Game: aesm

Game Name: aesm Game Type: Custom Game
Game State: PUB Creator: mr.pornmanager
Date: 26-04-2024 01:10:56 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 16:34 Game duration: 29:52
Map: Maps\Download\twrpgv0.66b_eng.w3x
Player Left at Reason
Team 0
29:52 has left the game voluntarily
29:48 has left the game voluntarily
29:52 has left the game voluntarily
29:24 has left the game voluntarily
29:46 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:05 mr.pornmanager has joined the game.
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [mr.pornmanager :].
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [mr.pornmanager :].
01:08 mr.pornmanager .p
01:08 mr.pornmanager: 49ms
01:24 Mick2302 has joined the game.
01:24 Spoof check accepted for [Mick2302 :].
01:24 Spoof check accepted for [Mick2302 :].
02:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
02:04 mr.pornmanager .p
02:04 Mick2302: 101ms, mr.pornmanager: 46ms
03:32 mr.pornmanager .p
03:32 Mick2302: 103ms, mr.pornmanager: 44ms
04:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
05:03 mr.pornmanager .p
05:03 Mick2302: 100ms, mr.pornmanager: 73ms
06:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
06:21 mr.pornmanager .p
06:21 Mick2302: 102ms, mr.pornmanager: 43ms
07:21 mr.pornmanager it seems no gaems today :C
07:30 PROZART has joined the game.
07:31 Spoof check accepted for [PROZART :].
07:31 Spoof check accepted for [PROZART :].
07:45 mr.pornmanager .p
07:45 PROZART: 164ms, Mick2302: 102ms, mr.pornmanager: 43ms
08:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
08:54 mr.pornmanager .p
08:54 PROZART: 172ms, Mick2302: 103ms, mr.pornmanager: 57ms
09:15 Trust- has joined the game.
09:15 Spoof check accepted for [Trust- :].
09:15 Spoof check accepted for [Trust- :].
09:33 mr.pornmanager .p
09:33 PROZART: 172ms, Mick2302: 104ms, mr.pornmanager: 72ms, Trust-: 39ms
09:58 PROZART .ping
10:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
10:08 mr.pornmanager .p
10:08 PROZART: 173ms, Mick2302: 104ms, mr.pornmanager: 89ms, Trust-: 40ms
11:37 mr.pornmanager start or wait for more?
11:53 PROZART guys?
11:59 PROZART for me we need one more
12:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
12:08 mr.pornmanager got it
13:55 zleo has joined the game.
13:55 Spoof check accepted for [zleo :].
13:55 Spoof check accepted for [zleo :].
14:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
14:07 zleo has left the game.
14:54 PROZART go
15:56 zleo has joined the game.
15:57 Spoof check accepted for [zleo :].
15:57 Spoof check accepted for [zleo :].
16:00 [Did you know?] Contact an admin to stop this spam, something is misconfigured.
16:08 PROZART go
16:23 mr.pornmanager here
16:28 mr.pornmanager .start
16:28 10. . .
16:29 9. . .
16:29 8. . .
16:30 7. . .
16:30 6. . .
16:31 5. . .
16:32 4. . .
16:32 3. . .
16:33 2. . .
16:33 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] Longest load by player [PROZART] was 109.38 seconds.
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 4538
00:06 mr.pornmanager [Allies] -load Ant2cl6dfoYOSK2QXAsNbViu5gb1U1U&jK2vnth&qabhNNyEF$7FC
00:07 PROZART [Allies] -load Yrd@PfM03CtR5ORWRnUtNBPonNxn7Y8K8iDE#9Ke9
00:10 mr.pornmanager [Allies] -load j4z6feuqn%dhlymzeY9gfVxbhFZaCeCXoHO1c#nuybgvZxLe45n3$rjzBTO6jVmmz9GYs%X?1QvVvxnB7eEtLjg#HSDhRVqC2L8eu&e4NTb1o
00:15 zleo [Allies] -load fmu790B%RDizbH3SDrEM5ZtVZ%0r5ROCRj9npY6fefSdiebsy20Gi%f3wLet1?Hocb$@4Ad%iZ0E@l1@cihD@2rBbByk9o4HVLldtRocHRFW
00:17 Trust- [Allies] -load UwUhG2yyCeMUAHK5ss#VfsOV7?lsqAlwjOC6iMtxp
00:18 PROZART [Allies] -load b1zz5x6dvy$Ll8O&0SacjxWqd&OSG&viemaB&A1b#&vSz7wL#l4ESvypxBt9qNHPDNwQ4bp7f9cDLNdOd%4Zkm&WoTw7g@QsMvAxRBkB7Zn
00:22 Trust- [Allies] -load @NynWHU?ZHnOdpjRnCbjxtv&dNCYA8pjlg12ODUK9Y8%l?p@AjLUfEG9oQxm?UPiBaWbgpPfGcH$plm?ajiPP1BijuQZhjVXVRt1E
00:44 PROZART [Allies] -t 2 3 4
00:57 Trust- [Allies] -recipe fragment of the wind
01:12 mr.pornmanager [Allies] ready?
01:15 Trust- [Allies] -recipe purified water of nature
01:22 PROZART [Allies] go
01:23 Trust- [Allies] y
01:23 Trust- [Allies] g
01:30 mr.pornmanager [Allies] ahem
01:31 Trust- [Allies] i dont think i need ae g
01:35 Trust- [Allies] xD
01:39 zleo [Allies] -recall
01:43 Trust- [Allies] -recipe embrace of nature
01:55 Trust- [Allies] -recipe ring of the storm
02:06 Trust- [Allies] -recipe ring of the storm
02:53 mr.pornmanager [Allies] damn
02:55 Trust- [Allies] hite pls
03:05 Trust- [Allies] ccc
03:10 mr.pornmanager [Allies] great
03:13 Mick2302 [Allies] -recall
03:13 mr.pornmanager [Allies] -recall
03:15 Trust- [Allies] -recall
04:03 Trust- [Allies] -recipe griseus, the sword of elements
05:59 Trust- [Allies] -recipe Griseus, the Sword of Protection
06:01 mr.pornmanager [Allies] .p
06:01 [All] PROZART: 172ms, Mick2302: 103ms, zleo: 102ms, mr.pornmanager: 78ms, Trust-: 38ms
06:26 Trust- [Allies] -recipe Griseus, the Sword of Protection
07:24 Trust- [Allies] -recipe ring of time
09:38 Trust- [Allies] -recipe anger
09:51 PROZART [Allies] -recipe wings of fury
11:19 mr.pornmanager [Allies] damn bush
13:00 mr.pornmanager [Allies] gz
13:02 PROZART [Allies] gotta afk for a while
13:03 Trust- [Allies] sad
13:04 Trust- [Allies] xD
13:08 PROZART [Allies] you guys go ahead
13:08 mr.pornmanager [Allies] :)
13:24 mr.pornmanager [Allies] who needs silver come sb
14:12 Trust- [Allies] g
14:41 mr.pornmanager [Allies] oii
15:14 mr.pornmanager [Allies] ty :)
16:10 PROZART [Allies] I'm back :)
16:15 mr.pornmanager [Allies] gz :)
16:25 mr.pornmanager [Allies] sec
16:26 Trust- [Allies] -recipe helm of battle
16:39 Trust- [Allies] -recipe god's steel
17:18 Trust- [Allies] y
19:36 Trust- [Allies] wp
19:44 mr.pornmanager [Allies] sec
19:57 mr.pornmanager [Allies] still need damn gk icon :O
20:29 mr.pornmanager [Allies] r?
21:02 PROZART [Allies] !ping
21:08 PROZART [Allies] .ping
24:16 Trust- [Allies] -recipe flameshard armor
24:17 mr.pornmanager [Allies] gz
24:22 mr.pornmanager [Allies] i need it too :(
24:26 PROZART [Allies] -ty
24:29 PROZART [Allies] -save blaster
24:30 mr.pornmanager [Allies] .p
24:30 [All] PROZART: 174ms, Mick2302: 105ms, zleo: 100ms, mr.pornmanager: 45ms, Trust-: 38ms
25:33 Trust- [Allies] !P
25:35 Trust- [Allies] .p
25:48 mr.pornmanager [Allies] .p
25:48 [All] PROZART: 171ms, Mick2302: 104ms, zleo: 101ms, mr.pornmanager: 45ms, Trust-: 38ms
26:04 zleo [Allies] -250
26:10 zleo [Allies] -cam250
26:15 zleo [Allies] -cam 250
29:24 [All] Mick2302 has left the game voluntarily.
29:26 PROZART [Allies] -save blaster
29:38 mr.pornmanager [Allies] rmk
29:42 PROZART [Allies] -save blaster
29:46 [All] PROZART has left the game voluntarily.
29:47 mr.pornmanager [Allies] -save sin066b
29:48 [All] Trust- has left the game voluntarily.
29:52 [All] mr.pornmanager has left the game voluntarily.
29:52 [All] zleo has left the game voluntarily.