Player: menoobplsnokill

Player Name: menoobplsnokill Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 78
Ladder games: 78 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 78 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 78
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
26-09-2020 21:15:05 Ap eu +1 PUB Spectre 1734 | +1 13 5 13 152 19 33 WON
23-09-2020 20:50:46 SD EU 1501+ #1 PUB Lifestealer 1733 | +5 9 2 10 184 11 119 WON
23-09-2020 20:10:18 sd eu 1501+ #1 PUB Templar Assassin 1728 | +2 15 1 4 225 13 59 WON
23-09-2020 19:34:17 AP +1 PUB Moon Rider 1726 | -1 9 7 6 222 6 85 LOST
23-09-2020 16:27:53 AP+++1 #5 PUB Moon Rider 1727 | +6 6 3 13 313 2 160 WON
17-06-2020 19:02:48 ap +1 last slot ! PUB Tuskarr 1721 | +1 23 1 13 150 23 36 WON
17-06-2020 16:55:44 SD +1600 +2 RLYY PUB Venomancer 1720 | +6 5 9 21 188 4 33 WON
17-06-2020 15:51:46 AP LAST SLOT PUB Sacred Warrior 1714 | +0 0 0 0 11 9 0 DRAW
17-06-2020 00:51:54 SD // + + +1 #4 PUB Troll Warlord 1714 | -4 5 10 4 99 6 45 LOST
17-06-2020 00:09:41 SD +1 PUB Troll Warlord 1718 | -1 12 5 1 117 10 28 LOST
16-06-2020 17:07:31 AP + 1 PUB Lifestealer 1719 | +2 12 2 11 191 0 139 WON
14-06-2020 23:47:37 Ap 1600 <--- +1 #6 PUB Sacred Warrior 1717 | +5 18 8 9 121 14 36 WON
31-05-2020 19:00:41 SD ++ FAST #3 PUB Axe 1712 | +2 12 8 11 116 1 82 WON
31-05-2020 16:41:57 AP + 1 COME PUB Lycanthrope 1710 | +5 5 4 6 176 3 119 WON
31-05-2020 15:56:01 AP + 1 PUB Admiral 1705 | +1 13 1 19 176 7 11 WON
31-05-2020 15:11:18 sd eu +1 #5 PUB Bloodseeker 1704 | +5 26 4 6 220 1 144 WON
31-05-2020 13:57:32 ap + 1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1699 | +1 5 5 25 99 2 34 WON
31-05-2020 12:52:43 AR EU// 1++ #3 PUB Monkey King 1698 | +3 32 3 5 92 13 10 WON
31-05-2020 12:10:07 SD +1 #2 PUB Lone Druid 1695 | -1 2 6 2 123 0 101 LOST
30-05-2020 23:36:10 AP +1 LAST SLOT ! PUB Sacred Warrior 1696 | -1 4 14 5 73 5 25 LOST
14-05-2020 13:43:20 ap +2 #1 PUB Butcher 1697 | +0 2 0 0 12 1 0 DRAW
14-05-2020 13:28:21 AP + 1 RLY ! #4 PUB Shadow Fiend 1697 | +1 19 9 12 251 8 85 WON
28-04-2020 12:31:35 Sd 1500 PUB Rogue Knight 1696 | +3 13 6 4 183 2 90 WON
27-04-2020 19:09:38 SD 1550 +++ 9/10 PUB Death Prophet 1693 | +5 7 6 17 90 0 13 WON
25-04-2020 16:39:46 AP +1 PUB Lifestealer 1688 | -1 4 3 4 94 15 29 LOST
25-04-2020 15:45:42 SD 1550 #3 PUB empty 1689 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
25-04-2020 15:19:10 AP Last slot #1 PUB Sacred Warrior 1689 | +2 25 9 6 116 6 35 WON
25-04-2020 13:20:53 AP fast #2 PUB Butcher 1687 | +1 19 9 21 91 2 21 WON
24-04-2020 17:45:34 SD 1500+ #8 PUB Batrider 1686 | +6 7 6 13 42 3 3 WON
24-04-2020 17:06:31 ap +1 PUB Lifestealer 1680 | -1 24 7 4 293 2 181 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.