Game: ap all +2

Game Name: ap all +2 Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: schelkunoff
Date: 19-05-2024 01:19:41 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 20:55 Game duration: 62:44
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Scourge
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Slithereen Guard 251443 | -19 4 16 13 145 11 38 0 Armlet of Mordiggian Stygian Desolator Power Treads (Strength) Kelen's Dagger Echo Sabre Hyperstone62:36 has left the game voluntarily
Shadow Priest 281531 | -13 5 11 17 285 17 93 0 Blade Mail Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Linken's Sphere Lotus Orb Boots of Speed Aghanim's Scepter (Dazzle)62:35 has left the game voluntarily
Storm Spirit 301503 | -15 23 8 7 502 17 156 2 Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Octarine Core Bloodthorn Bloodstone Eul's Scepter of Divinity Aghanim's Scepter (KOTL)62:36 has left the game voluntarily
Morphling 281616 | -7 12 13 11 424 7 265 1 Manta Style Mask of Madness Kelen's Dagger Silver Edge Active) Aeon Disk62:35 has left the game voluntarily
Sacred Warrior 251612 | -7 9 21 9 216 2 75 0 Boots of Travel Armlet of Mordiggian Active) Sange Aghanim's Scepter (Huskar) empty62:44 was disconnected (gameover timer finished)
Nerubian Weaver 301568 | +14 13 7 25 252 10 92 3 Stygian Desolator Bloodthorn Blade Mail Messerschmidt's Reaver Linken's Sphere Mask of Madness62:44 was disconnected (gameover timer finished)
Axe 301523 | +17 17 12 18 404 6 94 1 Kelen's Dagger Blade Mail On) Boots of Travel Heart of Tarrasque Linken's Sphere62:41 has left the game voluntarily
Dwarven Sniper 271582 | +13 7 11 24 287 7 100 2 Manta Style Satanic Maelstrom Dragon Lance Assault Cuirass Boots of Speed62:39 has left the game voluntarily
Windrunner 231541 | +16 5 16 18 135 2 82 0 Gleipnir empty Power Treads (Strength) Ogre Axe Boots of Elvenskin Observer Wards62:38 has left the game voluntarily
Phantom Assassin 301621 | +9 24 8 12 410 3 182 1 Battle Fury Abyssal Blade Black King Bar (6) Satanic Stygian Desolator Moon Shard62:38 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:06 schelkunoff has joined the game.
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
00:13 schelkunoff !sd
00:13 [schelkunoff] PSR: 1462 games: 49 W/L: 0/3
00:13 H. K/D/A 6.67/11.67/15.33 C. K/D/N 170.67/5.67/46.67
01:07 schelkunoff !pub ap all
01:07 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
01:10 schelkunoff has left the game.
01:24 schelkunoff has joined the game.
01:24 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
01:24 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
02:00 [Did you know?] Purchase and use Town Portal Scrolls to move around the map quickly.
04:00 [Did you know?] Anyone can buy wards, and anyone can buy or upgrade the courier. If your team needs something, don't be afraid to buy it.
05:00 schelkunoff has left the game.
05:09 schelkunoff has joined the game.
05:09 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
05:09 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
05:16 schelkunoff !pub ap all
05:16 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all ].
05:30 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
05:43 schelkunoff has left the game.
05:53 schelkunoff has joined the game.
05:53 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
05:53 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
06:00 [Did you know?] Please donate to our Patreon so we can pay for the server, huh?
06:08 schelkunoff has left the game.
07:27 schelkunoff has joined the game.
07:27 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
07:27 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
08:00 [Did you know?] Subscribe to deer radio
08:20 schelkunoff !pub ap all +3
08:20 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all +3].
08:34 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
08:58 schelkunoff has left the game.
09:04 schelkunoff has joined the game.
09:04 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
09:04 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
09:11 schelkunoff !pub ap all
09:11 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
09:25 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
10:00 [Did you know?] The Secret Shop is not actually a secret.
11:34 schelkunoff !pub ap all
11:34 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
11:45 schelkunoff has left the game.
12:32 schelkunoff has joined the game.
12:32 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
12:32 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
12:46 schelkunoff !sd
12:46 [schelkunoff] PSR: 1462 games: 49 W/L: 0/3
12:46 H. K/D/A 6.67/11.67/15.33 C. K/D/N 170.67/5.67/46.67
13:04 schelkunoff !pub ap all
13:04 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
13:23 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
13:44 schelkunoff !pub ap all
13:44 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
13:49 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
14:00 [Did you know?] Holding Alt and clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory will alert your team that the enemy has that item.
14:32 Unbalanced has joined the game.
14:32 Spoof check accepted for [Unbalanced :].
14:32 Spoof check accepted for [Unbalanced :].
14:54 schelkunoff !f
14:54 schelkunoff: (TR), Unbalanced: (CA)
15:19 L.B.J has joined the game.
15:19 Spoof check accepted for [L.B.J :].
15:19 Spoof check accepted for [L.B.J :].
15:58 yojimbook2 has joined the game.
15:58 Spoof check accepted for [yojimbook2 :].
15:58 Spoof check accepted for [yojimbook2 :].
16:00 [Did you know?] Shift - clicking actions or abilities allows you to queue them.
16:11 Mindzela has joined the game.
16:11 Spoof check accepted for [Mindzela :].
16:11 Spoof check accepted for [Mindzela :].
16:26 Mindzela has left the game.
16:56 schelkunoff !pub ap all
16:56 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
17:05 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
18:00 [Did you know?] Check your minimap often. You may discover that you are about to be ambushed.
18:34 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has joined the game.
18:34 Spoof check accepted for [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :].
18:34 Spoof check accepted for [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :].
18:41 13thWarrior has joined the game.
18:41 Spoof check accepted for [13thWarrior :].
18:41 Spoof check accepted for [13thWarrior :].
18:52 tempaccount has joined the game.
18:52 Spoof check accepted for [tempaccount :].
18:52 Spoof check accepted for [tempaccount :].
19:45 nespresso has joined the game.
19:45 Spoof check accepted for [nespresso :].
19:45 Spoof check accepted for [nespresso :].
19:46 gHe has joined the game.
19:47 Spoof check accepted for [gHe :].
19:47 Spoof check accepted for [gHe :].
19:53 gHe has left the game.
19:53 schelkunoff !pub ap all
19:53 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all].
20:00 [Did you know?] Holding Alt and clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory will alert your team that the enemy has that item.
20:07 schelkunoff !pub ap all +2
20:07 Trying to rehost as public game [ap all +2].
20:09 13thWarrior !sd
20:16 schelkunoff !hcl ap
20:19 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
20:22 hercellam has joined the game.
20:22 Spoof check accepted for [hercellam :].
20:22 Spoof check accepted for [hercellam :].
20:26 Neymar.JR7 has joined the game.
20:26 Spoof check accepted for [Neymar.JR7 :].
20:26 Spoof check accepted for [Neymar.JR7 :].
20:33 schelkunoff !başlance
20:35 schelkunoff !balance
20:35 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1553 (52% to win, avg WR=45%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1553 (48% to win, avg WR=47%)
20:38 tempaccount !f
20:42 schelkunoff k?
20:49 tempaccount g
20:50 schelkunoff !start
20:50 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
20:50 10. . .
20:51 9. . .
20:51 8. . .
20:52 7. . .
20:52 6. . .
20:53 5. . .
20:53 4. . .
20:54 3. . .
20:54 2. . .
20:55 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 1181
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -cam 2500
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -minimap 3
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -water green
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -weather off
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -clear
00:04 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -cam 1.7
00:06 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -minimap 3
00:07 tempaccount [Allies] !sd off
00:08 schelkunoff [Allies] -cam 2300
00:10 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
00:19 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] let me last pick if im mid
00:19 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] -minimap 3
00:20 13thWarrior [Allies] !r
00:24 Neymar.JR7 [All] ez nrgdvl
00:24 tempaccount [Allies] np
00:24 13thWarrior [Allies] -cam 2400
00:28 tempaccount [All] ez neymar
00:31 schelkunoff [Allies] -cam 2200
00:31 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] xd
00:34 tempaccount [All] ^^
00:36 nespresso [Allies] !f
00:40 13thWarrior [Allies] -minimap 1
00:43 Neymar.JR7 [All] u should played better last game
00:49 Neymar.JR7 [All] they lost cuz of u
00:57 tempaccount [All] y not bcz stupid void
00:59 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] pick
01:00 Neymar.JR7 [All] :D
01:05 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] !R
01:14 13thWarrior [Allies] !sd off
01:23 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -cam 2
01:32 13thWarrior [Allies] !sd nes
01:40 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] u go random
01:42 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] herce
01:43 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
01:47 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] !sd her
01:51 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] stupid ass shit
01:53 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
01:56 nespresso [Allies] -cam 2700
02:13 tempaccount [Allies] pick vs mort
02:13 yojimbook2 [Allies] -cam 2400
02:14 tempaccount [Allies] smth
02:14 L.B.J [Allies] -minimap 3
02:15 schelkunoff [Allies] good luck & have fun guys
02:16 yojimbook2 [Allies] -minimap 3
02:17 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] thanks for taken gold
02:19 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] stupid
02:20 tempaccount [Allies] gl
02:26 hercellam [Allies] -minimap 3
02:33 tempaccount [Allies] -cam 3000
02:35 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
02:41 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] husky
02:43 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] can u go mid ?
02:44 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] who is mid
02:49 nespresso [Allies] i can
02:53 tempaccount [Allies] ez mid
02:54 13thWarrior [Allies] not me
02:54 tempaccount [Allies] why not
02:55 tempaccount [Allies] go
02:58 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] me ?
02:59 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] wind?
03:00 tempaccount [Allies] y
03:03 tempaccount [Allies] ez for u
03:03 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
03:04 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] so im bot
03:06 tempaccount [Allies] they have no storng players
03:08 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] a ok
03:08 tempaccount [Allies] for mid
03:12 L.B.J [Allies] I can mid
03:14 L.B.J [Allies] if you nwat
03:17 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] go better
03:18 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] u
03:24 [All] [tempaccount]-- Creeps Spawned --
03:30 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed nespresso
04:44 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] !sd yoj
04:51 tempaccount [Allies] -csa
05:24 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] !sd
05:39 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed nespresso
05:52 tempaccount [Allies] dfuck ur doing
05:59 tempaccount [Allies] ur ruining last hit mate
06:40 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] >> Nerubian Weaver is missing!
06:40 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] >> Nerubian Weaver is missing!
06:55 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Morphling is missing!
07:12 tempaccount [All] u idiot ?
07:14 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Morphling is missing!
07:16 Neymar.JR7 [All] xD
07:33 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed nespresso
07:38 Unbalanced [Allies] !votekick nesp
07:38 [All] [Unbalanced] voted to kick [nespresso] [1/6]
07:38 [All] RULE: !votekick command may only be used against game ruiners (intentional feed, obstructing gameplay..). Vote accordingly.
07:38 [All] Type !yes to vote.
07:51 tempaccount [Allies] >> Observer Ward > is ready
07:52 13thWarrior [Allies] >> Shrine > is ready
08:01 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed tempaccount
08:11 nespresso [Allies] !sd unb
08:13 nespresso [Allies] D
08:14 tempaccount [Allies] drain didnt work
08:14 tempaccount [Allies] ffs
08:38 [All] A votekick against player [nespresso] has expired.
08:41 nespresso [Allies] dzzle zero support
08:43 nespresso [Allies] go carry bro
09:05 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed L.B.J
09:05 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
09:11 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed yojimbook2
09:14 tempaccount [All] debil
09:17 yojimbook2 [All] low
09:24 tempaccount [All] u die from low?
09:30 L.B.J [Allies] >> Enemy Storm Spirit will respawn in 1 seconds!
09:46 L.B.J [Allies] >> Storm Spirit is missing!
10:18 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed tempaccount
10:23 Neymar.JR7 [All] free gold
10:28 tempaccount [All] sure 2v1
10:29 yojimbook2 [All] free nob
10:29 tempaccount [All] ure pro
10:30 [All] [tempaccount]hercellam killed nespresso
10:37 tempaccount [All] I will fuck u both
10:40 tempaccount [All] and this monkey axe
10:41 Neymar.JR7 [All] ez nrgdvl
10:44 tempaccount [All] as addition
11:38 [All] [tempaccount]hercellam killed schelkunoff
11:39 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed yojimbook2
11:43 yojimbook2 [Allies] run
11:45 tempaccount [All] fre nob
11:53 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] sry bro
12:22 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed Unbalanced
13:01 tempaccount [Allies] -cam 2
13:01 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
13:30 tempaccount [Allies] let
13:31 [All] [tempaccount]hercellam killed tempaccount
13:41 tempaccount [Allies] gtfo
13:43 nespresso [Allies] so come
14:21 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed Unbalanced
15:09 [All] [tempaccount]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
15:21 [All] [tempaccount]The Scourge killed Unbalanced
15:26 [All] [tempaccount]schelkunoff killed L.B.J
15:26 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
15:28 nespresso [Allies] unbalanced extremelly low
15:35 Unbalanced [Allies] you are low bro
15:39 Unbalanced [Allies] extremely
15:39 nespresso [Allies] D
15:40 Unbalanced [Allies] low
15:41 [All] [tempaccount]The Scourge destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
15:47 Unbalanced [Allies] you fucked up
15:58 nespresso [Allies] >> Life Break - Level 1 > is ready
16:16 tempaccount [Allies] dager ax
16:20 yojimbook2 [Allies] 4
16:22 [All] [tempaccount]Neutral creeps killed hercellam
16:26 hercellam [Allies] fck afk
17:04 schelkunoff [Allies] b
17:05 schelkunoff [Allies] b
17:05 schelkunoff [Allies] b
17:13 [All] [tempaccount]schelkunoff killed yojimbook2
17:34 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed hercellam
17:44 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed nespresso
18:00 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed Unbalanced
18:00 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed schelkunoff
18:05 Unbalanced [Allies] ..
18:33 yojimbook2 [All] !f
19:55 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed tempaccount
20:01 yojimbook2 [All] low
20:05 tempaccount [All] ure mother low
20:07 tempaccount [All] dogshit
20:08 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed 13thWarrior
20:31 [All] [tempaccount]schelkunoff killed Neymar.JR7
21:25 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed Unbalanced
21:26 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed hercellam
21:31 tempaccount [Allies] arcane
21:32 tempaccount [Allies] Ivan
21:37 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
21:39 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed Neymar.JR7
21:39 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] SNIPER
21:41 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] ARE U STUPID
21:42 13thWarrior [Allies] >> I have 26% HP and 89% Mana
21:43 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed schelkunoff
21:43 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] WHY U RUN
21:44 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed yojimbook2
21:45 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] ATACK
21:45 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] SHIT
21:46 13thWarrior [Allies] >> Magic Wand > On cooldown ( 00:00 )
21:47 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] why not
21:48 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] stun\
21:51 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] !SD WARI
21:51 schelkunoff [Allies] mana
21:51 Unbalanced [Allies] mana
21:52 schelkunoff [Allies] bro
21:54 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] +
21:55 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] U GOT RANGE
21:57 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] IMBECIL
22:08 schelkunoff [Allies] >> L.B.J (Weaver) has a > Ultimate Orb
22:09 schelkunoff [Allies] >> L.B.J (Weaver) has a > Perseverance
22:19 schelkunoff [Allies] dagger?
22:31 tempaccount [Allies] y
22:55 schelkunoff [Allies] come
22:58 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] sec
23:33 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed L.B.J
23:52 tempaccount [All] u cant run from urself bro
23:55 Neymar.JR7 [All] xD
24:10 schelkunoff [Allies] mortred deso
24:16 tempaccount [Allies] y bad item
24:21 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed nespresso
24:24 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed hercellam
24:35 tempaccount [Allies] fre kil
24:36 tempaccount [Allies] top
24:37 tempaccount [Allies] wods
24:41 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] taje]\
24:43 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] take
24:45 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] +
25:05 [All] [tempaccount]Unbalanced killed 13thWarrior
25:10 13thWarrior [Allies] ward
25:12 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
25:18 schelkunoff [Allies] you are sleeping
25:28 [All] [tempaccount]Unbalanced killed hercellam
25:32 tempaccount [Allies] hiting snip
25:33 tempaccount [Allies] was
25:35 tempaccount [Allies] and axe
25:36 tempaccount [Allies] 1c2
25:37 tempaccount [Allies] 1v2
25:47 Unbalanced [Allies] was far
25:48 Unbalanced [Allies] for me
25:50 Unbalanced [Allies] to do both
25:57 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
26:06 [All] [tempaccount]Neutral creeps killed nespresso
26:09 nespresso [Allies] ahahahaha
26:10 nespresso [Allies] 4 stuns
26:25 tempaccount [Allies] >> 22:58
26:27 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed schelkunoff
26:54 Unbalanced [Allies] >> Blade Mail > is ready
27:06 [All] [tempaccount]Unbalanced killed Neymar.JR7
27:10 Neymar.JR7 [All] come solo mate
27:12 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed 13thWarrior
27:13 Unbalanced [All] nah
27:14 Neymar.JR7 [All] fuck that dazle shit
27:19 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] y
27:22 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] vs mortred solo
27:23 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] as storm
27:24 Neymar.JR7 [All] y
27:25 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] gj brain xd
27:27 Neymar.JR7 [All] :D
28:42 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed 13thWarrior
28:48 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed hercellam
28:49 13thWarrior [Allies] ward
28:52 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> nespresso (Huskar) has a > Aegis of the Immortal
29:18 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed yojimbook2
29:28 yojimbook2 [Allies] -gg
29:42 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
29:44 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] >> I have 90% HP and 42% Mana
29:49 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed hercellam
29:52 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
30:23 schelkunoff [Allies] warded
30:24 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed schelkunoff
30:58 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed tempaccount
30:59 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
31:02 tempaccount [Allies] fc
31:08 tempaccount [Allies] here alsi ward
31:11 tempaccount [Allies] how the fuck
31:18 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] idk why i follow all of u
31:19 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] but ok
31:19 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
31:22 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !ff
31:22 [All] [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL] voted to forfeit [1/5 Sentinel]
31:22 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed hercellam
31:22 tempaccount [Allies] :D
31:25 tempaccount [Allies] y
31:27 tempaccount [Allies] u tried help
31:29 tempaccount [Allies] I thkn
31:59 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] g
31:59 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] g
32:50 tempaccount [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 31 cooldown left
32:50 tempaccount [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 31 cooldown left
32:58 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed yojimbook2
33:33 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed Unbalanced
33:40 Unbalanced [Allies] ffs
34:45 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed hercellam
34:52 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed L.B.J
34:54 13thWarrior [Allies] ward
34:59 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] xd
35:04 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed Unbalanced's courier
35:13 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed Neymar.JR7
35:13 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed tempaccount
35:13 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed yojimbook2
35:14 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed schelkunoff
35:18 schelkunoff [Allies] gj
35:18 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed 13thWarrior
35:20 yojimbook2 [All] nob come sıster ehuheu
36:45 L.B.J [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 33 cooldown left
36:58 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
37:00 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed yojimbook2
37:03 yojimbook2 [All] nob
37:05 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
37:07 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
37:18 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] hex soon
37:20 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed Unbalanced
37:21 tempaccount [Allies] +
37:24 Unbalanced [Allies] come on huys
37:44 nespresso [Allies] !r
37:44 Unbalanced [Allies] why do i follow this husk
37:54 nespresso [Allies] zero dewards you have dazzle
37:58 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed Neymar.JR7
38:00 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] wp
38:02 tempaccount [Allies] ty
38:10 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior killed tempaccount
38:13 tempaccount [Allies] yay
38:20 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
38:20 Neymar.JR7 [All] and now no mana
38:21 Neymar.JR7 [All] xD
38:23 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] Xd
38:24 tempaccount [Allies] that mask use
38:26 tempaccount [Allies] was bad idea
38:29 Neymar.JR7 [All] that was too fast bro
38:30 Neymar.JR7 [All] :D
38:35 tempaccount [All] :)
38:52 tempaccount [Allies] >> yojimbook2 has a > Radiance
38:56 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -music random
38:59 tempaccount [Allies] people still making radi on axe
39:04 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
39:30 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
39:31 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
39:31 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
39:32 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
39:36 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed nespresso
39:36 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !sd nes
39:40 tempaccount [Allies] life for coin
39:45 tempaccount [Allies] as in real
39:48 nespresso [Allies] zero wards
40:08 nespresso [Allies] dazzle carry
40:28 tempaccount [All] try harder rat
40:40 nespresso [Allies] hahahahahha
40:51 nespresso [Allies] >> I want to buy > Observer Ward - 0 (free)
40:52 nespresso [Allies] >> I want to buy > Sentry Ward
40:54 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed hercellam
41:02 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
41:07 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed tempaccount
41:12 tempaccount [Allies] bro
41:16 Unbalanced [Allies] too far
41:30 tempaccount [Allies] np I got manta now
41:34 [All] [tempaccount]Neutral creeps killed nespresso
41:36 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed Neymar.JR7
41:36 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
41:37 tempaccount [Allies] I will both these pigs
41:37 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] Ez
41:41 nespresso [Allies] ahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
41:46 Neymar.JR7 [All] u lose bro
41:46 nespresso [Allies] !f
41:48 Neymar.JR7 [All] why no ff
41:49 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ez
41:50 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] 1s1
41:51 tempaccount [All] heh some other people say ez neymar too
41:51 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ';)
41:56 Neymar.JR7 [All] gg
41:59 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ne menjaj temu sad rode
42:02 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ahahahha kakav glupanNn
42:03 nespresso [Allies] !f
42:04 tempaccount [All] ur axe is too bad
42:11 tempaccount [Allies] kek
42:12 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !F
42:14 nespresso [Allies] axe carry
42:17 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] i z u o sam te
42:23 nespresso [Allies] dazzle carry got aegis
42:25 nespresso [Allies] haahahahahhahahaha
42:27 nespresso [Allies] !sd unba
42:32 tempaccount [Allies] >> Unbalanced has a > Guinsoo's Scythe
42:32 Neymar.JR7 [All] pa sta kurac dolazis is shadow
42:54 Neymar.JR7 [All] cd je bio bkb
43:10 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] i posted wards
43:12 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] dazzle
43:12 yojimbook2 [Allies] 2
43:14 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] warduj jebo te zivot
43:17 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] sta radis
43:39 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed yojimbook2
44:14 yojimbook2 [Allies] all mıd?
44:16 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed 13thWarrior
44:22 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed nespresso
44:25 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
44:33 [All] [tempaccount]hercellam killed schelkunoff
44:33 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed Neymar.JR7
44:40 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed hercellam
44:42 yojimbook2 [Allies] -gg
44:44 [All] [tempaccount]Unbalanced killed L.B.J
44:46 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] y gg
44:46 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ff
44:47 tempaccount [All] :\
44:47 schelkunoff [Allies] mid
44:48 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] when u die solo
44:49 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] gg
44:53 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] when i need u
44:53 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] u die
44:54 yojimbook2 [Allies] tard
44:55 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount destroyed the mid level 2 Scourge tower
44:56 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] i lose ? :(((
45:00 Neymar.JR7 [All] low axe man
45:03 yojimbook2 [Allies] u play team ?
45:04 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ahahahha
45:05 Neymar.JR7 [All] im tanker
45:07 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] y,now low axe
45:08 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] yyy
45:10 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ure noob
45:12 Neymar.JR7 [All] :D
45:14 Neymar.JR7 [All] gg
45:16 tempaccount [All] truth btw
45:22 Neymar.JR7 [All] he die solo
45:24 Neymar.JR7 [All] as shit
45:27 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed yojimbook2
45:29 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] xaxaxaxaax
45:31 yojimbook2 [All] fukıng bug hero
45:32 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] gg mate
45:34 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] like you
45:37 tempaccount [All] yojimboq
45:39 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] !sd book
45:41 yojimbook2 [All] u are mh ı know
45:43 tempaccount [All] yojimbak
45:45 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] aaahahahhahahahhaa
45:48 Neymar.JR7 [All] xD
45:48 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] :DDD
45:48 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
45:50 Neymar.JR7 [All] xaxaxaxaxaax
45:51 yojimbook2 [All] every game fallow me
45:54 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL destroyed the mid Scourge ranged rax
45:56 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] yyy
45:56 Neymar.JR7 [All] fallow :D
45:57 yojimbook2 [All] u are not god
46:01 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] fallow,y :DDDDDDDD
46:01 yojimbook2 [All] hero bug
46:03 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed hercellam
46:06 yojimbook2 [All] !ignore sch
46:07 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL destroyed the mid Scourge melee rax
46:08 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] y,hero bug or mh ?
46:09 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] choose
46:25 yojimbook2 [All] u pıck mh hero
46:30 [All] [tempaccount]The Scourge killed Unbalanced's courier
46:31 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed tempaccount
46:42 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] b
46:42 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed Unbalanced
46:43 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] xd
46:43 yojimbook2 [All] learn fıghter hero
46:49 tempaccount [Allies] good grave btw bro
46:53 yojimbook2 [All] close skıl gg (BUUUUG
46:57 tempaccount [Allies] but need mkb sem like
47:02 tempaccount [Allies] this misses anoying
47:05 [All] [tempaccount]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
47:16 Unbalanced [Allies] went too far in
47:19 tempaccount [Allies] y
47:30 tempaccount [Allies] was having fun there
47:30 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] g
47:33 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed hercellam
47:37 Unbalanced [Allies] >> nespresso (Huskar) has a > Monkey King Bar
47:39 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
47:49 tempaccount [Allies] he always make orchid on weaver
47:54 tempaccount [Allies] doesnt mater vs who he play
47:55 nespresso [Allies] go dazzle carry xD
47:58 nespresso [Allies] -,ute 2
47:59 tempaccount [Allies] !f
48:01 nespresso [Allies] -mute 2
48:03 Unbalanced [Allies] check my items
48:06 Unbalanced [Allies] if i'm carry
48:31 schelkunoff [Allies] roshan
48:39 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] no wards
48:41 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] no rosh
48:43 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed tempaccount
49:54 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] y
50:06 [All] [tempaccount]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 2 Scourge tower
50:21 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed 13thWarrior
50:23 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed schelkunoff
50:26 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
50:34 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] e izes mi nogu
51:01 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
51:02 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
51:03 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
51:03 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
51:03 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
51:03 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Poison Touch [4]
51:06 nespresso [Allies] ajahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
51:16 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed Unbalanced
51:19 nespresso [Allies] too idiot
51:22 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] 7/16
51:24 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] u laug?
51:25 nespresso [Allies] yep
51:26 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] laugh' ?
51:29 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] cccc
51:29 nespresso [Allies] ahahahhsashausahsuahsuahsuahsauhauhsa
51:32 nespresso [Allies] hahahahahahha
51:33 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] brain damaged
51:35 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] 400
51:36 nespresso [Allies] zero wards idiot
51:38 nespresso [Allies] -mute 3
51:44 [All] [tempaccount]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
51:46 nespresso [Allies] go carry dazzle
51:57 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
51:58 nespresso [Allies] !ff
51:58 [All] [nespresso] voted to forfeit [2/5 Sentinel]
52:05 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
52:05 Unbalanced [Allies] 10 sec
52:07 Unbalanced [Allies] dont die
52:08 nespresso [Allies] ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
52:09 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
52:10 nespresso [Allies] lose
52:12 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
52:17 yojimbook2 [Allies] b
52:38 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed 13thWarrior
52:48 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
52:50 Unbalanced [Allies] what a nab
52:52 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed tempaccount
52:54 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed L.B.J
52:58 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
53:02 tempaccount [Allies] weaver bm?
53:05 nespresso [Allies] fdazzle auhsaushaushaushaushas
53:09 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Poison Touch [4]
53:09 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shallow Grave [4]
53:10 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shadow Wave [4]
53:10 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Shadow Wave [4]
53:10 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Guinsoo's Scythe
53:10 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Blade Mail
53:11 nespresso [Allies] >> Unbalanced (Dazzle) has a > Linken's Sphere
53:14 Unbalanced [Allies] idiots
53:15 tempaccount [Allies] wtf weaver bm
53:18 Unbalanced [Allies] dont wait
53:20 Unbalanced [Allies] go alone
53:21 Unbalanced [Allies] and die
53:25 nespresso [Allies] zero wards
53:43 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed schelkunoff
53:47 tempaccount [Allies] >> oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has a > Guinsoo's Scythe
53:48 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] go down
53:49 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
53:51 yojimbook2 [All] Ez
53:51 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] go
53:52 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !ff
53:54 nespresso [Allies] ahahahahahahahhahahaha
53:55 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] y
53:55 [All] [tempaccount]The Scourge destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
53:56 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] xd
53:58 Neymar.JR7 [All] why stop talking?
54:01 Neymar.JR7 [All] ez?
54:01 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] huskar 7/20
54:04 Neymar.JR7 [All] XAXAXAXAXAXA
54:06 Neymar.JR7 [All] Y Y
54:07 Neymar.JR7 [All] HUSKAR
54:10 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] yy :)))
54:12 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] like u said
54:14 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] axe noob\'
54:15 Neymar.JR7 [All] NOW OLD TRAFORD
54:15 tempaccount [All] pussycar
54:16 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] hahahahah
54:16 Neymar.JR7 [All] BASE
54:23 [All] [tempaccount]The Scourge destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
54:23 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] mani se siptar,ajde
54:28 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
54:31 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
54:40 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !votekick nes
54:40 [All] [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL] voted to kick [nespresso] [1/6]
54:40 [All] RULE: !votekick command may only be used against game ruiners (intentional feed, obstructing gameplay..). Vote accordingly.
54:40 [All] Type !yes to vote.
54:59 nespresso [Allies] dazzle no wards?
55:02 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Enemy Storm Spirit will respawn in 51 seconds!
55:03 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Enemy Storm Spirit will respawn in 50 seconds!
55:07 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] GO RAX
55:09 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Enemy Storm Spirit will respawn in 44 seconds!
55:21 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed hercellam
55:22 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 destroyed the top level 2 Sentinel tower
55:29 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed yojimbook2
55:33 [All] [tempaccount]tempaccount killed 13thWarrior
55:40 [All] A votekick against player [nespresso] has expired.
55:52 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed Unbalanced
55:56 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed nespresso
55:56 [All] [tempaccount]nespresso killed yojimbook2
55:59 tempaccount [Allies] brb
56:06 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J destroyed the top level 3 Sentinel tower
56:08 tempaccount [Allies] g
56:12 [All] [tempaccount]schelkunoff killed Neymar.JR7
56:16 Neymar.JR7 [All] come all
56:18 Neymar.JR7 [All] low cunts
56:20 Neymar.JR7 [All] ez
56:26 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -cam 2.1
56:28 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] b
56:29 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] i got bb
56:30 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] weaver
56:31 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] go
56:31 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] b
56:47 nespresso [Allies] dazzle no wards ccccc
57:01 13thWarrior [Allies] >> I will respawn in 6 seconds!
57:06 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] should i bb?
57:23 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] care mate
57:25 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] stay b
57:27 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Storm Spirit is missing!
57:27 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Storm Spirit is missing!
57:32 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] ...
57:47 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed 13thWarrior
57:49 [All] [tempaccount]Unbalanced killed hercellam
57:53 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] GG
57:54 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed L.B.J
58:12 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
58:19 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] ccc
58:33 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] def
58:34 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] we 3
58:48 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Black King Bar [6] > On cooldown ( 00:37 )
58:48 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Black King Bar [6] > On cooldown ( 00:37 )
58:48 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] >> Black King Bar [6] > On cooldown ( 00:37 )
59:36 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed tempaccount
59:40 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed hercellam
60:04 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed nespresso
60:11 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
60:13 Neymar.JR7 [All] y y
60:17 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] :DDDDDDD
60:22 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !f
60:22 Unbalanced [All] our tank
60:22 nespresso [Allies] farming
60:24 nespresso [Allies] xDDDDDDDDDD
60:30 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] 9/10
60:37 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] 9/19 :DDDDD
60:42 nespresso [Allies] keep farming dazzle
60:53 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff's courier
61:01 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] why b
61:02 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] its dazzle's fauls cuz he have 9/20 :DD omg
61:08 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] u farm bro?
61:10 yojimbook2 [Allies] help hım
61:13 Neymar.JR7 [Allies] gg
61:19 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed tempaccount
61:21 Neymar.JR7 [All] ez
61:26 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] !muteall
61:26 nespresso [Allies] farm dazzle
61:27 tempaccount [Allies] jump mb
61:28 nespresso [Allies] farm more
61:32 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] muteall
61:33 tempaccount [Allies] to help
61:37 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
61:40 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J destroyed the top Sentinel ranged rax
61:40 tempaccount [Allies] not now
61:40 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 destroyed the top Sentinel melee rax
61:41 tempaccount [Allies] degen
61:43 nespresso [Allies] farm more dazzle
61:48 L.B.J [All] ez game ez mid
61:56 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [All] ahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahha
61:56 [All] [tempaccount]13thWarrior destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
62:05 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J killed oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
62:07 [All] [tempaccount]yojimbook2 killed nespresso
62:08 [All] [tempaccount]oLD.^-^.Sch0oL killed 13thWarrior
62:16 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed nespresso
62:18 [All] [tempaccount]hercellam killed Unbalanced
62:19 [All] [tempaccount]Neymar.JR7 killed schelkunoff
62:23 nespresso [Allies] dazzle sold game
62:26 [All] [tempaccount]L.B.J destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
62:26 nespresso [Allies] wanted to be carry
62:30 [All] [tempaccount]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
62:31 [All] [tempaccount]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
62:32 [All] [tempaccount]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
62:33 yojimbook2 [All] run lola run
62:33 [All] [tempaccount]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
62:33 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:34 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
62:35 [All] tempaccount has left the game voluntarily.
62:35 [All] Unbalanced has left the game voluntarily.
62:36 [All] nespresso has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
62:36 nespresso [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (360 seconds remain).
62:36 [All] schelkunoff has left the game voluntarily.
62:36 [All] oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has left the game voluntarily.
62:38 [All] hercellam has left the game voluntarily.
62:38 [All] Neymar.JR7 has left the game voluntarily.
62:39 [All] 13thWarrior has left the game voluntarily.
62:41 [All] yojimbook2 has left the game voluntarily.
62:44 nespresso [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (348 seconds remain).
62:44 nespresso [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (328 seconds remain).
62:44 [All] L.B.J was disconnected (gameover timer finished).
62:44 [All] nespresso was disconnected (gameover timer finished).