Author Topic: A better place  (Read 2368 times)

Offline bladekino

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A better place
« on: February 14, 2021, 14:12 »
I read from staff members discussing if something is damaging to players or not. So you can't report a case if you are not directly involved and things like that. That is not the case my friends. The most damaging thing is when a person uses his time to report someone. When someone breaks the rules the damage is done and you can't do anything except making this a better place. Cause you will not at least easily get your stats back or psr or repair a game that is already ruined. So you either just move on and don't report or move on and report trying to make this place a better one for all.
When most staff members are not even close to tooshade's gaming level and still reply to him for an afk ban request that the game is over you know that something is wrong. I didn't have to watch the replay. I see this things all the time. Rules are rules. Games are over when the big central building is down; when a team agrees to ff or when a team leaves the game. There are also situations like draw 4vs5 in 6 minutes and 3vs5 in 15 minutes and maybe i miss something else too. Too much personal judgement is bad. It is easy to add a new rule or details to a rule or at least help with these things. What do you have in mind? Team k/d/a difference? Team gold difference? Buildings lost difference? If you don't add details to the rules or create new rules you take a risk of misjudging cases. People may even know that a game is over and still wanna continue to play and have fun and in the end they have the right to do that. Also people would even have a feeling from the tenth minute that a game is already over when mid lanaya is already 5-0 would it be ok then for players to go afk? Why not? Especially and i mean ESPECIALLY when a game has gone too far and played for many minutes you can't really tell if it is over or not cause most players catch up with the fed ones in items and even a single team fight can give the win to a team. That's my opinion and i am sorry if it offends anyone.

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Re: A better place
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2021, 15:53 »
So you think it would be possible to write in rules when it is fine to go AFK? Seems impossible to me..

Offline iErnesto94

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Re: A better place
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2021, 18:24 »
Personally, I think what you suggest is difficult.

In many of my games when the low skill players fail they think the game is over and they want to afk. The game is 5-25 and they think they lost, but I am magina and I know I can solo win. Why their judgement should be more valid than mine and be allowed to afk?
In addition, 90% of the games I know whether I will win or not in the first 5 minutes of the game. Should I go afk?

For example bladekino, if someone goes mid, fail 0-8 and qop has 10-0. Should he be allowed to go afk and ruin the game of som1 that could late game win vs qop?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 19:24 by iErnesto94 »

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Re: A better place
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2021, 18:57 »
I think cant define with rules. For go afk should be ban anyway but depends on case ofc. I think if game is lost isnt excuse because other 4 maybe are trying. But if 4 go afk and you 1 trying then ban should be less

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Re: A better place
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2021, 18:59 »
Easy to ban and talk, not easy to be fair enough with all sides

I like to share experience and consult with the admins about reports/cases.

so easy to slap a judgment on someone, not easy to be fair.

There is huge difference between AFK and gave up, the case you are talking about isn't a case because the game you make all this sensation for doesn't deserve believe me, because wind didnt go afk for at least 1.5 sec in total, for an example i can go afk for 50 sec to roll a cigar and keep playing, wind refused to defend(few moments before game ends) So, you call this AFK? team destroying your base and you have no chance to defend, is K/D chaos. You want to apply an punishment

If team good had chance to win and wind afk/refused to play I'll ban without any think..

If team doesn't have any (%1)chance to win, why ban someone had nothing to do, ok if i apply rules ban him, Players will think no experience here in LA + they will leave the server.

or you want me to apply rules  like as u wish?,199053.msg707112.html#msg707112

See the items of teams

I'm not talking about team score K/D

How wind could win this game without gank/carry ?


You said you're not good, but you wasn't play with team like 4 vs 5?

why you don't pick good hero? I'm not attacking you or ignore, I want to be fair enough with all sides, to avoid any injustice even by mistake.

TooShade not title here O_o

And tooshade is picking good players in team, thats not good, tooshade pick heros knows how to play with hero

I feel you but playing with friends isn't a crime committed, the players choose to play with them making them earn the PSRs, by their own choice when they decide to play.

I don't see anything can be done with that tbh(If auto host balance). I suggest to the players to play balanced games to avoid such situations.(AP BALANCE) (SD Balance) (Rd balance)

« Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 19:27 by Shark4K »

Offline bladekino

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Re: A better place
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2021, 14:19 »
Yes cen it is possible to write rules when it is fine to go afk. They actually exist in some moderators minds so you just tranfer them to paper.

iErnesto94 no he shouldn't go afk. If you ask my opinion no one should go afk. There is no excuse to go afk for me. This is also the right thing according to the rules as they apply today.

Shark4K there is no case i am talking about. I just said something about tooshade posting a ban request for example. It is not about me or tooshade or you or anyone. It is about everyone. Rules are rules. You have the power and i believe the experience to judge cases so it would be easy for you to help with the rules. You are talking about team chances. For you it can be 1% for some other moderator 40% and for some player 99%. Let's say we all agree the chances for a team to win are 0.001% but there is a player in that same team who thinks his team has 99.999% chances to win. Why would we take away from him the joy to play? If you now have a more tangible proof how you calculated this 1% the problem is solved.

Maybe it is not even about chances. Some players know the chances are 0% even before the game starts but they just want to play try a new hero maybe or another item build or simply just want to play the game they used to play when they were kids. I think everyone wants to win but you can have fun by winning and also have fun by losing. It is the game that brings the joy.

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Re: A better place
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2021, 17:51 »
My first impression is I'm glad and I respect what you have written -- because I see your writing skills is cool.
This my last conversation to you...

1- I don't have powers  because I'm a player and just helping this community I understand dota as well before become a moderator.

2- I tend to make friends through LA - across countries/continents // lend a hand and help out users if I am able to - I don't keep nor have any personal grudges whatever the case is.

3- I tend to master my managerial - leadership - teamwork skills while solving-debating-understanding different perspectives & situations.

If you now have a more tangible proof how you calculated this 1% the problem is solved.
A case like your case,199073.0.html

Kinda Regards,
