Player: dangershewrote

Player Name: dangershewrote Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 41
Ladder games: 41 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 41 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 41
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
23-04-2023 19:34:40 SD ++ 1 LAst #1 PUB Queen of Pain 1620 | +7 29 7 8 337 45 89 WON
23-04-2023 18:28:26 ap PUB Dwarven Sniper 1613 | +5 35 3 23 420 40 78 WON
26-03-2023 17:42:57 SD +1 #1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1608 | -5 8 9 3 171 27 13 LOST
24-02-2023 22:35:48 AP +1 PUB Faerie Dragon 1608 | -5 0 1 1 0 0 0 DRAW
24-02-2023 21:23:51 Ap +++ #1 PUB Ember Spirit 1613 | +10 11 9 14 338 13 78 WON
24-02-2023 20:30:09 AP +++ #1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1603 | +11 4 5 24 215 9 54 WON
24-02-2023 19:36:49 SD ALL +1 RLY!!! PUB Admiral 1592 | +12 13 4 14 159 12 22 WON
24-02-2023 19:06:26 sd+1 #1 PUB Tinker 1580 | -11 7 11 8 133 8 0 LOST
24-02-2023 17:52:19 AP 1550 #1 PUB Juggernaut 1591 | +11 11 6 8 462 36 196 WON
24-02-2023 16:52:38 ap nostalgia + degradation #4 PUB Faerie Dragon 1580 | +12 12 5 10 146 12 17 WON
24-02-2023 16:14:56 AP RMK v6 #5 PUB Ancient Apparition 1568 | -11 16 8 9 88 12 12 LOST
23-02-2023 20:56:43 SD RMK PUB Butcher 1579 | +12 19 9 10 172 2 24 WON
23-02-2023 19:51:41 SD +1 PUB Grand Magus 1567 | +15 11 8 12 166 19 6 WON
23-02-2023 18:40:54 SD +2 #1 PUB Chaos Knight 1552 | -12 15 13 16 541 22 104 LOST
23-02-2023 14:14:03 SD +1 PUB Ancient Apparition 1564 | -9 17 15 14 132 7 6 LOST
23-02-2023 13:19:26 SD +1 #1 PUB Ancient Apparition 1573 | +0 1 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
23-02-2023 13:10:00 SD +1 PUB Invoker 1573 | +0 0 0 0 11 1 0 DRAW
23-02-2023 12:37:27 SD +1 RLY!! #3 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1573 | +14 26 4 11 211 9 40 WON
22-02-2023 23:30:03 AP rmk+ #3 PUB Slayer 1559 | -12 11 12 11 336 15 87 LOST
22-02-2023 22:33:01 ap last slt PUB Monkey King 1571 | +13 13 5 1 114 24 3 WON
21-01-2023 20:40:59 SD 1501 ++++ #2 PUB Storm Spirit 1558 | -13 2 7 0 41 5 6 LOST
21-01-2023 20:11:58 AP ++ FAst #3 PUB Shadow Fiend 1571 | -11 17 8 7 279 22 74 LOST
21-01-2023 19:05:18 ap v6 rmk #2 PUB Butcher 1582 | +12 26 11 23 181 10 34 WON
21-01-2023 17:34:46 AP +1 PUB Invoker 1570 | +7 11 3 17 144 20 6 WON
21-01-2023 16:56:53 AP ++ FAst PUB empty 1563 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
17-01-2023 20:16:35 AP++++ #3 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1563 | -9 10 6 7 149 34 18 LOST
16-01-2023 21:46:10 ap eu v6 #1 PUB Butcher 1572 | +11 19 11 12 305 11 23 WON
16-01-2023 20:39:51 SD ++ 1 RLY #3 PUB Faerie Dragon 1561 | -10 17 11 12 210 20 26 LOST
15-01-2023 20:21:04 AP RMK v6 #2 PUB Slayer 1571 | -10 3 9 3 81 6 22 LOST
15-01-2023 18:20:26 ap eu v6 PUB Slayer 1581 | +0 6 1 2 54 10 0 DRAW

Player hasn't played any custom games.