Game: AP

Game Name: AP Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: cimo3
Date: 18-05-2024 23:45:16 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 03:34 Game duration: 59:20
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Sentinel
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Lifestealer 281674 | +1 16 10 16 199 4 120 1 Power Treads (Strength) Assault Cuirass Sange and Yasha Cranium Basher Stygian Desolator Crystalys58:53 has left the game voluntarily
Vengeful Spirit 261565 | +9 9 13 20 174 14 39 1 Black King Bar (6) Phase Boots Yasha Lothar's Edge Linken's Sphere Aghanim's Scepter (Vengeful Spirit)58:50 has left the game voluntarily
Centaur Warchief 281703 | +0 9 11 20 207 6 86 0 Blade Mail Overwhelming Blink Heart of Tarrasque Vanguard (melee) Boots of Speed Observer Wards58:47 has left the game voluntarily
Nerubian Weaver 271359 | +14 13 14 19 287 12 78 2 Black King Bar (6) Power Treads (Strength) Buriza-do Kyanon Linken's Sphere Stygian Desolator On)59:17 has left the game voluntarily
Silencer 71389 | -26 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tranquil Boots Null Talisman Clarity Potion Wind Lace Ancient Tango of Essifation Null Talisman20:43 has left the game voluntarily
Witch Doctor 101516 | -9 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Arcane Boots Point Booster empty Healing Salve Ghost Scepter empty25:16 was kicked by vote
Butcher 241564 | -7 9 17 20 131 4 27 0 Kelen's Dagger Ethereal Blade Messerschmidt's Reaver Vanguard (melee) Tranquil Boots Aghanim's Scepter (Pudge)58:46 has left the game voluntarily
Queen of Pain 301486 | -10 23 6 12 279 19 73 3 Bloodthorn empty Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Octarine Core Tranquil Boots Linken's Sphere58:48 has left the game voluntarily
Goblin Shredder 261514 | -9 8 12 15 218 4 52 1 Kelen's Dagger Arcane Boots Bloodstone Plate Mail Dust of Appearance Heart of Tarrasque58:49 has left the game voluntarily
Netherdrake 271505 | -10 5 11 22 295 32 106 2 Blade Mail Shiva's Guard Guardian Greaves Khadgar's Pipe of Insight Dragon Lance The Butterfly59:20 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:16 cimo3 has joined the game.
00:16 Spoof check accepted for [cimo3 :].
00:16 Spoof check accepted for [cimo3 :].
00:18 DDD452 has joined the game.
00:18 Spoof check accepted for [DDD452 :].
00:18 Spoof check accepted for [DDD452 :].
00:22 barathustra has joined the game.
00:22 Spoof check accepted for [barathustra :].
00:22 Spoof check accepted for [barathustra :].
00:27 cimo3 !lock bar
00:29 cimo3 !lock dd
00:29 Abuzittin has joined the game.
00:29 Spoof check accepted for [Abuzittin :].
00:29 Spoof check accepted for [Abuzittin :].
00:29 cimo3 !p
00:29 DDD452: 100ms, cimo3: 18ms, barathustra: 12ms, Abuzittin: N/A
00:30 Theon. has joined the game.
00:30 Spoof check accepted for [Theon. :].
00:30 Spoof check accepted for [Theon. :].
00:42 Theon. this was one of this tr idiots from sd
00:48 cimo3 yeah
00:49 cimo3 tard
00:51 cimo3 !f
00:51 cimo3: (SK), DDD452: (SK), barathustra: (SK), Abuzittin: (TR), Theon.: (US)
00:53 Theon. and automaticly they pubed it ap rmk
01:00 cimo3 sure
01:08 barathustra whores
01:11 cimo3 !p
01:11 Abuzittin: 88ms, Theon.: 74ms, DDD452: 33ms, cimo3: 18ms, barathustra: 10ms
01:39 idemile has joined the game.
01:39 Spoof check accepted for [idemile :].
01:39 Spoof check accepted for [idemile :].
01:39 perum has joined the game.
01:39 Spoof check accepted for [perum :].
01:39 Spoof check accepted for [perum :].
01:41 -POP- has joined the game.
01:41 Spoof check accepted for [-POP- :].
01:41 Spoof check accepted for [-POP- :].
01:41 cimo3 !o
01:42 Abuzittin i think baratt iernesto94
01:45 cimo3 !rall
01:45 barathustra (1703), Theon. (1697), cimo3 (1673), -POP- (1571), DDD452 (1556), Abuzittin (1525), perum (1523), idemile (1345)
01:48 cimo3 !open 7
01:48 Slot 7 opened
01:48 perum has left the game.
01:49 cimo3 !P
01:49 Abuzittin: 123ms, idemile: 90ms, Theon.: 75ms, -POP-: 36ms, DDD452: 25ms, cimo3: 17ms, barathustra: 11ms
01:52 cimo3 !f
01:52 cimo3: (SK), DDD452: (SK), barathustra: (SK), Abuzittin: (TR), Theon.: (US), idemile: (RS), -POP-: (ME)
01:58 Abuzittin !f
01:58 cimo3 !f
01:58 cimo3: (SK), DDD452: (SK), barathustra: (SK), Abuzittin: (TR), Theon.: (US), idemile: (RS), -POP-: (ME)
02:00 [Did you know?] Stun durations from different skills do not stack. You can keep an enemy stunned for longer with careful timing of your team's skills.
02:01 cimo3 !P
02:01 Abuzittin: 116ms, Theon.: 74ms, -POP-: 50ms, idemile: 45ms, cimo3: 16ms, DDD452: 16ms, barathustra: 11ms
02:03 Abuzittin kick
02:05 Abuzittin GB
02:06 Lazuri has joined the game.
02:06 Spoof check accepted for [Lazuri :].
02:06 Spoof check accepted for [Lazuri :].
02:09 Abuzittin !gb
02:11 ViuvaNegra has joined the game.
02:11 Spoof check accepted for [ViuvaNegra :].
02:11 Spoof check accepted for [ViuvaNegra :].
02:14 Abuzittin !f
02:19 cimo3 !sd laz
02:19 [Lazuri] PSR: 1496 games: 422 W/L: 3/4
02:19 H. K/D/A 9.71/7.71/11.71 C. K/D/N 160.00/10.00/35.43
02:22 cimo3 !sd viu
02:22 [ViuvaNegra] PSR: 1415 games: 438 W/L: 6/12
02:22 H. K/D/A 7.72/7.11/9.28 C. K/D/N 195.22/3.50/73.78
02:28 Abuzittin !f
02:31 cimo3 batti left or perum
02:39 cimo3 !p
02:39 Abuzittin: 129ms, ViuvaNegra: 99ms, Theon.: 74ms, -POP-: 58ms, Lazuri: 45ms, idemile: 25ms, cimo3: 16ms, DDD452: 16ms, barathustra: 10ms
02:42 Abuzittin !sd laz
02:43 perum has joined the game.
02:44 Spoof check accepted for [perum :].
02:44 Spoof check accepted for [perum :].
02:45 cimo3 !balance
02:45 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1555 (58% to win, avg WR=49%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1546 (42% to win, avg WR=48%)
02:47 Abuzittin !f
02:50 cimo3 !mode ap
02:52 cimo3 !start
02:52 Players not yet pinged 3 times: perum
02:54 Theon. 1 sec
02:54 cimo3 !P
02:54 Abuzittin: 126ms, perum: 97ms, Theon.: 74ms, ViuvaNegra: 70ms, -POP-: 55ms, Lazuri: 45ms, idemile: 23ms, DDD452: 17ms, cimo3: 16ms, barathustra: 10ms
02:57 cimo3 perum from ?
03:00 cimo3 !balance
03:00 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1555 (58% to win, avg WR=49%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1546 (42% to win, avg WR=48%)
03:01 Theon. !f
03:02 cimo3 !start
03:02 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
03:02 10. . .
03:02 9. . .
03:03 8. . .
03:03 7. . .
03:04 Theon. he is tr
03:04 6. . .
03:05 5. . .
03:05 4. . .
03:05 Theon. has left the game.
03:05 Countdown aborted!
03:12 Eddi334 has joined the game.
03:12 Lazuri !sd per
03:12 Spoof check accepted for [Eddi334 :].
03:12 Spoof check accepted for [Eddi334 :].
03:19 cimo3 !balance
03:19 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1538 (67% to win, avg WR=49%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1526 (33% to win, avg WR=45%)
03:21 cimo3 !f
03:21 cimo3: (SK), DDD452: (SK), barathustra: (SK), Abuzittin: (TR), idemile: (RS), -POP-: (ME), Lazuri: (TR), ViuvaNegra: (NL), perum: (??), Eddi334: (DE)
03:28 cimo3 !start
03:28 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
03:28 10. . .
03:29 9. . .
03:29 idemile !rs
03:30 8. . .
03:30 7. . .
03:31 6. . .
03:31 5. . .
03:32 4. . .
03:32 3. . .
03:33 2. . .
03:33 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 881
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:04 ViuvaNegra [Allies] -minimap 3
00:04 Lazuri [Allies] !sd vi
00:07 barathustra [Allies] -cam 2700
00:08 idemile [Allies] -cam 2500
00:09 Lazuri [Allies] -cam 1.8
00:10 idemile [Allies] !locked
00:14 idemile [Allies] !sd abu
00:18 Lazuri [Allies] !sd ddd
00:23 idemile [Allies] !sd pop
00:25 idemile [Allies] !sd laz
00:27 idemile [Allies] !sd per
00:28 cimo3 [Allies] janci skype ?
00:29 idemile [Allies] !sd edd
00:36 idemile [Allies] !sd viuv
00:38 Lazuri [Allies] !sd abu
00:38 idemile [Allies] !sd bara
00:40 idemile [Allies] !sd ddd
00:41 idemile [Allies] !sd cijmo
00:42 perum [Allies] -cam 2800
00:43 idemile [Allies] !f
00:44 barathustra [Allies] !r
00:44 perum [Allies] -light 6
00:48 perum [Allies] -betterfps
00:51 idemile [Allies] !sd cim
00:53 Abuzittin [Allies] no int
00:54 -POP- [Allies] -cam 1.5
01:22 Eddi334 [Allies] -cam 2150
01:25 idemile [Allies] -cam 2555
01:30 Lazuri [Allies] !sd ide
01:39 -POP- [Allies] focus on wew
01:42 -POP- [Allies] he is low
01:48 ViuvaNegra [Allies] !sd idem
02:07 Abuzittin [Allies] why 2 ward
02:10 ViuvaNegra [Allies] let me mid please
02:12 DDD452 [Allies] -minimap 3
02:17 Lazuri [Allies] !f
02:25 Lazuri [Allies] hizli aldim farketmedim
02:31 Eddi334 [Allies] come
02:56 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-- Creeps Spawned --
03:30 -POP- [Allies] >> Meat Hook [1] > is ready
04:00 [All] [ViuvaNegra]idemile killed Eddi334
04:03 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed idemile
04:04 Eddi334 [Allies] gj butcher -.-°
04:11 -POP- [Allies] just to know
04:15 -POP- [Allies] u died from nab
04:16 -POP- [Allies] mate
04:24 Eddi334 [Allies] ye because u failed
04:32 -POP- [Allies] y
05:13 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed idemile
05:15 [All] [ViuvaNegra]barathustra killed perum's courier
05:31 Eddi334 [Allies] gj
05:34 -POP- [Allies] +
05:36 -POP- [Allies] u2
05:41 idemile [Allies] s1
06:10 Eddi334 [Allies] miss bot
06:16 Eddi334 [Allies] re
06:55 -POP- [Allies] focus on tower
07:05 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed idemile
07:08 idemile [Allies] pff
07:09 Eddi334 [Allies] gj
07:11 -POP- [Allies] +
07:55 [All] [ViuvaNegra]DDD452 killed perum
07:59 perum [Allies] !P
08:15 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed idemile
08:19 [All] [ViuvaNegra]The Sentinel killed -POP-
08:25 barathustra [Allies] seriousyl?
08:43 [All] [ViuvaNegra]DDD452 killed perum
09:22 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed cimo3
10:18 idemile [Allies] ss
10:34 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed cimo3
10:36 [All] [ViuvaNegra]ViuvaNegra killed -POP-
10:46 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri killed DDD452
10:55 Eddi334 [Allies] sry butcher
11:52 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed idemile
12:02 idemile [Allies] !sd pop
12:06 idemile [Allies] !f
12:09 -POP- [Allies] >> Dismember [1] > is ready
12:10 -POP- [Allies] >> Dismember [1] > is ready
12:17 barathustra [Allies] when weaver against us, he goes like 10:2
12:23 barathustra [Allies] when with us, you see...
12:23 idemile [Allies] haha
12:30 idemile [Allies] realaz
12:45 idemile [Allies] I m pissed now
12:55 [All] [ViuvaNegra]idemile killed -POP-
13:00 cimo3 [Allies] >> Need 73 mana for > Open Wounds [1]
13:01 idemile [Allies] ups
13:01 -POP- [Allies] vip....
13:06 [All] [ViuvaNegra]cimo3 killed Eddi334
13:07 -POP- [Allies] y
13:09 idemile [Allies] thats it
13:13 barathustra [Allies] :)))))
13:19 Eddi334 [Allies] i should have killed that tower
13:33 cimo3 [Allies] >> Need 13 mana for > Open Wounds [1]
13:53 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri killed barathustra
13:57 Abuzittin [Allies] go
13:58 -POP- [Allies] move doc
14:02 ViuvaNegra [Allies] 1 min wc
14:05 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Abuzittin killed DDD452
14:09 [All] [ViuvaNegra]-POP- killed idemile
14:19 Lazuri [Allies] s
14:20 Lazuri [Allies] ss
14:20 idemile [All] jel realno da te toliko kenja jbt
14:26 -POP- [All] ?
14:30 idemile [All] ma daj
14:31 Lazuri [Allies] fre
14:38 -POP- [All] sto?
14:46 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Eddi334 destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
15:12 Eddi334 [Allies] nooo
15:14 [All] [ViuvaNegra]DDD452 killed -POP-
15:23 Eddi334 [Allies] not without vision
15:29 -POP- [Allies] i have visiomn
15:32 -POP- [Allies] i dont have team
15:40 [All] [ViuvaNegra]cimo3 killed Eddi334
16:33 cimo3 [Allies] b
16:34 cimo3 [Allies] b
16:34 cimo3 [Allies] b
16:35 cimo3 [Allies] b
16:56 -POP- [Allies] >> Dismember [1] > is ready
16:57 -POP- [Allies] >> Dismember [1] > is ready
17:09 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri killed idemile
17:14 idemile [Allies] already orchid ????
17:25 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri killed DDD452
17:29 [All] [ViuvaNegra]cimo3 killed Eddi334
17:30 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Abuzittin killed barathustra
18:01 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:59 [All] [ViuvaNegra]DDD452 killed -POP-
19:01 idemile [Allies] gj
19:03 -POP- [Allies] >> Eddi334 (Viper) has a > Viper Strike [1]
19:03 -POP- [Allies] >> Eddi334 (Viper) has a > Viper Strike [1]
19:07 Eddi334 [Allies] oor
19:07 -POP- [Allies] !sd ed
19:16 Eddi334 [Allies] i have more attack rng than that spell
19:18 idemile [Allies] nort buy wards man
19:19 idemile [Allies] wtf
19:23 idemile [Allies] me and naix buying
19:31 -POP- [Allies] i have slow....u come closer and use it mate
19:59 [All] [ViuvaNegra]cimo3 killed -POP-
20:01 [All] [ViuvaNegra]perum killed barathustra
20:09 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri killed cimo3
20:09 -POP- [All] ffs
20:13 perum [Allies] ghost
20:17 perum [Allies] might help
20:29 cimo3 [Allies] norton play or leave
20:34 barathustra [All] !afk
20:37 barathustra [All] -afk
20:37 [All] [ViuvaNegra]Lazuri destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
20:43 cimo3 [Allies] -kickafk 5
20:43 [All] ViuvaNegra has left the game voluntarily, ViuvaNegra was autobanned.
20:43 [All] Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
20:50 idemile [All] wtf
20:56 idemile [Allies] fucking idiot
21:01 -POP- [Allies] !p
21:28 perum [Allies] >> I have 29% HP and 30% Mana
21:54 [All] [perum]idemile killed -POP-
22:36 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
22:43 [All] [perum]idemile killed perum
23:11 [All] [perum]barathustra killed -POP-
23:14 [All] [perum]Eddi334 killed DDD452
23:23 cimo3 [Allies] >> Need 115 mana for > Open Wounds [1]
23:24 cimo3 [Allies] >> Need 49 mana for > Rage [4]
23:57 [All] [perum]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
23:59 [All] [perum]perum killed idemile
23:59 cimo3 [Allies] >> Infest [1] > On cooldown ( 00:03 )
24:24 [All] [perum]Lazuri killed DDD452
25:04 -POP- [Allies] >> Shrine > is ready
25:16 cimo3 [All] 4 v4 ? :)
25:16 -POP- [All] i guess
25:16 idemile [Allies] wiill be good...
25:16 Eddi334 [All] didnt knew we have wd
25:16 cimo3 [Allies] !f
25:16 [All] cimo3: (SK), DDD452: (SK), barathustra: (SK), Abuzittin: (TR), idemile: (RS), -POP-: (ME), Lazuri: (TR),
25:16 [All] perum: (??), Eddi334: (DE)
25:16 [All] Abuzittin has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
25:16 Abuzittin [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (339 seconds remain).
25:16 cimo3 [Allies] !votekick abu
25:16 [All] [cimo3] voted to kick [Abuzittin] [1/5]
25:16 [All] RULE: !votekick command may only be used against game ruiners (intentional feed, obstructing gameplay..). Vote accordingly.
25:16 [All] Type !yes to vote.
25:16 Abuzittin [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (319 seconds remain).
25:16 Eddi334 [Allies] !yes
25:16 [All] [Eddi334] voted to kick [Abuzittin] [2/6]
25:16 Abuzittin [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (299 seconds remain).
25:16 barathustra [Allies] !yes
25:16 [All] [barathustra] voted to kick [Abuzittin] [3/6]
25:16 Lazuri [Allies] !yes
25:16 [All] [Lazuri] voted to kick [Abuzittin] [4/6]
25:16 -POP- [Allies] !yes
25:16 [All] [-POP-] voted to kick [Abuzittin] [5/6]
25:16 idemile [Allies] !yes
25:16 [All] A votekick against player [Abuzittin] has passed.
25:16 [All] Abuzittin was kicked by vote.
25:16 [All] Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
25:24 perum [Allies] take ghost
25:26 perum [Allies] 'pudge
25:27 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed barathustra
25:27 -POP- [Allies] !p
25:33 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
25:37 barathustra [Allies] !sd lazu
25:39 -POP- [Allies] >> Ghost Scepter > is ready
25:54 [All] [Eddi334]perum killed idemile
26:04 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed DDD452
26:05 idemile [Allies] fucking luckers !!!!
26:17 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri destroyed the top level 2 Sentinel tower
26:18 idemile [Allies] 30 hp
26:28 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed Lazuri
26:32 Lazuri [Allies] bm
26:34 Lazuri [Allies] fuck
27:15 Lazuri [Allies] go
27:51 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
27:51 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
27:58 cimo3 [Allies] b
27:58 cimo3 [Allies] b
27:58 cimo3 [Allies] b
28:00 cimo3 [Allies] nb
28:01 cimo3 [Allies] b
28:01 cimo3 [Allies] b
28:09 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
28:16 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Eddi334
28:30 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed idemile
28:34 idemile [All] looooooool
28:35 idemile [Allies] !f
28:37 idemile [Allies] !sd laz
28:38 cimo3 [Allies] stop feed man
28:44 idemile [Allies] y
28:47 idemile [Allies] and do what
29:21 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed perum
29:37 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed cimo3
29:55 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed -POP-
30:11 perum [Allies] pudge in different world. let go with him
30:37 -POP- [Allies] put some hp shred
31:17 -POP- [Allies] ward
32:29 Lazuri [Allies] ward
32:34 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Eddi334
32:41 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed DDD452
32:47 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed perum
32:49 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed -POP-
33:00 Eddi334 [Allies] naix got this
33:13 [All] [Eddi334]idemile destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
33:56 [All] [Eddi334]Eddi334 killed barathustra
34:01 barathustra [All] one whore
34:20 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed idemile's courier
34:48 [All] [Eddi334]Eddi334 killed cimo3
34:54 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed DDD452
34:57 cimo3 [Allies] b
34:57 cimo3 [Allies] b
35:10 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed Eddi334
35:30 Eddi334 [Allies] u didnt even got him :
35:42 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed barathustra
35:44 barathustra [All] fuck you
35:48 barathustra [All] whore
35:52 Eddi334 [All] after that game
36:02 cimo3 [Allies] !muteall
36:02 [All] Global chat muted (allied and private chat is unaffected).
36:06 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
36:08 cimo3 [Allies] >> Consume (T) > is ready
36:12 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed perum
36:39 perum [Allies] i always forget that naix in that weaver
37:33 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed barathustra
37:34 [All] [Eddi334]DDD452 killed -POP-
37:50 barathustra [Allies] !sd lazu
38:18 barathustra [Allies] !f
38:24 perum [Allies] !p
38:43 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Guinsoo's Scythe
38:43 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Octarine Core
38:44 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Linken's Sphere
38:48 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Orchid Malevolence
39:39 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed Eddi334
39:43 [All] [Eddi334]perum killed DDD452
39:46 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed perum
39:53 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed Lazuri
40:00 Eddi334 [Allies] that focus was so bad
40:09 perum [Allies] he use silencer
40:10 Lazuri [Allies] >> idemile (Weaver) has a > Linken's Sphere
40:10 Lazuri [Allies] >> idemile (Weaver) has a > Linken's Sphere
40:18 idemile [Allies] push
40:18 Eddi334 [Allies] kill venge first than naix
40:25 perum [Allies] veng has two life
40:28 perum [Allies] ahah
40:39 Eddi334 [Allies] they get us all while we hunt weaver
40:41 [All] [Eddi334]DDD452 destroyed the mid level 2 Scourge tower
41:08 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed -POP-
41:15 [All] [Eddi334]perum killed cimo3
41:54 barathustra [Allies] waver stupid fucker
41:59 idemile [Allies] ????
41:59 -POP- [Allies] we are losing late
42:04 perum [Allies] we need guniso
42:06 perum [Allies] and orchid
42:10 barathustra [Allies] your little brain cannot comprehend few things
42:10 Eddi334 [Allies] we are loosing allready :D
42:13 idemile [Allies] omfg
42:15 -POP- [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Guinsoo's Scythe
42:22 idemile [Allies] I will bring u win idiot
42:22 -POP- [Allies] >> Sentry Ward > is ready
42:31 perum [Allies] killl niax first
42:35 perum [Allies] before he use rae
43:06 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed idemile
43:08 idemile [Allies] ofc
43:09 idemile [Allies] wards....
43:32 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed -POP-
43:35 cimo3 [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 2 charges, 21 cooldown left
43:40 cimo3 [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 2 charges, 16 cooldown left
43:40 cimo3 [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 2 charges, 16 cooldown left
43:52 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed DDD452
43:59 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed perum
44:00 [All] [Eddi334]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
44:03 [All] [Eddi334]Eddi334 killed cimo3
44:48 cimo3 [Allies] b
44:49 cimo3 [Allies] b
44:49 cimo3 [Allies] b
44:52 cimo3 [Allies] b
44:53 cimo3 [Allies] b
44:53 cimo3 [Allies] b
44:56 cimo3 [Allies] kokot
44:59 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed Lazuri
45:10 cimo3 [Allies] :()
45:13 idemile [Allies] I guess its gj
45:20 cimo3 [Allies] y
45:32 cimo3 [Allies] but i thinmk its more luck than gj but anyway thx
45:43 idemile [Allies] luck is need ofc
45:54 idemile [Allies] he dead
45:58 barathustra [Allies] b
45:59 Lazuri [Allies] no die
46:00 Lazuri [Allies] b
46:23 [All] [Eddi334]-POP- killed cimo3's courier
46:54 [All] [Eddi334]DDD452 killed -POP-
47:03 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed perum
47:13 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed -POP-
47:13 [All] [Eddi334]-POP- killed DDD452
47:25 [All] [Eddi334]Eddi334 killed cimo3
47:28 [All] [Eddi334]perum killed barathustra
47:36 Eddi334 [Allies] they didnt realised i am tank D
47:53 barathustra [Allies] >> ViuvaNegra (Nortrom) has a > Global Silence [1]
48:14 [All] [Eddi334]perum destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
48:28 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Bloodthorn
48:28 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Guinsoo's Scythe
48:28 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Octarine Core
48:29 barathustra [Allies] >> Lazuri (Akasha) has a > Linken's Sphere
48:47 [All] [Eddi334]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
48:53 perum [Allies] b
49:04 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Lazuri
49:48 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed perum
49:55 Lazuri [Allies] >> -POP- (Pudge) has a > Ethereal Blade
49:55 Lazuri [Allies] >> -POP- (Pudge) has a > Ethereal Blade
49:57 Lazuri [Allies] >> -POP- (Pudge) has a > Blink Dagger
50:07 Lazuri [Allies] Buyback >> Not Enough Gold ( Need 649 )
50:31 perum [Allies] naix
50:32 Lazuri [Allies] def
50:33 perum [Allies] in there
50:37 perum [Allies] def ,miod
50:38 perum [Allies] mid
50:44 Lazuri [Allies] 5k
51:04 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed barathustra
51:10 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed Eddi334
51:14 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed cimo3
51:25 [All] [Eddi334]idemile killed -POP-
51:27 -POP- [Allies] hahah
51:27 [All] [Eddi334]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
51:30 Eddi334 [Allies] now weaver rock the house ;D
51:30 -POP- [Allies] biggest nab
51:31 idemile [Allies] I told you
51:33 barathustra [Allies] i take it back
51:40 barathustra [Allies] good job
52:06 -POP- [Allies] >> DDD452 (Vengeful Spirit) has a > Black King Bar [7]
52:07 -POP- [Allies] >> DDD452 (Vengeful Spirit) has a > Black King Bar [7]
52:17 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed DDD452
52:43 cimo3 [Allies] b
52:45 barathustra [Allies] b
53:21 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed idemile
53:21 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Lazuri
53:23 idemile [Allies] cccccccccccccccccccccccc
54:07 [All] [Eddi334]perum killed barathustra
54:11 idemile [Allies] pff
54:15 [All] [Eddi334]perum killed cimo3
54:16 [All] [Eddi334]Eddi334 destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
54:42 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
54:45 Eddi334 [Allies] gj
54:49 perum [Allies] no meryc
54:57 Eddi334 [Allies] i taunt again
55:03 [All] [Eddi334]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
55:14 [All] [Eddi334]DDD452 killed perum
55:21 Lazuri [Allies] b
56:05 -POP- [Allies] >> Blink Dagger > On cooldown ( 00:05 )
56:22 cimo3 [Allies] >> Infest [3] > is ready
56:23 Eddi334 [Allies] care
56:23 -POP- [Allies] tped
56:26 Lazuri [Allies] def
56:28 cimo3 [Allies] not alone
56:31 barathustra [Allies] weaver FUCKING watch whne deward
56:46 -POP- [Allies] >> Messerschmidt's Reaver > is ready
57:15 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Eddi334
57:30 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed idemile
57:32 [All] [Eddi334]barathustra killed -POP-
57:33 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed perum
57:35 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed DDD452
57:37 idemile [Allies] ofc they focus me
57:39 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Lazuri
57:40 [All] [Eddi334]Lazuri killed barathustra
57:41 Lazuri [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 2:42 seconds remains )
57:49 cimo3 [Allies] >> Open Wounds [4] > On cooldown ( 00:00 )
57:51 idemile [Allies] gj
57:52 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 killed Eddi334
57:57 barathustra [Allies] now fuck them
57:57 Eddi334 [Allies] ye k
57:59 Eddi334 [Allies] !ff
57:59 [All] [Eddi334] voted to forfeit [1/4 Scourge]
58:22 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 destroyed the mid Scourge ranged rax
58:25 [All] [Eddi334]idemile destroyed the mid Scourge melee rax
58:33 [All] [Eddi334]idemile destroyed the mid level 4 Scourge tower
58:37 cimo3 [Allies] !unmuteall
58:37 [All] Global chat unmuted.
58:37 Eddi334 [Allies] u used glyph away from tower :D
58:37 [All] [Eddi334]cimo3 destroyed the bottom level 4 Scourge tower
58:38 Eddi334 [Allies] gj
58:39 cimo3 [All] gg
58:40 [All] [Eddi334]The Frozen Throne is now at 75% HP
58:41 -POP- [All] gg
58:42 [All] [Eddi334]The Frozen Throne is now at 50% HP
58:43 [All] [Eddi334]The Frozen Throne is now at 25% HP
58:43 Eddi334 [All] wp gg
58:44 [All] [Eddi334]The Frozen Throne is now at 10% HP
58:44 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:44 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:44 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:44 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:45 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:45 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:45 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:45 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
58:46 [All] -POP- has left the game voluntarily.
58:47 [All] barathustra has left the game voluntarily.
58:48 [All] Lazuri has left the game voluntarily.
58:49 [All] perum has left the game voluntarily.
58:50 [All] DDD452 has left the game voluntarily.
58:53 [All] cimo3 has left the game voluntarily.
59:17 [All] idemile has left the game voluntarily.
59:20 [All] Eddi334 has left the game voluntarily.