Game: AP

Game Name: AP Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: berekettu
Date: 18-05-2024 22:02:05 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 25:37 Game duration: 38:31
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Sentinel
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Bristleback 181630 | +8 1 3 9 154 13 67 1 Nathrezim Buckler Messerschmidt's Reaver Phase Boots Shiva's Guard Vanguard (melee) Vitality Booster38:30 has left the game voluntarily
Necrolyte 261567 | +11 24 5 14 329 15 104 3 Kelen's Dagger Shiva's Guard Aghanim's Scepter (Necro) On) Heart of Tarrasque Boots of Travel38:31 has left the game voluntarily
Spiritbreaker 201583 | +10 9 3 14 149 0 15 1 Power Treads (Strength) Blade Mail Aghanim's Scepter (Spiritbreaker) Echo Sabre Sange and Yasha Dust of Appearance38:31 has left the game voluntarily
Demon Witch 191614 | +8 12 3 15 45 14 3 0 Boots of Travel Kelen's Dagger Aghanim's Scepter (Lion) Aether Lens empty empty38:30 has left the game voluntarily
Tidehunter 171621 | +8 4 5 12 56 1 5 0 Tranquil Boots Kelen's Dagger Heart of Tarrasque Boots of Speed Observer Wards empty38:31 has left the game voluntarily
Dwarven Sniper 131591 | -8 5 9 7 61 1 4 0 Power Treads (Strength) Aghanim's Scepter Observer Wards Ghost Scepter empty empty38:30 has left the game voluntarily
Sacred Warrior 161610 | -7 5 14 2 65 4 41 0 Blade of Alacrity Armlet of Mordiggian Point Booster Bracer Boots of Speed Ogre Axe38:30 has left the game voluntarily
Ogre Magi 141487 | -13 5 5 6 0 0 0 1 Shadow Amulet Quelling Blade empty Oblivion Staff empty Tranquil Boots33:14 has left the game voluntarily
Troll Warlord 131616 | -6 1 11 4 0 0 0 0 Mask of Madness Clarity Potion Power Treads (Agility) Wind Lace Maelstrom Quelling Blade37:43 has left the game voluntarily
Nerubian Weaver 141478 | -13 0 8 3 105 6 33 0 Power Treads (Agility) On) Ironwood Branch empty empty empty38:31 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:05 Kasman has joined the game.
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
00:06 semtex06 has joined the game.
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
00:07 berekettu has joined the game.
00:07 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:07 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:10 berekettu has left the game.
00:24 Thesnn has joined the game.
00:24 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
00:24 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
00:33 Thesnn has left the game.
00:42 levola2 has joined the game.
00:42 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
00:42 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
00:46 berekettu has joined the game.
00:46 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:46 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:51 berekettu !rall
00:51 Kasman (1622), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556)
00:53 berekettu !sd
00:53 [berekettu] PSR: 1606 games: 217 W/L: 16/6
00:53 H. K/D/A 10.36/7.64/17.00 C. K/D/N 162.27/10.45/49.86
01:00 berekettu !PUB AP 5/10
01:00 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 5/10].
01:03 lucangela has joined the game.
01:03 Spoof check accepted for [lucangela :].
01:03 Spoof check accepted for [lucangela :].
01:08 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
01:11 Thesnn has joined the game.
01:11 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
01:11 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
01:28 berekettu !PUB AP 6/10
01:28 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 6/10].
01:38 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
01:45 schelkunoff has joined the game.
01:45 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
01:45 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
01:52 berekettu !PUB AP 7/10
01:52 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10].
02:00 [Did you know?] Holding Shift allows you to issue actions to be performed in a sequence.
02:04 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
02:04 schelkunoff !f
02:26 berekettu !rall
02:26 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
03:58 berekettu !rs
03:58 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1574(97% to win, WR=56%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1552(3% to win, WR=50%)
04:00 [Did you know?] In All Pick, players who have not chosen a Hero before the timer expires will begin to lose their starting gold.
04:00 berekettu !rall
04:00 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
04:03 berekettu !sd lucan
04:03 [lucangela] PSR: 1500 games: 4 W/L: 0/0
04:03 H. K/D/A 0.00/0.00/0.00 C. K/D/N 0.00/0.00/0.00
04:04 berekettu !rall
04:04 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
04:05 berekettu !rs
04:05 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1574(97% to win, WR=56%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1552(3% to win, WR=50%)
04:07 berekettu !rall
04:07 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
04:28 DjuradjKastriot has joined the game.
04:29 Spoof check accepted for [DjuradjKastriot :].
04:29 Spoof check accepted for [DjuradjKastriot :].
04:32 berekettu !rall
04:32 DjuradjKastriot (1711), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
04:36 berekettu !PUB AP 8/10
04:36 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10].
04:39 berekettu !rS
04:39 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1574(78% to win, WR=56%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1605(22% to win, WR=52%)
04:40 berekettu !RALL
04:40 DjuradjKastriot (1711), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
04:47 DjuradjKastriot has left the game.
04:51 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
06:00 [Did you know?] Being top 10 on the ladder confirms that you have become a pro player.
06:29 DjuradjKastriot has joined the game.
06:29 Spoof check accepted for [DjuradjKastriot :].
06:29 Spoof check accepted for [DjuradjKastriot :].
06:34 DjuradjKastriot has left the game.
06:44 berekettu !PUB AP 7/10
06:44 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10].
06:54 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
08:00 [Did you know?] Hero choices matter. Many heroes are strong counters to other heroes, and many hero pairings are far more powerful and useful than any hero is alone.
08:36 TheON. has joined the game.
08:36 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
08:36 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
08:41 tibielake has joined the game.
08:41 Spoof check accepted for [tibielake :].
08:41 Spoof check accepted for [tibielake :].
08:44 berekettu !RALL
08:44 TheON. (1699), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
08:47 berekettu !SWAP 5 6
08:48 berekettu !RS
08:48 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1596(74% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1572(26% to win, WR=46%)
08:49 berekettu !RALL
08:49 TheON. (1699), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
08:52 berekettu !RALL
08:52 TheON. (1699), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1556), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
08:58 berekettu !PUB AP 9/10
08:58 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 9/10].
09:11 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
09:16 TheON. not again with this 9 imbecil 0 12 naix woods dog shit
09:18 TheON. has left the game.
09:38 berekettu !PUB AP 8/10
09:38 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10].
09:54 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
10:00 [Did you know?] Anyone can buy wards, and anyone can buy or upgrade the courier. If your team needs something, don't be afraid to buy it.
10:26 -POP- has joined the game.
10:26 Spoof check accepted for [-POP- :].
10:26 Spoof check accepted for [-POP- :].
10:26 schelkunoff has left the game.
10:26 perum has joined the game.
10:26 Spoof check accepted for [perum :].
10:26 Spoof check accepted for [perum :].
10:31 berekettu !rall
10:31 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), levola2 (1584), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), lucangela (1500)
11:10 schelkunoff has joined the game.
11:10 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
11:10 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
11:47 schelkunoff !owner
12:00 [Did you know?] Who would win in a 1v1 fantasy match? grga_man vs TooShade
12:00 berekettu !f
12:00 Kasman: (TR), semtex06: (TR), levola2: (TR), berekettu: (TR), lucangela: (AT), Thesnn: (TR), tibielake: (RO), -POP-: (ME), perum: (??), schelkunoff: (TR)
12:02 berekettu !rall
12:02 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), levola2 (1584), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
12:05 berekettu !rs
12:05 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1596(71% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1537(29% to win, WR=43%)
12:08 berekettu !open 9
12:08 Slot 9 opened
12:08 tibielake has left the game.
12:13 berekettu !open 3
12:13 Slot 3 opened
12:13 levola2 has left the game.
12:17 Eddi334 has joined the game.
12:17 Spoof check accepted for [Eddi334 :].
12:17 Spoof check accepted for [Eddi334 :].
12:17 shadowchaser has joined the game.
12:17 Spoof check accepted for [shadowchaser :].
12:17 Spoof check accepted for [shadowchaser :].
12:27 berekettu !swap 3 9
12:28 berekettu !rs
12:28 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(76% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1523(24% to win, WR=42%)
12:29 berekettu !rall
12:29 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), Eddi334 (1529), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
12:38 berekettu !rall
12:38 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), Eddi334 (1529), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
12:39 berekettu !f
12:39 Kasman: (TR), semtex06: (TR), berekettu: (TR), lucangela: (AT), Thesnn: (TR), -POP-: (ME), perum: (??), schelkunoff: (TR), Eddi334: (DE), shadowchaser: (TR)
12:41 berekettu !sd
12:41 [berekettu] PSR: 1606 games: 217 W/L: 16/6
12:41 H. K/D/A 10.36/7.64/17.00 C. K/D/N 162.27/10.45/49.86
12:44 Eddi334 !rs
12:52 berekettu !PUB
12:52 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10 #1].
13:03 Eddi334 !locked
13:08 berekettu !LOCKED
13:10 berekettu !rall
13:10 Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), Eddi334 (1529), lucangela (1500), schelkunoff (1491)
13:22 Eddi334 !sd schel
13:24 berekettu hacı abi sizden kimi atayım
13:25 berekettu bakta
13:29 berekettu !sd edii
13:31 berekettu !sd eddii
13:35 berekettu !sd eddi
13:35 [Eddi334] PSR: 1529 games: 249 W/L: 106/114
13:35 H. K/D/A 5.00/6.68/12.76 C. K/D/N 135.06/19.80/52.21
13:35 Eddi334 :D
13:38 berekettu !f
13:38 Kasman: (TR), semtex06: (TR), berekettu: (TR), lucangela: (AT), Thesnn: (TR), -POP-: (ME), perum: (??), schelkunoff: (TR), Eddi334: (DE), shadowchaser: (TR)
13:46 berekettu !sd perum
13:46 [perum] PSR: 1536 games: 61 W/L: 2/0
13:46 H. K/D/A 9.00/7.50/17.50 C. K/D/N 177.50/17.00/48.00
13:52 berekettu !sd pop
13:52 [-POP-] PSR: 1558 games: 522 W/L: 14/11
13:52 H. K/D/A 6.92/9.80/13.36 C. K/D/N 92.44/4.52/23.96
14:00 [Did you know?] Remember to check your allies' inventories before purchasing an item for its aura effect. A teammate may already have that item, and most auras do not stack.
14:05 berekettu aynen
14:16 berekettu !open 6
14:16 Slot 6 opened
14:16 lucangela has left the game.
14:16 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
14:25 TheON. has joined the game.
14:25 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
14:25 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
14:27 berekettu !Rs
14:27 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(59% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1563(41% to win, WR=47%)
14:28 berekettu !rall
14:28 TheON. (1699), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), Eddi334 (1529), schelkunoff (1491)
14:30 berekettu !SYNC 250
14:30 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
14:32 berekettu !HCL AP
14:33 -POP- !rs
14:33 berekettu !P
14:33 perum: 96ms, TheON.: 73ms, -POP-: 55ms, Kasman: 37ms, Thesnn: 36ms, shadowchaser: 36ms, semtex06: 34ms, berekettu: 33ms, schelkunoff: 31ms, Eddi334: 16ms
14:35 -POP- !rs
14:36 TheON. !sd pop
14:39 -POP- !r
14:43 TheON. !sd sche
14:47 TheON. !sd per
14:53 TheON. 10
14:56 TheON. !sd sch
14:59 -POP- !sd sch
15:02 TheON. 4 10
15:04 TheON. 1 game
15:05 berekettu SENI BEGENMEDİ :d
15:06 schelkunoff 1 game bro?
15:09 TheON. this guy on 10
15:28 TheON. !sd
15:36 -POP- 1 game 4/10...thats prob
15:36 berekettu !PUB
15:36 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10 #2].
15:50 berekettu !PUB AP 10/10
15:50 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 10/10].
15:54 TheON. open 10 let someone normal
16:00 [Did you know?] Hero choices matter. Many heroes are strong counters to other heroes, and many hero pairings are far more powerful and useful than any hero is alone.
16:13 schelkunoff bosver
16:15 schelkunoff cıksın
16:18 TheON. !f
16:22 TheON. !p
16:28 berekettu 2 mın pls
16:52 berekettu !PUB
16:52 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 10/10 #1].
17:07 Eddi334 !rs
18:00 [Did you know?] Always be nice to those who buy Wards and Couriers.
18:09 berekettu !rall
18:09 TheON. (1699), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), -POP- (1558), semtex06 (1556), perum (1536), Eddi334 (1529), schelkunoff (1491)
18:11 berekettu !sd perum
18:11 [perum] PSR: 1536 games: 61 W/L: 2/0
18:11 H. K/D/A 9.00/7.50/17.50 C. K/D/N 177.50/17.00/48.00
18:14 berekettu !sd pop
18:14 [-POP-] PSR: 1558 games: 522 W/L: 14/11
18:14 H. K/D/A 6.92/9.80/13.36 C. K/D/N 92.44/4.52/23.96
18:18 berekettu !sd eddi
18:18 [Eddi334] PSR: 1529 games: 249 W/L: 106/114
18:18 H. K/D/A 5.00/6.68/12.76 C. K/D/N 135.06/19.80/52.21
18:32 berekettu !pub
18:32 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 10/10 #2].
18:47 perum !f
18:52 Eddi334 we are full what going on?
18:57 TheON. :D
19:08 schelkunoff they are 5
19:14 Eddi334 !rs
19:17 TheON. and 10 is complete nob
19:20 schelkunoff really
19:22 -POP- ill make AP FAST..... come
19:24 -POP- has left the game.
19:24 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
19:26 schelkunoff how did you know
19:26 TheON. has left the game.
19:27 berekettu tempaccount
19:28 Eddi334 has left the game.
19:29 perum has left the game.
19:40 berekettu tempaccount
19:44 schelkunoff tırsak herifler ya
19:49 schelkunoff oyun oldugunu unutuyorlar
19:53 berekettu salak bunlar
19:56 schelkunoff illa kazanacaklar
20:00 [Did you know?] Be nice to new players.Everyone has to start somewhere.
20:08 berekettu kazanada bılır ki
20:17 berekettu biz baska accaount ıle gırıyoruz
20:29 berekettu !PUB AP 6/10
20:29 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 6/10].
20:38 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
20:47 schelkunoff server ölü zaten gelirler birazdan :D
20:54 berekettu aynen
20:59 berekettu orası dolmaz 3 tane ap var
21:09 hariboo has joined the game.
21:09 Spoof check accepted for [hariboo :].
21:09 Spoof check accepted for [hariboo :].
21:13 berekettu !rall
21:13 hariboo (1645), Kasman (1622), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), semtex06 (1556), schelkunoff (1491)
21:14 nespresso has joined the game.
21:14 Spoof check accepted for [nespresso :].
21:14 Spoof check accepted for [nespresso :].
21:17 schelkunoff diyorumi ste
21:17 berekettu !PUB AP 8/10
21:17 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10].
21:21 Pisliknes has joined the game.
21:21 Spoof check accepted for [Pisliknes :].
21:21 Spoof check accepted for [Pisliknes :].
21:22 berekettu bunlar daha ıyı
21:23 schelkunoff mallar 45 dakika bekleyecek
21:25 berekettu !Rs
21:25 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(63% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1608(37% to win, WR=53%)
21:26 berekettu !rall
21:26 Pisliknes (1677), hariboo (1645), Kasman (1622), nespresso (1617), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), shadowchaser (1573), semtex06 (1556), schelkunoff (1491)
21:28 hariboo has left the game.
21:29 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
21:32 Pisliknes has left the game.
21:32 berekettu !sd pislik
21:43 Togepieffy has joined the game.
21:43 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffy :].
21:44 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffy :].
21:48 berekettu !PUB AP 8/10
21:48 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10].
21:56 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
22:00 [Did you know?] Often the best way to learn a Hero's weaknesses is to play them yourself.
22:00 Togepieffy has left the game.
22:16 dAzzLingOo- has joined the game.
22:16 Spoof check accepted for [dAzzLingOo- :].
22:16 Spoof check accepted for [dAzzLingOo- :].
22:22 dAzzLingOo- has left the game.
22:28 ambiti has joined the game.
22:28 Spoof check accepted for [ambiti :].
22:28 Spoof check accepted for [ambiti :].
22:29 AzuL-Mes has joined the game.
22:29 Spoof check accepted for [AzuL-Mes :].
22:29 Spoof check accepted for [AzuL-Mes :].
22:32 berekettu !RS
22:32 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(83% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1540(17% to win, WR=46%)
22:33 berekettu !RALL
22:33 Kasman (1622), nespresso (1617), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), ambiti (1599), shadowchaser (1573), semtex06 (1556), schelkunoff (1491), AzuL-Mes (1451)
22:35 ambiti has left the game.
22:40 berekettu !PUB
22:40 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10 #1].
22:54 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
22:57 ambiti has joined the game.
22:57 Spoof check accepted for [ambiti :].
22:57 Spoof check accepted for [ambiti :].
23:03 tibielake has joined the game.
23:03 Spoof check accepted for [tibielake :].
23:03 Spoof check accepted for [tibielake :].
23:04 berekettu !PUB AP 9/10
23:04 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 9/10].
23:09 berekettu !RALL
23:09 Kasman (1622), nespresso (1617), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), ambiti (1599), shadowchaser (1573), semtex06 (1556), schelkunoff (1491), AzuL-Mes (1451)
23:13 berekettu !RS
23:13 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(64% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1552(36% to win, WR=48%)
23:13 berekettu !RALL
23:13 Kasman (1622), nespresso (1617), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), ambiti (1599), shadowchaser (1573), semtex06 (1556), schelkunoff (1491), AzuL-Mes (1451)
23:15 berekettu !SYNC 250
23:15 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
23:16 berekettu !HCL AP
23:21 berekettu !F
23:21 Kasman: (TR), semtex06: (TR), berekettu: (TR), Thesnn: (TR), schelkunoff: (TR), shadowchaser: (TR), nespresso: (BR), AzuL-Mes: (TR), ambiti: (TR), tibielake: (RO)
23:22 tibielake !rs
23:29 tibielake no balance ?
23:33 berekettu !sd azul
23:33 [AzuL-Mes] PSR: 1451 games: 742 W/L: 39/46
23:33 H. K/D/A 5.05/9.76/12.52 C. K/D/N 73.32/1.68/11.08
23:35 berekettu !open 8
23:35 Slot 8 opened
23:35 AzuL-Mes has left the game.
23:35 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
23:41 tibielake !sd sch\
23:43 tibielake !sd sch
23:47 tibielake open 10
24:00 [Did you know?] Subscribe to deer radio
24:04 berekettu !PUB
24:04 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 9/10 #1].
24:07 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
24:36 Forteps_ai has joined the game.
24:36 Spoof check accepted for [Forteps_ai :].
24:36 Spoof check accepted for [Forteps_ai :].
24:40 berekettu !open 9
24:40 Slot 9 opened
24:40 Forteps_ai has left the game.
24:43 Togepieffyy has joined the game.
24:43 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffyy :].
24:43 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffyy :].
24:44 tibielake open 10
24:45 berekettu !rs
24:45 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(52% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1586(48% to win, WR=49%)
24:46 berekettu !rall
24:46 Kasman (1622), Togepieffyy (1622), nespresso (1617), Thesnn (1613), berekettu (1606), tibielake (1600), ambiti (1599), shadowchaser (1573), semtex06 (1556), schelkunoff (1491)
24:47 berekettu !sync 250
24:47 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
24:49 berekettu !hcl ap
24:50 berekettu !sc
24:50 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
25:11 berekettu !open 8
25:11 Slot 8 opened
25:11 tibielake has left the game.
25:12 lucangela has joined the game.
25:12 Spoof check accepted for [lucangela :].
25:12 Spoof check accepted for [lucangela :].
25:14 berekettu !PUB AP
25:14 Trying to rehost as public game [AP].
25:16 berekettu !SYNC2 50
25:18 berekettu !SYNC 250
25:18 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
25:20 berekettu TAMAM MI
25:25 lucangela am ok, pls dont kick
25:32 berekettu !start
25:32 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
25:32 10. . .
25:32 9. . .
25:33 8. . .
25:33 7. . .
25:34 6. . .
25:34 5. . .
25:35 4. . .
25:35 3. . .
25:36 2. . .
25:37 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 878
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:05 berekettu [Allies] -cam 2650
00:05 schelkunoff [Allies] -cam 2300
00:07 berekettu [Allies] -minimap 3
00:10 berekettu [Allies] -light 6
00:19 shadowchaser [Allies] -cam 2590
00:21 Thesnn [Allies] -cam 2600
00:23 shadowchaser [Allies] -minimap 1
00:24 semtex06 [Allies] -minimap 1
00:25 Kasman [Allies] -cam 2699
00:27 shadowchaser [Allies] -light 6
00:27 Togepieffyy [Allies] wood
00:27 semtex06 [Allies] -şlight 6
00:32 Thesnn [Allies] -minimap 3
00:32 Kasman [Allies] -minimap 3
01:01 ambiti [Allies] -cam 2300
01:06 berekettu [Allies] !sd tog
01:06 [All] [Togepieffyy] PSR: 1622 games: 130 W/L: 60/58
01:06 [All] H. K/D/A 10.28/7.43/9.95 C. K/D/N 206.19/7.75/70.78
01:06 ambiti [Allies] !rs
01:14 ambiti [Allies] !sd Kas
01:18 ambiti [Allies] !sd semte
01:22 ambiti [All] !sd shad
01:30 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
01:30 ambiti [Allies] !sd Thesnn
01:36 schelkunoff [Allies] -weather moonlight
01:36 ambiti [Allies] !sd nesp
01:37 Togepieffyy [Allies] l am wood
01:39 schelkunoff [Allies] -water 55 0 55
01:40 ambiti [Allies] !sd luca
01:43 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
01:46 ambiti [All] !sd toge
01:55 ambiti [All] !sd luca
01:58 ambiti [All] ?
02:04 ambiti [All] fuck your game
02:14 schelkunoff [Allies] :
02:19 schelkunoff [All] :D
02:24 ambiti [All] im afk
02:26 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
02:28 Togepieffyy [Allies] ?
02:47 berekettu [Allies] -afk
02:49 Togepieffyy [Allies] play bro
03:12 nespresso [Allies] -cam 2700
03:13 Togepieffyy [Allies] -cam 1.75
03:14 [All] [nespresso]-- Creeps Spawned --
03:18 nespresso [Allies] !r
03:25 ambiti [Allies] !F
03:25 berekettu [Allies] -afk
03:30 ambiti [All] !owner
03:43 ambiti [All] mk cocugu balance yapmadan ezikleri niye doldurdun
03:45 Togepieffyy [Allies] mask after wood
03:52 semtex06 [All] SENIN
03:52 berekettu [All] sen yıne geldın mı lan
03:53 semtex06 [All] ANAN ISIEMRM
03:58 ambiti [All] orrospu c ocugu
03:59 ambiti [Allies] s
04:00 ambiti [All] kes
04:06 semtex06 [All] SENIN AMK BEKLE SEN
04:12 ambiti [All] suslan piç
04:16 schelkunoff [All] :d
04:18 berekettu [Allies] !muteall
04:18 [All] Global chat muted (allied and private chat is unaffected).
04:25 ambiti [Allies] :DD
04:37 berekettu [Allies] !rs
04:37 [All] Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(59% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1566(41% to win, WR=45%)
05:02 lucangela [Allies] need gank mid
05:09 schelkunoff [Allies] troll
05:11 Togepieffyy [Allies] wait
05:12 Togepieffyy [Allies] bro
05:13 Togepieffyy [Allies] ll gop
05:16 Togepieffyy [Allies] 1 crep
05:52 lucangela [Allies] cant vs
05:53 lucangela [Allies] hgard
06:03 nespresso [Allies] go alway
06:18 [All] [nespresso]nespresso killed semtex06
06:18 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
06:21 nespresso [Allies] GO
06:27 semtex06 [Allies] !RAS
06:37 nespresso [Allies] !sd luc
06:40 nespresso [Allies] leave mid
06:47 lucangela [Allies] ok capt
07:47 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
08:14 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
09:45 lucangela [Allies] gank
09:56 schelkunoff [Allies] s
09:57 schelkunoff [Allies] s
09:59 schelkunoff [Allies] barat
10:02 schelkunoff [Allies] 0
10:25 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
10:27 [All] [nespresso]Thesnn killed ambiti
10:27 [All] [nespresso]ambiti killed Thesnn
11:12 [All] [nespresso]lucangela killed shadowchaser
11:50 lucangela [Allies] noone mid
11:58 Togepieffyy [Allies] g
12:14 [All] [nespresso]ambiti killed Kasman
12:17 [All] [nespresso]nespresso killed semtex06
12:58 Togepieffyy [Allies] g
12:59 Togepieffyy [Allies] first
13:05 ambiti [Allies] gogo
13:14 [All] [nespresso]nespresso killed Thesnn
13:18 [All] [nespresso]lucangela killed berekettu
13:52 [All] [nespresso]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
13:54 [All] [nespresso]lucangela destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
13:59 nespresso [Allies] !owner
14:56 Togepieffyy [Allies] lion
15:21 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
15:23 nespresso [Allies] -gg
15:37 nespresso [Allies] >> semtex06 (Necrolyte) has a > Aghanim's Scepter
15:39 nespresso [Allies] hahahhahaha
15:53 nespresso [Allies] weaver radi?
15:57 schelkunoff [Allies] yes
16:02 nespresso [Allies] nice
16:11 lucangela [Allies] b
16:13 nespresso [Allies] i hope you finisht it before gae ends
16:17 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed ambiti
16:54 lucangela [Allies] >> Thesnn (Tidehunter) has a > Blink Dagger
16:56 Togepieffyy [Allies] -ms
16:57 Thesnn [Allies] >> Blink Dagger > is ready
17:23 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed Togepieffyy
17:36 [All] [nespresso]lucangela killed Kasman
17:48 [All] [nespresso]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
17:48 [All] [nespresso]ambiti killed semtex06
17:56 ambiti [Allies] oç seni
18:01 ambiti [Allies] geberirsin böyle
18:09 schelkunoff [Allies] :D
18:11 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed Togepieffyy
18:34 [All] [nespresso]nespresso killed Thesnn
18:35 ambiti [Allies] gj
18:41 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed nespresso
18:44 nespresso [Allies] c
19:31 [All] [nespresso]Kasman killed Togepieffyy
20:01 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
20:04 nespresso [Allies] ahahahahahahhahahahaha
20:05 nespresso [Allies] low team
20:14 nespresso [Allies] cant even deward
20:32 [All] [nespresso]ambiti killed Kasman
21:00 nespresso [Allies] 0 wards
21:09 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed schelkunoff
21:28 Togepieffyy [Allies] -ms
21:55 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed Togepieffyy
21:58 Togepieffyy [Allies] >> shadowchaser (Barathrum) has a > Point Booster
22:12 [All] [nespresso]Thesnn killed schelkunoff
22:20 nespresso [Allies] no deward no fun
22:23 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed ambiti
22:54 [All] [nespresso]Togepieffyy killed semtex06
22:57 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed lucangela
22:58 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed Togepieffyy
22:59 [All] [nespresso]The Scourge killed shadowchaser
24:03 nespresso [Allies] illusuon
25:04 nespresso [Allies] warded
25:12 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed Togepieffyy
25:40 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
25:51 lucangela [Allies] !sd nes
26:06 nespresso [Allies] >> lucangela (Ogre Magi) has a > Oblivion Staff
26:06 nespresso [Allies] >> lucangela (Ogre Magi) has a > Oblivion Staff
26:11 nespresso [Allies] nice support ogre
26:13 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed Togepieffyy
26:22 [All] [nespresso]Kasman destroyed the top level 2 Scourge tower
26:24 semtex06 [Allies] >> Heart of Tarrasque > is ready
26:24 semtex06 [Allies] >> Heart of Tarrasque > is ready
26:24 Togepieffyy [Allies] >> semtex06 (Necrolyte) has a > Heart of Tarrasque
26:32 nespresso [Allies] gg
26:37 Togepieffyy [Allies] -gg
26:39 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed schelkunoff
26:44 nespresso [Allies] look ogre
26:51 nespresso [Allies] !Locked
27:10 [All] [nespresso]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom level 2 Scourge tower
27:30 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed Togepieffyy
27:37 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
27:39 nespresso [Allies] !ff
27:40 nespresso [Allies] !f
27:43 Togepieffyy [Allies] !ff
27:51 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed lucangela
28:00 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed ambiti
28:13 nespresso [Allies] !rall
28:14 nespresso [Allies] !r
28:17 nespresso [Allies] !rs
28:20 nespresso [Allies] !owner
28:38 nespresso [Allies] 0 wards
29:03 [All] [nespresso]schelkunoff denied the mid level 2 Scourge tower
29:07 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
29:11 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed schelkunoff
29:15 nespresso [Allies] !f
29:30 [All] [nespresso]Thesnn killed Togepieffyy
29:54 [All] [nespresso]lucangela killed semtex06
30:53 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed ambiti
30:58 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed lucangela
31:05 [All] [nespresso]nespresso killed Thesnn
31:06 Togepieffyy [Allies] !ff
31:06 [All] [Togepieffyy] voted to forfeit [1/5 Scourge]
31:08 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed nespresso
31:11 nespresso [Allies] D
31:12 nespresso [Allies] >> schelkunoff (Weaver) has a > Sacred Relic
31:12 nespresso [Allies] >> schelkunoff (Weaver) has a > Sacred Relic
31:14 Togepieffyy [Allies] go ff
31:18 nespresso [Allies] not finished yet?
31:24 nespresso [Allies] 50 min more minuts?
31:26 nespresso [Allies] hashshshshs
31:29 lucangela [Allies] !ignore nes
31:33 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed Togepieffyy
31:41 nespresso [Allies] !rall
31:54 nespresso [Allies] >> lucangela (Ogre Magi) has a > Shadow Amulet
32:04 [All] [nespresso]berekettu killed schelkunoff
32:11 [All] [nespresso]lucangela killed berekettu
32:13 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed lucangela
32:18 [All] [nespresso]shadowchaser killed ambiti
32:22 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
32:35 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed lucangela
32:42 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed nespresso
32:44 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed ambiti
32:46 [All] [nespresso]semtex06 killed Togepieffyy
32:50 nespresso [Allies] !ff]
32:51 nespresso [Allies] !ff
32:51 [All] [nespresso] voted to forfeit [2/5 Scourge]
33:10 berekettu [Allies] !unmuteall
33:10 [All] Global chat unmuted.
33:13 Thesnn [All] ambiti sikerler
33:14 [All] lucangela has left the game voluntarily, lucangela was autobanned.
33:14 [All] Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
33:19 berekettu [All] ne oldu yarak kafası
33:21 nespresso [All] nice stacked game bro
33:23 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
33:25 ambiti [All] orrrospu cocukları
33:32 ambiti [All] adamsanız
33:33 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 destroyed the mid Scourge ranged rax
33:34 ambiti [All] esit takımlarla
33:36 ambiti [All] kapısalım
33:40 semtex06 [All] HIC FARKETMEZ
33:41 semtex06 [All] GETIR
33:42 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 destroyed the mid Scourge melee rax
33:42 Thesnn [All] sabaha kadar sıkerşiz
33:45 ambiti [All] piçlere bak hele
33:46 shadowchaser [All] cağgır aBİLERİNİ
33:47 Thesnn [All] ben sinan
33:57 nespresso [Allies] >> schelkunoff (Weaver) has a > Radiance
33:58 nespresso [Allies] >> schelkunoff (Weaver) has a > Radiance
33:58 nespresso [Allies] >> schelkunoff (Weaver) has a > Radiance
34:02 ambiti [All] !sd luca
34:03 nespresso [Allies] he fmade it!!!
34:09 ambiti [All] lucangela ne lan
34:11 ambiti [All] kahpeler
34:14 ambiti [All] adamın ilk oyunu
34:30 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 killed ambiti
34:32 [All] [shadowchaser]Thesnn killed nespresso
34:37 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
35:04 [All] [shadowchaser]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom level 3 Scourge tower
35:34 [All] [shadowchaser]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom Scourge melee rax
35:38 [All] [shadowchaser]ambiti killed berekettu
35:43 [All] [shadowchaser]shadowchaser destroyed the bottom Scourge ranged rax
36:16 [All] [shadowchaser]shadowchaser destroyed the top level 3 Scourge tower
36:21 [All] [shadowchaser]shadowchaser killed nespresso
36:25 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
36:36 Togepieffyy [Allies] !ff
36:36 [All] [Togepieffyy] voted to forfeit [1/4 Scourge]
36:38 Togepieffyy [Allies] type ff
36:42 Togepieffyy [Allies] ?
37:11 semtex06 [All] NERDESIN LAN
37:12 semtex06 [All] YARRAK
37:23 schelkunoff [All] AGLAMAKLA MESGUL :d
37:27 ambiti [All] ananın amını sikiyom yukarıdaki klubelerde
37:29 Thesnn [Allies] -ca m2600
37:29 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 destroyed the top Scourge ranged rax
37:31 Thesnn [Allies] -cam 2600
37:38 [All] [shadowchaser]semtex06 destroyed the top Scourge melee rax
37:43 schelkunoff [Allies] -kickafk 4
37:43 [All] Togepieffyy has left the game voluntarily, Togepieffyy was autobanned.
37:43 [All] This game will be saved in your ladder stats, you should play till the end.
37:44 [All] [berekettu]semtex06 destroyed the mid level 4 Scourge tower
38:01 [All] [berekettu]berekettu killed schelkunoff
38:09 [All] [berekettu]The Sentinel destroyed the bottom level 4 Scourge tower
38:17 [All] [berekettu]The Frozen Throne is now at 75% HP
38:22 [All] [berekettu]The Frozen Throne is now at 50% HP
38:22 [All] [berekettu]shadowchaser killed ambiti
38:25 [All] [berekettu]The Frozen Throne is now at 25% HP
38:27 [All] [berekettu]The Frozen Throne is now at 10% HP
38:27 [All] [berekettu]The Scourge killed shadowchaser
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:28 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
38:30 [All] berekettu has left the game voluntarily.
38:30 [All] ambiti has left the game voluntarily.
38:30 [All] Kasman has left the game voluntarily.
38:30 [All] nespresso has left the game voluntarily.
38:31 [All] shadowchaser has left the game voluntarily.
38:31 [All] semtex06 has left the game voluntarily.
38:31 [All] schelkunoff has left the game voluntarily.
38:31 [All] Thesnn has left the game voluntarily.