Player: kimilsung

Player Name: kimilsung Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 188
Ladder games: 188 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 188 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 188
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
05-03-2023 01:37:08 ap rmk all PUB Lord of Olympus 1554 | -9 9 6 9 81 1 3 LOST
05-03-2023 01:04:04 SD RMK PUB Butcher 1563 | +15 16 5 26 190 3 37 WON
04-03-2023 23:59:05 AP +1 PUB Slayer 1548 | -12 19 12 22 244 7 14 LOST
04-03-2023 01:20:39 AP ++ #3 PUB Clockwerk Goblin 1560 | -10 4 8 8 73 0 0 LOST
04-03-2023 00:45:33 SD EU RMK +1 PUB Necrolyte 1570 | -10 3 3 7 112 15 17 LOST
25-02-2023 03:13:05 AP rmk +1 #3 PUB Necrolyte 1580 | +15 17 6 17 258 13 57 WON
25-02-2023 02:09:55 SD 1501 +1 #6 PUB Butcher 1565 | -8 8 9 12 124 1 39 LOST
23-02-2023 03:15:05 AP++++1 PUB Stone Giant 1573 | +14 8 6 22 180 6 43 WON
23-02-2023 02:06:51 SD EU 1501 +1 FAST PUB Storm Spirit 1559 | -8 7 11 6 68 11 4 LOST
23-02-2023 01:18:22 Ap Rmk +1 #3 PUB Butcher 1567 | +0 5 0 0 17 2 0 DRAW
23-02-2023 00:59:35 AP RMK ALL #4 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1567 | -10 8 8 11 160 9 12 LOST
23-02-2023 00:08:50 ap #2 PUB Slayer 1577 | -10 1 4 3 92 7 12 LOST
21-02-2023 01:34:50 SD +1 Fast #2 PUB Tinker 1587 | +10 4 4 15 160 8 6 WON
21-02-2023 00:31:30 AP +++ PUB Prophet 1577 | -11 6 12 13 182 0 53 LOST
20-02-2023 01:50:41 ap rmk all #1 PUB Axe 1588 | +12 4 0 11 147 4 63 WON
20-02-2023 01:06:48 ap 1 to go PUB Slayer 1576 | -12 6 9 9 224 9 8 LOST
20-02-2023 00:05:53 123 PUB Templar Assassin 1588 | -7 3 6 0 40 4 14 LOST
19-02-2023 23:36:08 AP +++ PUB Anti-Mage 1595 | -8 1 11 4 176 46 19 LOST
19-02-2023 22:36:06 AP +++ #1 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1603 | +11 13 2 12 259 16 42 WON
16-02-2023 02:41:55 ap rmk all #8 PUB Sand King 1592 | -9 7 12 11 322 1 164 LOST
16-02-2023 01:41:59 AP +++ 1 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1601 | -9 6 15 23 222 12 43 LOST
16-02-2023 00:32:33 SD EU RMK +1 1500 #2 PUB Soul Keeper 1610 | -8 12 6 9 203 12 29 LOST
15-02-2023 23:20:04 AP +1 FAST #1 PUB Netherdrake 1618 | -8 5 3 10 94 28 3 LOST
15-02-2023 01:38:52 SD EU RMK +1 PUB Spectre 1626 | +9 6 0 21 88 8 23 WON
15-02-2023 01:02:13 SD EU RMK +1 PUB Bristleback 1617 | +11 17 5 23 171 15 27 WON
14-02-2023 23:55:27 SD EU 1500 +1 really PUB Faceless Void 1606 | -8 10 10 8 199 8 58 LOST
14-02-2023 00:41:30 SD +1 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1614 | +8 11 5 25 133 16 16 WON
13-02-2023 23:38:29 +1 / SD PUB Oblivion 1606 | -3 5 5 17 142 5 13 LOST
13-02-2023 01:33:40 vaske #1 PUB Netherdrake 1609 | +11 9 4 8 132 33 6 WON
13-02-2023 00:51:52 ap rmk all #2 PUB Stealth Assassin 1598 | -9 8 6 9 65 18 11 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.