Game: sd v7 +++ 2 #3

Game Name: sd v7 +++ 2 #3 Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: dark-crawler
Date: 22-07-2023 02:55:12 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 56:17 Game duration: 48:25
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.03b2.w3x
Mode: sd Winner: Scourge
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Chaos Knight 211507 | -13 12 10 17 257 24 64 3 Kelen's Dagger Lothar's Edge Black King Bar (8) Echo Sabre Power Treads (Strength) Manta Style48:01 has left the game voluntarily
Bane Elemental 181599 | -8 13 11 14 30 11 1 1 Kelen's Dagger Meteor Hammer Ghost Scepter Dust of Appearance Arcane Boots Sentry Wards47:57 has left the game voluntarily
Lycanthrope 251530 | -12 9 11 10 280 8 64 2 Battle Fury Black King Bar (8) Echo Sabre Mask of Death Boots of Travel Moon Shard48:25 has left the game voluntarily
Death Prophet 191608 | -8 15 11 16 153 7 45 1 Spirit Vessel empty Ghost Scepter Rod of Atos Arcane Boots Witch Blade47:56 has left the game voluntarily
Guardian Wisp 131625 | -7 2 10 22 13 4 0 0 Mekansm Tranquil Boots Magic Wand Disabled Heart of Tarrasque empty Smoke of Deceit47:57 has left the game voluntarily
Murloc Nightcrawler 251814 | +1 21 7 27 208 13 43 6 Power Treads (Agility) Hyperstone Echo Sabre Orchid Malevolence Silver Edge Abyssal Blade47:59 has left the game voluntarily
Bounty Hunter 231511 | +15 4 14 17 112 2 27 0 Abyssal Blade Battle Fury Boots of Travel Magic Wand Echo Sabre Moon Shard47:59 has left the game voluntarily
Lord Garithos 251517 | +15 12 10 16 204 2 83 2 Kelen's Dagger Blade Mail Boots of Travel Echo Sabre Stygian Desolator Active)48:02 has left the game voluntarily
Witch Doctor 211448 | +18 8 14 18 31 4 0 0 Kelen's Dagger Force Staff Aghanim's Scepter (Witch Doctor) Arcane Boots empty Enchanted Mango48:07 has left the game voluntarily
Keeper of the Light 231597 | +10 2 7 27 117 4 10 0 Magic Wand Ghost Scepter Guardian Greaves Aeon Disk Aghanim's Scepter (KOTL) empty48:01 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:06 CombatMastery has joined the game.
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [CombatMastery :].
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [CombatMastery :].
00:20 myragegaming has joined the game.
00:20 Spoof check accepted for [myragegaming :].
00:20 Spoof check accepted for [myragegaming :].
00:21 FatAndViolent has joined the game.
00:21 Spoof check accepted for [FatAndViolent :].
00:21 Spoof check accepted for [FatAndViolent :].
00:24 CombatMastery !owner
00:25 Magdos has joined the game.
00:25 Spoof check accepted for [Magdos :].
00:25 Spoof check accepted for [Magdos :].
00:28 Magdos has left the game.
00:32 dark-crawler has joined the game.
00:32 Spoof check accepted for [dark-crawler :].
00:32 Spoof check accepted for [dark-crawler :].
00:39 dark-crawler !pub
00:39 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #1].
00:43 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
00:56 Magdos has joined the game.
00:56 Spoof check accepted for [Magdos :].
00:56 Spoof check accepted for [Magdos :].
01:02 dark-crawler !rall
01:02 myragegaming (1813), Magdos (1729), FatAndViolent (1607), CombatMastery (1534), dark-crawler (1502)
02:00 [Did you know?] 4x bloodstone better than 3x bloodstone.
02:35 dark-crawler !pub
02:35 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #2].
02:47 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
04:00 [Did you know?] Switching Power Treads to Agility while healing allows your health and mana to restore slightly faster. Just don't forget to switch them back!
04:56 dark-crawler !pub
04:56 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #3].
05:03 CombatMastery has left the game.
05:07 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
06:00 [Did you know?] It is everyone's responsibility to try to make the DotA community a friendly and inviting place to compete.
06:20 Magdos has left the game.
07:35 dark-crawler !pub
07:35 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #4].
07:49 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
08:00 [Did you know?] It is often a good idea to carry a Town Portal Scroll.
08:09 Hylden has joined the game.
08:09 Spoof check accepted for [Hylden :].
08:09 Spoof check accepted for [Hylden :].
09:41 dark-crawler !pub
09:41 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #5].
09:59 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
10:00 [Did you know?] You can hold Alt and click on an ability or item to inform your teammates if it is ready, on cooldown, or if you do not have enough mana to use it.
10:39 Hylden has left the game.
12:00 [Did you know?] Average speed of a deer is 48km/h.
12:56 dark-crawler !pub
12:56 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #6].
13:19 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
13:26 myragegaming hold it probably they got a leaver
13:31 myragegaming and will end in 15 min or less
13:35 myragegaming its 14min alreadyt
14:00 [Did you know?] 4x bloodstone better than 3x bloodstone.
14:03 dark-crawler !pub
14:03 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #7].
14:08 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
14:47 dark-crawler can u pub
14:53 dark-crawler !owner myr
14:53 Setting game owner to [myragegaming].
14:55 dark-crawler !sd
16:00 [Did you know?] Purchase and use Town Portal Scrolls to move around the map quickly.
18:00 [Did you know?] Hero choices matter. Many heroes are strong counters to other heroes, and many hero pairings are far more powerful and useful than any hero is alone.
18:34 myragegaming !pub
18:34 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #8].
18:46 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
20:00 [Did you know?] Holding Alt and clicking on an enemy Hero's health and mana bars, or your own, will inform your team of that Hero's current health and mana.
20:56 myragegaming !pub
20:56 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #9].
21:09 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
22:00 [Did you know?] Shift - clicking actions or abilities allows you to queue them.
24:00 [Did you know?] It is everyone's responsibility to try to make the DotA community a friendly and inviting place to compete.
24:30 myragegaming !pub
24:30 Trying to rehost as public game [ap fast rmk #10].
24:53 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
26:00 [Did you know?] Subscribe to deer radio
27:44 myragegaming !pub ap rmk +++
27:44 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++].
27:50 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
28:00 [Did you know?] Stun durations from different skills do not stack. You can keep an enemy stunned for longer with careful timing of your team's skills.
28:17 myragegaming !owner dark
28:17 Setting game owner to [dark-crawler].
29:17 dark-crawler !pub
29:17 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #1].
29:24 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
30:00 [Did you know?] The Secret Shop is not actually a secret.
30:08 dark-crawler !pub
30:08 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #2].
30:09 hercelam has joined the game.
30:09 Spoof check accepted for [hercelam :].
30:09 Spoof check accepted for [hercelam :].
30:16 dark-crawler !sd her
30:16 [hercelam] PSR: 1496 games: 2762 W/L: 145/171
30:16 H. K/D/A 5.97/11.07/12.38 C. K/D/N 138.00/4.76/52.06
30:20 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
32:00 [Did you know?] Be nice to new players.Everyone has to start somewhere.
32:01 dark-crawler !pub
32:01 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #3].
32:09 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
33:55 ArcticDeer has joined the game.
33:55 Spoof check accepted for [ArcticDeer :].
33:55 Spoof check accepted for [ArcticDeer :].
34:00 [Did you know?] After Roshan has been killed, he will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes.
36:00 [Did you know?] Flaming a staff member is the easiest way to get banned.
36:54 dark-crawler !pub
36:54 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #4].
37:06 dark-crawler !owner myr
37:06 Setting game owner to [myragegaming].
37:08 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
38:00 [Did you know?] Holding Alt and clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory will alert your team that the enemy has that item.
38:06 myragegaming !Rall
38:06 myragegaming (1813), FatAndViolent (1607), ArcticDeer (1520), dark-crawler (1502), hercelam (1496)
38:08 myragegaming !pub
38:08 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #5].
38:24 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
40:00 [Did you know?] Average speed of a deer is 48km/h.
40:21 myragegaming !pub
40:21 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #6].
40:41 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
42:00 [Did you know?] Who would win in a 1v1 fantasy match? grga_man vs TooShade
43:51 myragegaming !pub
43:51 Trying to rehost as public game [ap rmk +++ #7].
43:59 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
44:00 [Did you know?] Who would win in a 1v1 fantasy match? grga_man vs TooShade
44:18 k1001 has joined the game.
44:19 Spoof check accepted for [k1001 :].
44:19 Spoof check accepted for [k1001 :].
44:26 myragegaming !pub sd v7 +++ 2
44:26 Trying to rehost as public game [sd v7 +++ 2].
44:36 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
46:00 [Did you know?] The Secret Shop is not actually a secret.
46:50 myragegaming !pub
46:50 Trying to rehost as public game [sd v7 +++ 2 #1].
47:06 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
48:00 [Did you know?] Flaming a staff member is the easiest way to get banned.
48:56 myragegaming !Rall
48:56 myragegaming (1813), FatAndViolent (1607), k1001 (1542), ArcticDeer (1520), dark-crawler (1502), hercelam (1496)
48:57 myragegaming !pub
48:57 Trying to rehost as public game [sd v7 +++ 2 #2].
49:08 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
50:00 [Did you know?] If you never played TRAPEM++++1 or DOTABR APEM NOOBS can you really call yourself a DOtA player?
52:00 [Did you know?] Be aware of your position when attacking creeps. You may wind up pushing your team's creeps, and yourself, into a dangerous location.
53:29 myragegaming !Rall
53:29 myragegaming (1813), FatAndViolent (1607), k1001 (1542), ArcticDeer (1520), dark-crawler (1502), hercelam (1496)
53:30 myragegaming !pub
53:30 Trying to rehost as public game [sd v7 +++ 2 #3].
53:45 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
53:49 NeSiSiryEvil has joined the game.
53:49 Spoof check accepted for [NeSiSiryEvil :].
53:49 Spoof check accepted for [NeSiSiryEvil :].
53:51 disappeared has joined the game.
53:51 Spoof check accepted for [disappeared :].
53:51 Spoof check accepted for [disappeared :].
53:53 22h39 has joined the game.
53:53 Spoof check accepted for [22h39 :].
53:53 Spoof check accepted for [22h39 :].
53:54 Kurunir has joined the game.
53:54 Spoof check accepted for [Kurunir :].
53:54 Spoof check accepted for [Kurunir :].
53:58 disappeared !time
54:00 [Did you know?] Purchase and use Town Portal Scrolls to move around the map quickly.
54:15 myragegaming !balance
54:15 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1568 (41% to win, avg WR=51%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1563 (59% to win, avg WR=50%)
54:16 myragegaming !Rs
54:16 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1568(41% to win, WR=51%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1563(59% to win, WR=50%)
54:21 dark-crawler !r
54:25 myragegaming !hcl sd
54:27 myragegaming !start
54:27 Game is starting, game mode is set to [sd].
54:27 10. . .
54:27 9. . .
54:28 8. . .
54:28 7. . .
54:29 22h39 1
54:29 6. . .
54:29 5. . .
54:30 22h39 min
54:30 4. . .
54:30 3. . .
54:31 2. . .
54:31 myragegaming !a
54:31 Countdown aborted!
54:31 22h39 has left the game.
54:32 lamisak has joined the game.
54:32 Spoof check accepted for [lamisak :].
54:32 Spoof check accepted for [lamisak :].
54:35 dark-crawler !rall
54:40 myragegaming ?
54:43 NeSiSiryEvil he was going to tell something for swap
54:45 dark-crawler !rs
54:48 ArcticDeer i am with 22h39 and nesisiry evil sir
54:49 myragegaming !open 5
54:49 Slot 5 opened
54:49 lamisak has left the game.
54:49 22h39 has joined the game.
54:49 Spoof check accepted for [22h39 :].
54:49 Spoof check accepted for [22h39 :].
54:49 myragegaming g
54:55 ArcticDeer probably
54:56 ArcticDeer xd
54:56 dark-crawler !rs
55:00 myragegaming aham so you want stack in 3am
55:04 22h39 yes
55:15 myragegaming !Rall
55:15 myragegaming (1813), 22h39 (1632), NeSiSiryEvil (1609), FatAndViolent (1607), k1001 (1542), ArcticDeer (1520), dark-crawler (1502), disappeared (1497), hercelam (1496), Kurunir (1444)
55:24 myragegaming !open 9
55:24 Slot 9 opened
55:24 disappeared has left the game.
55:25 mister^qwizy has joined the game.
55:25 Spoof check accepted for [mister^qwizy :].
55:25 Spoof check accepted for [mister^qwizy :].
55:28 dark-crawler !rs
55:28 ArcticDeer omg kvizi
55:30 mister^qwizy ty
55:32 myragegaming !swap 2 7
55:33 myragegaming !Rs
55:33 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1552(25% to win, WR=48%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1599(75% to win, WR=54%)
55:36 myragegaming !Rall
55:36 myragegaming (1813), 22h39 (1632), NeSiSiryEvil (1609), FatAndViolent (1607), mister^qwizy (1587), k1001 (1542), ArcticDeer (1520), dark-crawler (1502), hercelam (1496), Kurunir (1444)
55:36 mister^qwizy omg deer
55:40 22h39 omg deer
55:41 dark-crawler !rs
55:43 Kurunir 3 9
55:44 Kurunir moras
55:45 myragegaming !Rall
55:45 myragegaming (1813), 22h39 (1632), NeSiSiryEvil (1609), FatAndViolent (1607), mister^qwizy (1587), k1001 (1542), ArcticDeer (1520), dark-crawler (1502), hercelam (1496), Kurunir (1444)
55:49 dark-crawler swap me down pls
55:49 myragegaming !balance
55:49 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1578 (42% to win, avg WR=51%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1572 (58% to win, avg WR=51%)
55:53 myragegaming sec
55:57 22h39 if you want psr
56:00 [Did you know?] If you can't get Brood Radi in min 10 are you even trying?
56:01 22h39 i can come with different acc
56:03 myragegaming !swap 1 8
56:04 myragegaming !Rs
56:04 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1582(44% to win, WR=51%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1568(56% to win, WR=51%)
56:06 dark-crawler !rs
56:07 ArcticDeer he pro
56:09 dark-crawler now go
56:11 myragegaming !hcl sd
56:12 myragegaming !start
56:12 Game is starting, game mode is set to [sd].
56:12 10. . .
56:13 9. . .
56:13 8. . .
56:14 7. . .
56:14 22h39 but
56:14 6. . .
56:15 5. . .
56:15 4. . .
56:16 22h39 oh no
56:16 3. . .
56:16 2. . .
56:17 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 2045
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:03 myragegaming [Allies] -cam 2
00:06 myragegaming [Allies] fucking lowers
00:08 mister^qwizy [All] deered
00:08 myragegaming [Allies] want a stack game
00:09 Kurunir [Allies] -cam 1.3
00:10 myragegaming [Allies] in 3 am
00:13 myragegaming [Allies] -clear
00:13 Kurunir [Allies] nisu nesto
00:17 myragegaming [Allies] nisu nista
00:19 myragegaming [Allies] ja to znam
00:19 22h39 [Allies] YYES
00:21 22h39 [Allies] I JUST
00:21 myragegaming [Allies] ali kad su 3
00:21 dark-crawler [Allies] slark
00:22 22h39 [Allies] THOUGHT
00:23 [All] Player [hercelam] reconnected with GProxy++!
00:23 myragegaming [Allies] moras nest da ocekujes
00:23 22h39 [Allies] if someone had wisp
00:23 22h39 [Allies] :D
00:23 myragegaming [Allies] to kazem
00:26 myragegaming [Allies] sta imas ?
00:30 k1001 [Allies] -betterfps
00:31 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] but I missed yours
00:34 dark-crawler [Allies] slark swap pls
00:40 k1001 [Allies] blood swap ?
00:40 myragegaming [Allies] ces nesta od meni
00:40 myragegaming [Allies] ?
00:42 22h39 [Allies] VIKA
00:43 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies]
00:44 Kurunir [Allies] wait little
00:49 mister^qwizy [Allies] i am with them btw
00:49 22h39 [Allies] -swap 4
00:52 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] -swap 5
00:54 myragegaming [Allies] so ?
00:59 myragegaming [Allies] we lost
01:00 myragegaming [Allies] belive me
01:08 Kurunir [Allies] i can legion
01:10 myragegaming [Allies] givme
01:10 mister^qwizy [Allies] i dont care
01:15 22h39 [Allies] if you are not tatacro are you calling yourself a pro?
01:17 mister^qwizy [Allies] but i am with them
01:17 myragegaming [Allies] givme slark then
01:23 dark-crawler [Allies] slark swap
01:25 mister^qwizy [Allies] u put me in wrong team
01:27 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] I will try to get at that level
01:28 dark-crawler [Allies] took legi
01:29 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] let me try
01:29 Kurunir [Allies] za sta?
01:30 dark-crawler [Allies] for u
01:31 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] this game
01:31 hercelam [Allies] axe looknig good for nesaj
01:32 mister^qwizy [Allies] but nvm
01:35 hercelam [Allies] i am sad for not take
01:35 myragegaming [Allies] taxe axe
01:36 myragegaming [Allies] play it
01:37 Kurunir [Allies] sta imas
01:42 22h39 [Allies] ok i need 10 minutes
01:42 Kurunir [Allies] keeoer
01:46 Kurunir [Allies] keeper
01:46 dark-crawler [Allies] -swa
01:47 ArcticDeer [Allies] of farming
01:49 dark-crawler [Allies] -swap
01:52 myragegaming [Allies] so
01:52 myragegaming [Allies] ?
01:55 dark-crawler [Allies] slark
02:00 myragegaming [Allies] >> Stealth Assassin > is ready
02:00 myragegaming [Allies] >> Tuskarr > is ready
02:01 myragegaming [Allies] >> Witch Doctor > is ready
02:04 Kurunir [Allies] oces slarka boriula
02:06 k1001 [Allies] !sd kur
02:07 myragegaming [Allies] ocu
02:07 Kurunir [Allies] doctor
02:07 myragegaming [Allies] ae
02:09 myragegaming [Allies] ae
02:12 Kurunir [Allies] -swap 1
02:12 k1001 [Allies] !sd my
02:13 myragegaming [Allies] -swap
02:15 myragegaming [Allies] -swap 4
02:25 dark-crawler [Allies] fuck
02:26 Kurunir [Allies] i give him bro
02:30 dark-crawler [Allies] gg
02:30 Kurunir [Allies] want docotr
02:32 FatAndViolent [All] why puase?
02:34 ArcticDeer [Allies] my face is red already
02:36 ArcticDeer [Allies] of these pauses
02:36 ArcticDeer [Allies] check
02:37 Kurunir [All] wait sec
02:37 ArcticDeer [Allies] my hero
02:40 ArcticDeer [Allies] portrait
02:42 [All] [22h39]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:48 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] very angry face
03:00 ArcticDeer [Allies] why do they even pick this
03:04 ArcticDeer [Allies] i could just pick arc warden then
03:06 ArcticDeer [Allies] and solo farm entire map
03:08 dark-crawler [Allies] -cam 2400
03:17 FatAndViolent [Allies] with other picks couldnt?
03:39 ArcticDeer [All] agree
03:49 Kurunir [Allies] !sd arc
05:29 myragegaming [Allies] harras nais
05:36 myragegaming [Allies] haras
05:37 myragegaming [Allies] nessay
06:35 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed hercelam
06:53 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed NeSiSiryEvil
06:55 [All] [22h39]The Sentinel killed myragegaming
07:06 myragegaming [Allies] you let to farm
07:07 myragegaming [Allies] down
07:07 myragegaming [Allies] ?
07:09 myragegaming [Allies] nice
07:52 myragegaming [Allies] his not
07:53 myragegaming [Allies] harras
07:54 myragegaming [Allies] downm
08:07 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed hercelam
08:11 [All] [22h39]Neutral creeps killed 22h39
08:16 FatAndViolent [All] agree
08:25 myragegaming [Allies] iw will
08:26 myragegaming [Allies] post
08:26 myragegaming [Allies] you
08:27 myragegaming [Allies] ezalro
08:56 22h39 [Allies] >> Murloc Nightcrawler is missing!
08:56 22h39 [Allies] >> Murloc Nightcrawler is missing!
09:01 22h39 [Allies] with runa
09:04 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Oblivion Staff
09:04 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Oblivion Staff
09:06 myragegaming [Allies] xaxa
09:09 myragegaming [Allies] >> Kurunir (Witch Doctor) has a > Paralyzing Cask [1]
09:09 myragegaming [Allies] >> Kurunir (Witch Doctor) has a > Paralyzing Cask [1]
09:10 myragegaming [Allies] g
09:11 myragegaming [Allies] bane
09:24 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed Kurunir
09:32 [All] [22h39]22h39 killed hercelam
09:40 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed myragegaming
09:45 myragegaming [Allies] fucking turk
09:47 myragegaming [Allies] scambag
09:48 myragegaming [Allies] again
09:49 myragegaming [Allies] failer
09:58 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed mister^qwizy
10:03 myragegaming [Allies] b
10:27 myragegaming [Allies] g
10:51 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed k1001
10:57 [All] [22h39]The Scourge killed FatAndViolent
11:06 ArcticDeer [Allies] im fine dont worry guys
11:11 ArcticDeer [Allies] reading book
11:20 22h39 [Allies] oh
11:23 22h39 [Allies] what page
11:24 22h39 [Allies] are you
11:27 ArcticDeer [Allies] 14
11:31 myragegaming [Allies] g
11:40 myragegaming [Allies] >> Kurunir (Witch Doctor) has a > Paralyzing Cask [1]
11:40 myragegaming [Allies] >> Kurunir (Witch Doctor) has a > Activate Voodoo Restoration [1]
11:53 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed Kurunir
11:54 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed ArcticDeer
11:55 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed dark-crawler
12:00 22h39 [Allies] >> Murloc Nightcrawler is missing!
12:01 [All] [22h39]The Scourge killed 22h39's courier
12:04 ArcticDeer [Allies] SS???
12:16 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed myragegaming
12:18 [All] [22h39]Neutral creeps killed 22h39
12:20 ArcticDeer [Allies] xd
12:20 myragegaming [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Solar Bind [1]
12:24 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed NeSiSiryEvil
12:25 22h39 [Allies] action packed
12:29 22h39 [Allies] toplane\
12:30 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] very very
12:31 FatAndViolent [Allies] creating space
12:34 myragegaming [Allies] >> ArcticDeer (Nessaj) has a > Armlet of Mordiggian
12:40 myragegaming [Allies] get a dager
12:43 myragegaming [Allies] and blade mail
12:43 myragegaming [Allies] moron
12:49 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] look at nessaj
12:50 myragegaming [Allies] def
12:51 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] guys
12:55 22h39 [Allies] omgggggggg
12:56 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] he looks like kickable
12:57 [All] [22h39]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
12:58 22h39 [Allies] prooOOooOOOOO
13:00 myragegaming [Allies] gledaj
13:01 myragegaming [Allies] turcina
13:01 22h39 [Allies] 0 assist
13:04 myragegaming [Allies] ceko sam 50 min za ovo
13:05 Kurunir [Allies] >> Paralyzing Cask [1] > On cooldown ( 00:08 )
13:14 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed Kurunir
13:18 myragegaming [Allies] gg
13:18 22h39 [Allies] ccc
13:19 22h39 [Allies] look at him
13:20 Kurunir [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Echo Sabre
13:20 Kurunir [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Echo Sabre
13:21 Kurunir [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Echo Sabre
13:22 Kurunir [Allies] ccc
13:24 hercelam [Allies] wait for lvlv 6
13:26 Kurunir [Allies] !f
13:40 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed dark-crawler
13:41 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed ArcticDeer
13:44 dark-crawler [Allies] tardddddd
13:44 ArcticDeer [Allies] what
13:46 ArcticDeer [Allies] i didnt see
13:46 ArcticDeer [Allies] slark
13:49 ArcticDeer [Allies] this map
13:50 ArcticDeer [Allies] aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
13:51 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed 22h39
14:22 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed hercelam
14:25 hercelam [Allies] stun man
14:30 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed Kurunir
14:40 myragegaming [Allies] g farm
14:50 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed mister^qwizy
14:59 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Echo Sabre
15:00 myragegaming [Allies] wtf
15:02 [All] [22h39]k1001 destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
15:04 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
15:11 myragegaming [Allies] g
15:23 myragegaming [Allies] ezalor
15:25 myragegaming [Allies] igra sa njima
15:28 Kurunir [Allies] znam
15:39 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
15:39 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
15:42 myragegaming [Allies] g
15:44 myragegaming [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Track [1]
15:46 myragegaming [Allies] g
15:57 myragegaming [Allies] g
16:05 myragegaming [Allies] take towr
16:07 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 22h39 [Allies] >> I want to buy > Ironwood Branch
16:08 myragegaming [Allies] get dager
16:11 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
16:12 myragegaming [Allies] legi
16:14 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed mister^qwizy
16:22 myragegaming [Allies] usless
16:23 dark-crawler [Allies] doimng
16:23 myragegaming [Allies] fucjk
16:24 myragegaming [Allies] playing
16:25 myragegaming [Allies] for them
16:27 myragegaming [Allies] im gona post you
16:31 myragegaming [Allies] after game
16:32 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed hercelam
16:59 myragegaming [Allies] b
17:07 myragegaming [Allies] def
17:25 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed Kurunir
17:31 [All] [22h39]22h39 killed myragegaming
17:37 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed hercelam
17:44 myragegaming [Allies] scumb
17:46 myragegaming [Allies] bag
17:49 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] tether him
18:21 myragegaming [Allies] g
18:25 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed hercelam
18:26 22h39 [Allies]
18:30 hercelam [Allies] help deward man
18:49 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed dark-crawler
18:56 dark-crawler [Allies] idiot doc
19:11 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed Kurunir
19:21 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed hercelam
19:45 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed dark-crawler
19:47 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed k1001
19:49 myragegaming [Allies] b
19:52 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed Kurunir
19:56 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed mister^qwizy
20:01 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed myragegaming
20:01 FatAndViolent [Allies] agree
20:09 dark-crawler [Allies] why u let tards
20:11 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed NeSiSiryEvil's courier
20:14 myragegaming [Allies] shu up
20:14 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] :D
20:14 myragegaming [Allies] trash
20:16 ArcticDeer [Allies] :D
20:17 myragegaming [Allies] you are one of them
20:18 22h39 [Allies] what
20:19 Kurunir [Allies] where are your dager
20:20 Kurunir [Allies] idiot
20:23 Kurunir [Allies] !gnore dar
20:27 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] denieer
20:27 myragegaming [Allies] !ff
20:29 Kurunir [Allies] !ignore dar
20:35 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil destroyed the mid level 2 Scourge tower
20:43 myragegaming [Allies] ae ff
20:44 myragegaming [Allies] da idemo
20:47 Kurunir [Allies] !ff
20:48 hercelam [Allies] !ff
20:49 myragegaming [Allies] ovaj dole mu dade da farma
20:52 hercelam [Allies] -gg
20:52 22h39 [Allies] can someone donate me a heart
20:56 Kurunir [Allies] jbg
20:59 myragegaming [Allies] !f
20:59 [All] myragegaming: (MK), FatAndViolent: (DE), dark-crawler: (TR), hercelam: (TR), ArcticDeer: (RU), k1001: (TR),
20:59 [All] NeSiSiryEvil: (TR), Kurunir: (RS), 22h39: (JP), mister^qwizy: (RS)
21:03 Kurunir [Allies] rekoh ti da ih bar stavis zajedno
21:06 myragegaming [Allies] mister
21:08 myragegaming [Allies] qs
21:09 myragegaming [Allies] hjebacu
21:10 myragegaming [Allies] ti majku
21:11 myragegaming [Allies] i sve
21:12 myragegaming [Allies] po red
21:13 myragegaming [Allies] cujes
21:15 myragegaming [Allies] govno jedn
21:20 mister^qwizy [Allies] mizes samo sa mi se sagnes
21:25 myragegaming [Allies] ok
21:26 mister^qwizy [Allies] nisam nikoga pustuio
21:30 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed mister^qwizy
21:31 mister^qwizy [Allies] tako ne seri
21:33 myragegaming [Allies] reko si
21:35 mister^qwizy [Allies] sta sam mogao
21:35 myragegaming [Allies] na chat
21:37 myragegaming [Allies] to je dovolno
21:38 mister^qwizy [Allies] majke ti
21:39 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed hercelam
21:43 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed Kurunir
21:47 myragegaming [Allies] -gg
21:53 22h39 [Allies] >> NeSiSiryEvil has a > Witch Blade
21:55 22h39 [Allies] which blade?
22:01 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies]
22:03 ArcticDeer [Allies] thitch
22:07 22h39 [Allies] me.pls
22:11 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer destroyed the top level 2 Scourge tower
22:24 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed mister^qwizy
22:34 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed Kurunir
22:51 ArcticDeer [Allies] \good
22:56 22h39 [Allies] likedogs chasign cars
23:00 Kurunir [Allies] ovaj debil samo igra wispa i dobije ga na sd
23:04 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed myragegaming
23:05 22h39 [Allies] Agree
23:05 22h39 [Allies] Agree
23:06 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed hercelam
23:08 myragegaming [Allies] >> Can't use Press The Attack [3] while silenced
23:10 hercelam [Allies] -gg
23:21 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent destroyed the top level 3 Scourge tower
23:23 hercelam [Allies] !rs
23:31 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed dark-crawler
23:31 myragegaming [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Blinding Light
23:32 myragegaming [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Blinding Light
23:32 myragegaming [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Blinding Light
23:32 myragegaming [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Blinding Light
23:33 myragegaming [Allies] stavi
23:35 myragegaming [Allies] ovo majku
23:36 myragegaming [Allies] ti jebem
23:37 myragegaming [Allies] sugavo
23:40 myragegaming [Allies] auu
23:45 myragegaming [Allies] nasi ide sa ovim
23:47 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed mister^qwizy
23:58 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed Kurunir
24:01 [All] [22h39]The Scourge killed ArcticDeer
24:06 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed 22h39
24:07 mister^qwizy [Allies] sugava ti deca koja si napravio
24:10 ArcticDeer [Allies] my units just tsopped reacting
24:11 Kurunir [Allies] am neka igra sa kim hoce
24:12 ArcticDeer [Allies] at commands lol
24:12 [All] [22h39]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
24:13 mister^qwizy [Allies] retarde glupi
24:19 Kurunir [Allies] trebo si mi dati ezalora
24:26 Kurunir [Allies] fino iigeam njega
24:27 22h39 [Allies] ok im using my 10 minutes
24:28 ArcticDeer [Allies] >> k1001 (Lycan) has a > Battle Fury
24:28 22h39 [Allies] now
24:39 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil destroyed the mid Scourge melee rax
24:42 Kurunir [Allies] >> Can't use Activate Voodoo Restoration [1] while silenced
24:48 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed dark-crawler
24:52 [All] [22h39]k1001 destroyed the mid Scourge ranged rax
25:09 dark-crawler [Allies] 3 tard in 1 game
25:31 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed k1001
25:32 [All] [22h39]mister^qwizy killed FatAndViolent
25:53 myragegaming [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Track [1]
25:53 myragegaming [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Track [1]
26:10 myragegaming [Allies] dager
26:11 myragegaming [Allies] chaos
26:41 myragegaming [Allies] doso mu je mid
26:42 myragegaming [Allies] za fb
26:45 myragegaming [Allies] i go hilo
26:50 myragegaming [Allies] kad sam skoro kilo njega
26:53 Kurunir [Allies] jbg
27:06 Kurunir [Allies] >> Can't use Paralyzing Cask [2] while silenced
27:13 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed NeSiSiryEvil
27:19 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed dark-crawler
27:23 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed ArcticDeer
27:32 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed hercelam
27:33 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed Kurunir
27:36 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed FatAndViolent
27:52 ArcticDeer [Allies] like a wolf
27:52 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed k1001
27:58 myragegaming [Allies] axax
28:01 dark-crawler [Allies] >> myragegaming (Slark) has a > Lothar's Edge
28:01 dark-crawler [Allies] >> myragegaming (Slark) has a > Lothar's Edge
28:02 dark-crawler [Allies] >> myragegaming (Slark) has a > Lothar's Edge
28:17 myragegaming [Allies] we casnt
28:19 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] 14-3-14
28:24 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] don't break this time
28:27 myragegaming [Allies] g
28:30 myragegaming [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Track [2]
28:36 myragegaming [Allies] just track
28:36 myragegaming [Allies] him
28:51 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed NeSiSiryEvil
28:59 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] was typing
29:03 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] last game I had
29:07 myragegaming [Allies] koliko imbaheroje smo
29:10 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] something like 22-12-22
29:14 Kurunir [Allies] im,aju i oni
29:14 ArcticDeer [Allies] nais
29:17 Kurunir [Allies] dobar pik
29:17 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed hercelam
29:20 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] and it all got broken
29:20 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed dark-crawler
29:22 ArcticDeer [Allies] oh no
29:28 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] 23-13-32
29:30 [All] [22h39]FatAndViolent killed myragegaming
29:31 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] something like that
29:37 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed k1001
29:53 ArcticDeer [Allies] good
29:57 ArcticDeer [Allies] good
30:09 ArcticDeer [Allies] omg noo
30:18 22h39 [Allies] IM HERE
30:21 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed dark-crawler
30:23 FatAndViolent [All] agree
30:27 22h39 [Allies] not not lc
30:31 dark-crawler [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Battle Fury
30:31 dark-crawler [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Battle Fury
30:36 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer destroyed the top Scourge ranged rax
30:40 myragegaming [Allies] g
30:43 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer destroyed the top Scourge melee rax
30:47 22h39 [Allies]
31:03 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer killed Kurunir
31:05 [All] [22h39]hercelam killed ArcticDeer
31:06 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed 22h39
31:08 ArcticDeer [Allies] good
31:19 myragegaming [Allies] g
31:30 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed NeSiSiryEvil
31:36 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed FatAndViolent
31:39 ArcticDeer [Allies] they pro
31:40 Kurunir [Allies] ezalor
31:42 Kurunir [Allies] idi mekanisam
31:57 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] Io farming gold
32:00 myragegaming [Allies] jusat track
32:01 myragegaming [Allies] them gondar
32:03 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] good strategy
32:05 22h39 [Allies] Agree
32:15 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] most safe way of farming
32:22 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] I will note this somewhere
32:24 [All] [22h39]hercelam killed k1001
32:29 myragegaming [Allies] b
32:37 myragegaming [Allies] get blade mail
32:40 myragegaming [Allies] b
32:41 myragegaming [Allies] b
32:45 myragegaming [Allies] low of all
32:49 22h39 [Allies] 5k gold only in 10 minutes
32:58 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed FatAndViolent
33:04 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed ArcticDeer
33:07 ArcticDeer [Allies] what the
33:09 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed 22h39
33:11 [All] [22h39]NeSiSiryEvil killed hercelam
33:12 ArcticDeer [Allies] why would
33:13 ArcticDeer [Allies] lc spell
33:16 ArcticDeer [Allies] destroy strong illusions
33:17 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed NeSiSiryEvil
33:19 ArcticDeer [Allies] not only manta ones
33:22 ArcticDeer [Allies] xddddddd
33:27 myragegaming [Allies] g
33:31 FatAndViolent [Allies] maybe they count as hero
33:33 myragegaming [Allies] get mid
33:34 myragegaming [Allies] towr
33:38 myragegaming [Allies] top also
33:56 myragegaming [Allies] we need
34:01 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed dark-crawler
34:01 myragegaming [Allies] some towrs
34:05 ArcticDeer [Allies] paws
34:06 myragegaming [Allies] wghy alone
34:08 ArcticDeer [Allies] of faith
34:21 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed 22h39
34:21 mister^qwizy [Allies] >> Mekansm > is ready
34:23 22h39 [Allies] :D
34:23 22h39 [Allies] ;D
34:23 22h39 [Allies] ;
34:24 Kurunir [Allies] gj
34:36 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed ArcticDeer
34:45 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed NeSiSiryEvil
34:46 ArcticDeer [Allies] well ;D
34:46 myragegaming [Allies] g
34:51 ArcticDeer [Allies] gold strategyu
34:54 myragegaming [Allies] care
34:58 myragegaming [Allies] b
34:59 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] does not work??
35:02 22h39 [Allies] >> Heart of Tarrasque > is ready
35:03 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
35:09 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] very good then
35:13 ArcticDeer [Allies] :D
35:14 ArcticDeer [Allies] duel
35:16 [All] [22h39]The Scourge killed FatAndViolent
35:22 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed k1001
35:22 [All] [22h39]k1001 destroyed the bottom level 2 Scourge tower
35:22 ArcticDeer [Allies] :D:D::D
35:23 ArcticDeer [Allies] agnetued
35:24 myragegaming [Allies] g
35:24 myragegaming [Allies] ae
35:25 ArcticDeer [Allies] agent
35:25 myragegaming [Allies] -4
35:27 ArcticDeer [Allies] disguised??
35:33 myragegaming [Allies] ae svi
35:43 myragegaming [Allies] g
35:44 myragegaming [Allies] track
35:45 myragegaming [Allies] him
35:54 [All] [22h39]hercelam killed NeSiSiryEvil
36:09 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:13 myragegaming [Allies] get mid
36:13 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:17 Kurunir [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Blink Dagger
36:18 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Press The Attack [4]
36:18 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Press The Attack [4]
36:18 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Press The Attack [4]
36:18 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Press The Attack [4]
36:23 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed FatAndViolent
36:33 [All] [22h39]The Scourge killed ArcticDeer
36:34 ArcticDeer [Allies] xd
36:35 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
36:38 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:39 ArcticDeer [Allies] these interactions
36:39 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:41 myragegaming [Allies] we got chance
36:43 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:43 ArcticDeer [Allies] lc dispels bane ult
36:43 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] :D:D
36:49 ArcticDeer [Allies] and random stuff
36:50 ArcticDeer [Allies] happens
36:50 Kurunir [Allies] rax
36:51 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:52 myragegaming [Allies] y
36:52 myragegaming [Allies] g
36:57 myragegaming [Allies] fast
36:59 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
37:03 myragegaming [Allies] g
37:04 NeSiSiryEvil [Allies] traditional massive suicides
37:06 myragegaming [Allies] track gondar
37:07 myragegaming [Allies] pls
37:07 22h39 [Allies] Agree
37:08 ArcticDeer [Allies] nice
37:10 [All] [22h39]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
37:10 FatAndViolent [Allies] agree
37:11 myragegaming [Allies] rax and b
37:16 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
37:23 22h39 [Allies] do we rat
37:24 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed Kurunir
37:26 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed k1001
37:27 ArcticDeer [Allies] agentuuu
37:38 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Illuminate [4]
37:38 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:38 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:39 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:41 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:41 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:42 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed NeSiSiryEvil
37:43 22h39 [Allies] >> Disabled Heart of Tarrasque > On cooldown ( 00:04 )
37:43 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:43 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:43 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:44 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:44 Kurunir [Allies] >> mister^qwizy (Ezalor) has a > Mekansm
37:49 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
37:51 Kurunir [Allies] mora breze
37:53 Kurunir [Allies] brze
37:54 myragegaming [Allies] g
38:00 myragegaming [Allies] b
38:01 myragegaming [Allies] b
38:01 Kurunir [Allies] b
38:02 myragegaming [Allies] fast
38:07 myragegaming [Allies] jsutr b
38:08 myragegaming [Allies] we can win
38:09 Kurunir [Allies] one more fight
38:11 myragegaming [Allies] y
38:11 Kurunir [Allies] we win
38:19 myragegaming [Allies] fast all
38:26 myragegaming [Allies] stay all
38:30 22h39 [Allies] >> myragegaming has a > Abyssal Blade Recipe
38:35 myragegaming [Allies] wait him
38:39 myragegaming [Allies] g all top
38:42 myragegaming [Allies] we got mega top
38:43 myragegaming [Allies] g
38:49 myragegaming [Allies] push top guys
38:51 myragegaming [Allies] we got mega top
38:53 myragegaming [Allies] b
39:00 myragegaming [Allies] just g all top
39:01 myragegaming [Allies] we got mega
39:04 myragegaming [Allies] down is not
39:08 mister^qwizy [Allies] >> Guardian Greaves > is ready
39:28 myragegaming [Allies] g
39:39 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed k1001
39:42 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed FatAndViolent
39:46 myragegaming [Allies] g
39:55 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed 22h39
39:59 myragegaming [Allies] b
40:01 myragegaming [Allies] g
40:05 myragegaming [Allies] b
40:06 myragegaming [Allies] fast roshan
40:07 myragegaming [Allies] g
40:13 myragegaming [Allies] wtf you doing
40:15 myragegaming [Allies] stop split
40:16 myragegaming [Allies] al
40:21 myragegaming [Allies] b
40:21 myragegaming [Allies] brate
40:25 Kurunir [Allies] wardao sam
40:35 myragegaming [Allies] g
40:36 myragegaming [Allies] just all
40:37 myragegaming [Allies] top
40:37 myragegaming [Allies] g
41:13 myragegaming [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Battle Fury
41:13 myragegaming [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Battle Fury
41:22 myragegaming [Allies] g
41:23 myragegaming [Allies] fast
41:27 myragegaming [Allies] save for bb
41:29 Kurunir [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 546 )
41:29 Kurunir [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 546 )
41:33 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler destroyed the top level 2 Sentinel tower
41:34 myragegaming [Allies] b
41:35 22h39 [Allies] slark tp
41:36 22h39 [Allies] b
41:43 myragegaming [Allies] b
41:57 myragegaming [Allies] g towr
41:57 myragegaming [Allies] down
41:59 myragegaming [Allies] fast
42:05 myragegaming [Allies] b
42:05 Kurunir [Allies] b
42:09 myragegaming [Allies] gg
42:11 myragegaming [Allies] on namerno
42:11 Kurunir [Allies] ccc
42:12 myragegaming [Allies] brate
42:17 22h39 [Allies] >> Murloc Nightcrawler is missing!
42:21 22h39 [Allies] warded
42:24 myragegaming [Allies] cu da postam ovog
42:52 Kurunir [Allies] b
42:52 myragegaming [Allies] ne
42:52 dark-crawler [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 1076 )
42:52 myragegaming [Allies] b
42:52 dark-crawler [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 1075 )
42:54 Kurunir [Allies] b
42:54 Kurunir [Allies] b
43:00 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed hercelam
43:01 FatAndViolent [Allies] agree
43:05 myragegaming [Allies] g bb
43:08 hercelam [Allies] i am teleport for him :S
43:18 myragegaming [Allies] def
43:18 myragegaming [Allies] g
43:24 myragegaming [Allies] Buyback >> Ready
43:25 ArcticDeer [Allies] we can tp t3
43:26 ArcticDeer [Allies] while
43:27 ArcticDeer [Allies] mess top
43:29 Kurunir [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 147 )
43:32 dark-crawler [Allies] no bb tard
43:37 22h39 [Allies] you mean bot t3
43:37 22h39 [Allies] ?
43:40 ArcticDeer [Allies] agre
43:52 hercelam [Allies] he have aegist and not atack with me
44:01 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed NeSiSiryEvil
44:04 [All] [22h39]k1001 killed Kurunir
44:15 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed FatAndViolent
44:19 Kurunir [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 6:45 seconds remains )
44:19 Kurunir [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 6:45 seconds remains )
44:31 myragegaming [Allies] b
44:32 Kurunir [Allies] b
44:39 myragegaming [Allies] g
44:40 myragegaming [Allies] lycan
44:40 myragegaming [Allies] g
44:49 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed k1001
44:55 myragegaming [Allies] g
44:56 myragegaming [Allies] towr
44:57 myragegaming [Allies] g
44:57 mister^qwizy [Allies] kaze namarno a najvise asistencija u timu
45:05 ArcticDeer [Allies] creeps on ghf
45:06 ArcticDeer [Allies] hg
45:07 ArcticDeer [Allies] to relo
45:09 ArcticDeer [Allies] go relo
45:09 ArcticDeer [Allies] fast
45:11 Kurunir [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Boots of Travel
45:11 Kurunir [Allies] >> hercelam (Gondar) has a > Boots of Travel
45:12 Kurunir [Allies] Bounty Hunter >> Scroll of TP: 0 charges
45:12 Kurunir [Allies] Bounty Hunter >> Scroll of TP: 0 charges
45:14 Kurunir [Allies] def
45:15 myragegaming [Allies] nemam mana
45:16 Kurunir [Allies] and come
45:21 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer destroyed the bottom level 3 Scourge tower
45:26 [All] [22h39]ArcticDeer destroyed the bottom Scourge ranged rax
45:32 k1001 [Allies] gj
45:44 myragegaming [Allies] moramo odma mid
45:46 myragegaming [Allies] ovo ce da rade
45:47 myragegaming [Allies] ceo vreme
45:53 myragegaming [Allies] g all mid
45:54 myragegaming [Allies] end it
45:59 myragegaming [Allies] wait me
46:09 [All] [22h39]hercelam killed ArcticDeer
46:13 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed FatAndViolent
46:14 myragegaming [Allies] g
46:16 myragegaming [Allies] -2
46:16 myragegaming [Allies] g
46:17 ArcticDeer [Allies] that was quite stunlock
46:17 ArcticDeer [Allies] ;D
46:18 myragegaming [Allies] mid rax
46:19 Kurunir [Allies] >> Death Ward [3] > On cooldown ( 00:29 )
46:25 ArcticDeer [Allies] relo soon
46:25 myragegaming [Allies] g
46:26 myragegaming [Allies] g
46:31 myragegaming [Allies] rax
46:31 myragegaming [Allies] g
46:32 myragegaming [Allies] fast
46:34 myragegaming [Allies] >> dark-crawler (Legion Commander) has a > Press The Attack [4]
46:37 myragegaming [Allies] neka
46:37 myragegaming [Allies] ga
46:39 myragegaming [Allies] ne
46:41 myragegaming [Allies] stay
46:43 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the top level 3 Sentinel tower
46:55 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler destroyed the top Sentinel melee rax
46:58 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed k1001
46:59 [All] [22h39]Kurunir killed ArcticDeer
47:03 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed NeSiSiryEvil
47:06 myragegaming [Allies] mega
47:07 ArcticDeer [Allies] why not me
47:08 ArcticDeer [Allies] :D
47:18 [All] [22h39]myragegaming destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
47:20 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler killed 22h39
47:25 22h39 [Allies] misclick
47:36 [All] [22h39]mister^qwizy killed 22h39
47:38 [All] [22h39]myragegaming killed FatAndViolent
47:41 FatAndViolent [All] gg
47:41 myragegaming [Allies] end it
47:42 myragegaming [Allies] throne
47:43 FatAndViolent [All] decent game
47:43 Kurunir [Allies] \gj
47:44 dark-crawler [Allies] look me
47:44 [All] [22h39]dark-crawler destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
47:45 ArcticDeer [All] good game !
47:46 Kurunir [All] gg
47:47 [All] [22h39]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
47:49 ArcticDeer [Allies] (maybe)
47:50 ArcticDeer [Allies] xd
47:50 [All] [22h39]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
47:52 [All] [22h39]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
47:54 [All] [22h39]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:55 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
47:56 Kurunir [Allies] sta smo dobili
47:56 [All] NeSiSiryEvil has left the game voluntarily.
47:57 [All] 22h39 has left the game voluntarily.
47:57 [All] FatAndViolent has left the game voluntarily.
47:59 [All] myragegaming has left the game voluntarily.
47:59 [All] hercelam has left the game voluntarily.
48:01 [All] mister^qwizy has left the game voluntarily.
48:01 [All] ArcticDeer has left the game voluntarily.
48:02 [All] dark-crawler has left the game voluntarily.
48:07 [All] Kurunir has left the game voluntarily.
48:25 [All] k1001 has left the game voluntarily.