Player: acnelotion

Player Name: acnelotion Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 746
Ladder games: 746 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has 1 warn points.
Player was warned by [Caneee] on [27-03-2022 17:37:51] with reason [Votekick Abuse] in game [AP +++ #2].
Total ladder games: 746 Current PSR: 1471
Wins: 1 (0%) Highest PSR: 1516
Loses: 3 (0%) Kills / Deaths: 1.7
Draws: 1 (0%) Assists / Deaths: 1.3
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 3
Left games: 2 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 11.3 Kills: 45
Average deaths: 6.5 Deaths: 26
Average assists: 8.3 Assists: 33
Average creep kills: 93.5 Creep kills: 374
Average creep denies: 2.8 Creep denies: 11
Average neutral kills: 25.5 Neutral kills: 102
Average tower kills: 1 Tower kills: 4
Average rax kills: 0.5 Rax kills: 2
Total ladder games: 746
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
13-10-2021 22:08:35 rmk fast #1 PUB Monkey King 1618 | -5 13 12 7 50 3 7 LOST
13-10-2021 21:06:16 ap+1 #1 PUB Phantom Assassin 1623 | +4 19 9 22 186 11 60 WON
13-10-2021 19:35:51 AP +1 PUB Rogue Knight 1619 | +6 10 2 11 148 10 64 WON
13-10-2021 18:48:05 AP +1 fast #1 PUB Gyrocopter 1613 | -1 12 8 16 122 6 39 LOST
13-10-2021 16:22:45 SD ++ #1 PUB Lightning Revenant 1614 | +11 10 4 17 151 15 67 WON
13-10-2021 15:33:07 AP LAST SLOT #2 PUB Phantom Assassin 1603 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
11-10-2021 17:53:18 Ap +1 #2 PUB Lord of Avernus 1603 | -9 4 6 3 60 8 12 LOST
11-10-2021 17:18:00 AP +1 1600+ #2 PUB Undying 1612 | +11 3 6 21 72 10 12 WON
11-10-2021 16:14:59 AP +1 rly #2 PUB Phantom Assassin 1601 | -4 1 6 4 37 3 14 LOST
11-10-2021 15:24:21 AP +1 #3 PUB Ursa Warrior 1605 | -9 3 12 3 72 2 46 LOST
11-10-2021 13:45:09 rd+1 #3 PUB Butcher 1614 | +10 4 3 13 25 0 3 WON
11-10-2021 12:57:13 sd +2 #2 PUB Bone Fletcher 1604 | -8 8 10 10 44 1 7 LOST
10-10-2021 18:33:50 SD + 1 PUB Lord of Avernus 1612 | +4 13 1 16 83 3 19 WON
10-10-2021 17:51:16 SD +1 rly fast PUB Nerubian Weaver 1608 | -4 16 7 10 91 5 11 LOST
10-10-2021 16:55:52 AP LAST slot PUB Phantom Assassin 1612 | +8 12 3 25 139 8 77 WON
10-10-2021 16:13:40 ap nabs +1 PUB empty 1604 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
10-10-2021 16:10:42 AP+++1 PUB Ursa Warrior 1604 | +12 6 0 5 77 2 55 WON
10-10-2021 15:16:05 AP v6 #4 PUB Ursa Warrior 1592 | +11 16 6 11 101 8 45 WON
10-10-2021 13:27:18 SD PUB Grand Magus 1581 | -9 2 5 6 46 3 4 LOST
10-10-2021 12:09:55 AP ALL (last slot) #1 PUB Ursa Warrior 1590 | +12 13 4 12 109 2 49 WON
10-10-2021 02:23:12 Ap ++1 RDY!!! LAST SLOT #1 PUB Phantom Assassin 1578 | +13 26 13 21 233 8 104 WON
10-10-2021 01:10:10 AP +1 PUB Monkey King 1565 | +13 5 5 7 73 9 4 WON
10-10-2021 00:17:44 AP+++ #1 PUB Monkey King 1552 | +0 4 1 0 5 2 0 DRAW
09-10-2021 23:36:04 SDFAST+1 PUB Rogue Knight 1552 | +12 27 7 23 251 10 144 WON
09-10-2021 16:58:11 AR v7 #1 PUB Templar Assassin 1540 | +18 12 6 11 177 4 75 WON
09-10-2021 15:47:52 SD + 1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1522 | +22 9 3 9 132 5 30 WON

Player hasn't played any custom games.