Author Topic: %10000 MH  (Read 430 times)

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%10000 MH
« on: April 26, 2024, 20:52 »
1: Your nick name .
2: Nickname of the player you want to be banned.
3: Link of the game.;sa=game;gid=6534974
4: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
between min 40-45 he use stan for barat for vithout vision check thıs ıdıot player please ı m sure bara was on charge and he used stun ınto tree no wards no sentry just watchıng hım and cathc hım

Offline TheJOkerBoy

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Re: %10000 MH
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2024, 01:22 »
min 23:30
waiting at jungle. she farms generally but she just wait because she knows that nerub is around.

min 31:02

she was at scourge jungle. she killed nerub after that she was going back but she turned back and used stun without vision .(because lion were approaching , she had no vision.)

min 32:38

Lina moved to secret shop without reason and started to wait next to ward. Her face was twords to nerub.(its like she knew he is coming . )

min 34:07

Lina farms at jungle generally but although she had nc she start to go twords to necro.(she has no vision)

min 38:53

Razor used static link to nerub at top lane. nerub was invisible. after a moment , static link is over and nerub was totally invisible. lina had no vision and she used skills towards to jungle ( nerub was there. nobody can guess that nerub is there.)and she cannot see nerub. She followed poor nerub. finally ,she killed him.

min 40:33

Lion had low hp thats why he tp to fountain. Lina was there and she had no vision again. She used her dagger and blink next to him but she was late.

min 41:20

Lina had no vision but she killed nerub.

min 42:20

Lina had no vision but she killed barat.

Note: Administrators has move evidence but we dont share them here.

 (if you are curious please check min 38:53 and see mh  ;D )

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