Player: gogores

Player Name: gogores Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 666
Ladder games: 666 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 666 Current PSR: 1464
Wins: 3 (0%) Highest PSR: 1501
Loses: 6 (0%) Kills / Deaths: 1.6
Draws: 2 (0%) Assists / Deaths: 1.6
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 3.3
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 11.8 Kills: 106
Average deaths: 7.2 Deaths: 65
Average assists: 11.8 Assists: 106
Average creep kills: 177.6 Creep kills: 1598
Average creep denies: 9.2 Creep denies: 83
Average neutral kills: 53.9 Neutral kills: 485
Average tower kills: 1 Tower kills: 9
Average rax kills: 0.2 Rax kills: 2
Total ladder games: 666
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
31-08-2023 18:53:57 9/10 last slot ap PUB Necrolyte 1495 | -15 9 10 26 170 10 58 WON
29-08-2023 16:28:58 ap 8/10 PUB Skeleton King 1510 | -15 2 4 4 213 0 189 LOST
15-08-2023 16:16:06 ap 10/10 PUB Anti-Mage 1525 | -13 16 11 16 493 5 148 LOST
14-08-2023 16:22:32 AP last slot PUB Anti-Mage 1538 | -11 7 5 4 378 6 226 LOST
12-08-2023 22:35:53 Ap last slottt+++1 #3 PUB Queen of Pain 1549 | +14 23 7 15 160 9 28 WON
12-08-2023 17:01:14 SD RMK #8 PUB Phantom Assassin 1535 | -12 3 9 5 53 0 18 LOST
11-08-2023 23:53:03 SD LASt PUB Phantom Assassin 1547 | +17 24 8 11 337 21 119 WON
11-08-2023 17:42:26 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Anti-Mage 1530 | +13 9 6 7 306 9 173 WON
10-08-2023 23:14:53 SD ++++ #5 PUB Phantom Assassin 1517 | +25 16 9 16 143 4 57 WON
10-08-2023 22:01:20 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Queen of Pain 1492 | -15 14 5 19 223 11 36 LOST
08-08-2023 22:04:15 AP all #2 PUB Anti-Mage 1507 | -12 10 12 5 290 22 137 LOST
08-08-2023 19:42:59 SD+1 PUB Stealth Assassin 1519 | -13 2 6 0 11 2 0 LOST
07-08-2023 19:15:02 Sd #2 PUB Enchantress 1532 | -13 7 9 4 77 7 21 LOST
06-08-2023 23:40:14 SD #4 PUB Shadow Shaman 1545 | -11 8 12 22 158 5 9 LOST
31-07-2023 22:26:46 SD +1 PUB Silencer 1556 | -11 5 14 11 44 1 7 LOST
31-07-2023 21:34:35 SD RMK #6 PUB Gyrocopter 1567 | +0 2 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
29-07-2023 22:49:00 SD Go +1 #2 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1567 | -12 15 6 14 157 9 62 LOST
28-07-2023 19:44:58 AP + + + #3 PUB Queen of Pain 1579 | +12 8 2 13 94 7 7 WON
23-07-2023 17:48:05 AP +++ #5 PUB Anti-Mage 1567 | -9 4 7 2 148 5 95 LOST
21-07-2023 23:29:10 AP 9 - 10 PUB Queen of Pain 1576 | -9 7 9 10 259 14 70 LOST
21-07-2023 22:22:02 AP PUB Queen of Pain 1585 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
20-07-2023 22:51:04 SD ++++ #1 PUB Storm Spirit 1585 | +12 7 3 11 144 16 37 WON
19-07-2023 23:15:43 SD LAST #1 PUB Doom Bringer 1573 | -9 5 12 11 64 3 31 LOST
16-07-2023 22:45:30 SD LAST #1 PUB Sacred Warrior 1582 | +11 5 4 6 27 3 5 WON
15-07-2023 23:02:28 sd 9/10 #2 PUB Anti-Mage 1571 | +13 1 4 10 134 12 48 WON
15-07-2023 22:16:02 SD #3 PUB Enchantress 1558 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
11-07-2023 23:03:40 SD Rmkk #4 PUB Queen of Pain 1558 | +17 22 6 16 215 8 78 WON
11-07-2023 22:06:13 SD+1 PUB Phantom Assassin 1541 | -9 21 7 11 354 6 156 LOST
10-07-2023 23:09:26 Sd Go +1 PUB Anti-Mage 1550 | +16 12 1 7 178 11 70 WON
09-07-2023 23:18:04 SD RMKK #10 PUB Slithereen Guard 1534 | -13 5 11 8 127 8 37 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.