assists: 8.7 Assists: 157
Average creep kills: 118.3 Creep kills: 2130
Average creep denies: 2.9 Creep denies: 53
Average neutral kills: 38.8 Neutral kills: 698
Average tower kills: 0.3 Tower kills: 5
Average rax kills: 0.7 Rax kills: 12
Total ladder games: 630
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
25-02-2024 18:23:42 ap eu  #9 PUB Stealth Assassin 1428 | -21 1 15 8 70 7 1 LOST
17-02-2024 16:02:43 ap 10/10 PUB Stone Giant 1449 | -14 1 14 2 94 1 9 LOST
17-02-2024 14:52:25 AP #8 PUB Phantom Assassin 1463 | -15 2 8 8 90 1 16 LOST
15-02-2024 20:50:12 Sd +1 PUB Ursa Warrior 1478 | +19 11 9 7 165 3 77 WON
15-02-2024 19:56:04 Ap Eu +1 PUB Morphling 1459 | +18 4 5 12 154 2 54 WON
15-02-2024 18:44:31 SD ++++ PUB Nerubian Weaver 1441 | -17 4 12 12 128 5 10 LOST
15-02-2024 17:49:04 ap all #3 PUB Necrolyte 1458 | -15 4 8 5 85 6 17 LOST
14-02-2024 18:21:58 SD EU + +1 #4 PUB Moon Rider 1473 | +22 11 5 8 166 6 53 WON
13-02-2024 19:57:44 SD PUB Phantom Lancer 1451 | -14 0 14 7 182 0 83 LOST
13-02-2024 19:03:38 SD eu #5 PUB Enchantress 1465 | -16 5 12 6 59 0 15 LOST
13-02-2024 17:59:11 ap 10/10 PUB Faceless Void 1481 | +19 1 3 11 125 6 65 WON
13-02-2024 17:12:07 SD +1 PUB Naga Siren 1462 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
13-02-2024 16:47:09 AP gogogogo +1 PUB Stone Giant 1462 | -15 5 10 19 87 1 6 LOST
12-02-2024 21:51:55 ap 2 slots PUB Tidehunter 1477 | -12 6 17 17 91 2 12 LOST
12-02-2024 20:42:47 SD +1 rly fast PUB Sacred Warrior 1489 | -16 2 12 7 86 2 20 LOST
12-02-2024 19:58:20 SD RMKK + + 2 #4 PUB Butcher 1505 | -12 6 15 7 65 5 12 LOST
12-02-2024 18:56:30 SD +1 PUB Lifestealer 1517 | +17 7 6 7 172 2 112 WON
12-02-2024 17:56:53 SD + Rly #1 PUB Crystal Maiden 1500 | -15 5 23 5 81 3 1 LOST
10-02-2024 23:09:47 AP 9/10 PUB Skeleton King 1515 | +15 8 2 9 230 1 135 WON
31-03-2022 13:19:05 AP LAST SLOT PUB Bloodseeker 1504 | -12 11 13 8 135 6 47 LOST
27-03-2022 19:08:26 AP FOR ALL PUB Skeleton King 1516 | -14 12 8 13 255 1 133 LOST
27-03-2022 18:15:17 ap rmk #1 PUB Spectre 1530 | -12 5 14 7 78 4 1 LOST
27-03-2022 13:26:40 AP v6 #2 PUB Necrolyte 1542 | +15 7 12 19 261 2 129 WON
27-03-2022 12:24:23 AP +1 PUB Butcher 1527 | -13 0 10 10 49 6 5 LOST
27-03-2022 01:45:49 AP +1 PUB Bone Fletcher 1540 | +0 0 1 0 3 1 0 DRAW
26-03-2022 20:42:12 AP ++ #4 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1540 | -8 2 7 8 41 1 1 LOST
25-03-2022 16:32:28 AP ++ PUB Spectre 1548 | -12 2 7 1 25 3 0 LOST
25-03-2022 16:04:53 ap/all #2 PUB empty 1560 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
25-03-2022 16:01:59 AP ++ #1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1560 | +15 7 12 10 113 7 36 WON
25-03-2022 15:10:07 SD ++ 1 LAst #11 PUB Spiritbreaker 1545 | -12 9 13 11 49 3 9 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.