Author Topic: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?  (Read 123052 times)

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2020, 14:36 »
why is the poster, this territory344 (or whatever) VIP?

At least it's not smileys and banners all around lel.

I though i am the only one wondering :)))
And also, how mentally disturbed you should be to request banning people for being better than you
How about improving yourself? or host a noob game and play there
Ah.. Thats the last thing people do.

Offline Akuma

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2020, 15:26 »
I'd very much like to hear this expectations of a random lagabuse player improving himself, when 90% of the times he is playing with and against more-or-less equally bad players. Why would territory23 need to improve to beat _general_ they can as well roll for points at the start of the game.

Lets take a look at mister general he is the best example:;sa=game;gid=6246513;sa=game;gid=6246532;sa=game;gid=6246553

So he played same hero 3 times in a row, went exactly same build 3 times in a row, and won all 3 games. In his mind this is a winning combination that brought him very high up the ladder.
Now we all (probably) can agree that general is average lagabuse player the one of these you see in pretty much every game.
How do you suggest to actually improve him when in his mind he is already a winner with unbeatable combination that wins him most of the times against another pack of averages?
I was confused with this, and it was not only once, but it happens from time to time to /w wrong bot. If it was changed to la-custom or custom-la everyone would understand why is like that. But like this you must to read on forum to understand, even if you don't understand..

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2020, 15:53 »
99% people don't want to improve themselves. There are roughly 3 reasons people play here (and probably everywhere else dota):

1) They want to farm imaginary numbers and feel "cool"

Thats clear, they take same hero and same build, make new accounts if they fail and farm stats. Also play a lot (and here the more you play the more psr you get with <50% win rate).

2) They play for fun (!)

These are players like mr deer, me, etc. Make 4 necronomicons to form an army, stalking gondar in jungle, whatever makes the game fun for all sides (though last isn't fun for junglers at all).

3) They play to pass time

These never want to improve themselves, they just play year for year 4-5 heroes and don't care about anything.

Problem is that 1 category players spam new accounts (either because they want stats or because they are bored with high psr) and play with bad players/boost weak players and make games unbalanced (yes, deynro?). I think change in formula can help here, at least i don't see what else can.

Putting an account creation link to the top bar was already proposed long ago, dunno why it was never done, probably to fight multiaccounters (not like they don't already know how to create new account while real new players don't, lol)

About removing KDA - it might seem like a good idea, but KDA is the only thing which makes this place different from other. Remove it and dota addicts will surely leave.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 15:57 by luke »

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #48 on: January 18, 2020, 15:56 »
Well deynro answered it also.
Improve,or host noob games and play there.
Choice is on the player

Offline Akuma

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #49 on: January 18, 2020, 16:13 »
I don't see how or where he answered my questions, actually none are answered?

1) why is territory VIP?
2) how do you suggest average lagabuse player to improve when he is playing with other bunch of averages? (@Deynro should answer this one as well, since he suggested it)


1 and 2 we can say its correct.

3 - is wrong. If they would play just to "pass time" they wouldn't have to get triggered (which usually ends in some sort of rule breaking) every few games especially when they are losing. They wouldn't care.
Yes sure there are SOME players that could fit this description of yours, but there are much more who simply doesn't.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 16:16 by Akuma »
I was confused with this, and it was not only once, but it happens from time to time to /w wrong bot. If it was changed to la-custom or custom-la everyone would understand why is like that. But like this you must to read on forum to understand, even if you don't understand..

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2020, 16:23 »
territory is Patreon Donor.
I didnt suggest that Lagabuse average player should/could Improve.

But if i did ,i would most likely suggest that he should play with some people [Deers for example] who would show him new ways to Counter Heroes/Builds , solve situations differently[ Force himself/or ally ,rather than entering Windwalk ].
Watch some videos , how to use terrain[no pun intended] to improve his positioning, things of that nature.

It is one thing to inquire about Territory's Membergroup, and its different to Require such information.

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2020, 16:44 »

1) why is territory VIP?
2) how do you suggest average lagabuse player to improve when he is playing with other bunch of averages? (@Deynro should answer this one as well, since he suggested it)

1. I srsly don't know, maybe someone boosted him in top20 ladder last season or it's a mistake by staff or he took someone else's benefit, idk, just assumings

2. First of all, to improve, you have to know your place, your level, to know where you are, they should accept the fact that they are still noobs. If that happens, automatically they can evolve, they will give their interest in that.
Also, when they are failing after failing, dying after dying (in vain), burdening the team after burdening, there will be for sure a toxic person like deynro / borila / god to say something to them (yes, i consider myself toxic and i assume it), instead taking those words as offences, they could take 'em as critics because between ,,mongoloid" ,,dogshit" ,,poor undeveloped being" are advices.
Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping.

Offline Akuma

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2020, 16:47 »
territory is Patreon Donor.
Isn't he supposed to be in patreon donators group then, and have his name displayed under "news" and not VIP actually?
I am sorry in advance if I am wrong, this isn't any sort of "attack" on you guys I just found it funny that player such as him share same membergroup with top ladder players. I won't push this any further, I don't care about it, was just intrigued since he is a really bad player, and VIP are supposed to be "good".

I didnt suggest that Lagabuse average player should/could Improve.
Improve,or host noob games and play there.
Choice is on the player

well I considered this a "suggestion to them asking them improve" perhaps I am wrong.

But if i did ,i would most likely suggest that he should play with some people [Deers for example] who would show him new ways to Counter Heroes/Builds , solve situations differently[ Force himself/or ally ,rather than entering Windwalk ].

And don't you think we tried this on various players? Do you know how many of them actually LISTEN and TRY to do something. Also why would we take such players in our team anyway. Most of them don't even understand that playing for fun doesn't need to be about winning.

It is one thing to inquire about Territory's Membergroup, and its different to Require such information.

I didn't require information, nor were you obliged to provide one. I just asked a question. You could've answered as well with "its a private thing" and I would be satisfied with this answer as well. Its not really that I care about his membergroup I just found it funny as I already explained above.
I repeated question 2 times simply because the first time it was ignored.
I was confused with this, and it was not only once, but it happens from time to time to /w wrong bot. If it was changed to la-custom or custom-la everyone would understand why is like that. But like this you must to read on forum to understand, even if you don't understand..

Offline AntlermanXXL

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2020, 16:49 »
Advices can be friendly !
Maximum level of blame i do is when i am saying 'you are trolling me on purpose with XX action you did' :-D
In most cases i try to explain things in fun way (related example link:

About rest, i will also add that maybe reading Sun Tzu - Art of War book can boost your dota experience also!
For me, the key of good gameplay is understanding what you are doing (and going to do) and understanding your envinronment.

Both (book and understanding of your own steps) are extremely helpful not only in DotA. Most people are doing things, and they do not even question themselves why are they doing it; Questioning, very intensive questioning of everything always improves your experience, not only in dota, but in entire life

Random advices throwing right there
Stay deer !
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 16:52 by AntlermanXXL »

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2020, 16:55 »
In the "pass time" category i wanted to include everybody else, because i think that if you don't play for fun or for stats then its to pass time (though maybe its not that accurate).

Art of war is a good book, can change one's views completely. You just need to extract the experience and apply it to modern world (or dota)

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2020, 16:56 »
Also, for example, i`d provide Heroes Of The Storm community

Chance to get player in team who will flame around is like 5%.
Well, game itself promotes friendly team gameplay, but players there are awesome most of the time ! You can come in game and say like 'sorry i am playing first time' and they will wish you good luck, they may also spam some tips and such

And cheer you up when you feed, combined with another portion of advices
So you can actually improve without feeling of being psychologically separated from 'nerd professionals' and you, newbie
Very cool !

So, if here our so-called professional players (you know inside, you are not anyway, stop pretending everyone), if they will become friendly, like deers are, for example

You might expect people to improve with time

Thats of course not 100% working method, you say
But i believe it is
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 16:58 by AntlermanXXL »

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2020, 17:04 »
Well, when i get a player in team who asks for advice about item build or says that he is new, he always gets help from me. But if a player calls me noob and retard, he gets the same in return. I think it applies to most people: we are nice when others are nice to us and mean when others are mean to us.

HoTs is a relatively new game, while dota is not, might be a reason why its so toxic.

Offline Akuma

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2020, 17:04 »

1. I srsly don't know, maybe someone boosted him in top20 ladder last season or it's a mistake by staff or he took someone else's benefit, idk, just assumings

2. First of all, to improve, you have to know your place, your level, to know where you are, they should accept the fact that they are still noobs. If that happens, automatically they can evolve, they will give their interest in that.
Also, when they are failing after failing, dying after dying (in vain), burdening the team after burdening, there will be for sure a toxic person like deynro / borila / god to say something to them (yes, i consider myself toxic and i assume it), instead taking those words as offences, they could take 'em as critics because between ,,mongoloid" ,,dogshit" ,,poor undeveloped being" are advices.

First of all, to improve, you have to know your place, your level, to know where you are, they should accept the fact that they are still noobs.

This would be a good suggestion if server actually had bulk of good players, but the fact is (as well as my point) is that overall skill is quite low. You can't possibly expect noobs to improve when they are playing with other noobs 90% of the time. General is 5th on ladder with 60% win rate so simple math tells us he wins more than he loses even with his skill level, which basically means his skill level is high enough for this server, and that is really really sad part.
I was confused with this, and it was not only once, but it happens from time to time to /w wrong bot. If it was changed to la-custom or custom-la everyone would understand why is like that. But like this you must to read on forum to understand, even if you don't understand..

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2020, 17:09 »
I think it applies to most people: we are nice when others are nice to us and mean when others are mean to us.
So here what is my suggestion about
No one, except yourself, forces you to flame back :deer:

As a related very short written real life story, i have moment when some squad of guys once approached me on le street in order to perform aggressive robbery
So no matter what they were saying, i kept joking and being friendly (not asslicking, friendly as in 'mates' talk). While being ready to defend myself too, if you want this kind of info

So, in the end we just laughed together and they let me go without any fight
I befriended them later also

p.s.: Here is an example of being fun and not depressed in any situation:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Its russian tho, but you can see his emotions; That crashed car is his one
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 17:16 by AntlermanXXL »

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Re: Still not thinking of banning balance fuckers?
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2020, 17:13 »
This would be a good suggestion if server actually had bulk of good players, but the fact is (as well as my point) is that overall skill is quite low. You can't possibly expect noobs to improve when they are playing with other noobs 90% of the time. General is 5th on ladder with 60% win rate so simple math tells us he wins more than he loses even with his skill level, which basically means his skill level is high enough for this server, and that is really really sad part.

Good point. In past it was proposed to reduce ban sanctions to keep good players here (because most of good players are active and if you are active you are more likely to get banned for something, especially disconnect). Also to punish flamers with a mute instead of server locking them eventually (since active and good players were mostly toxic and after getting banned they kept spamming and insulting staff members which lead to the ultimate ban, like a snowball). I think this is why most of them left and bad players stayed.

No one, except yourself, forces you to flame back :deer:

That is true, but it would need you to throw away your pride which most people also aren't capable to do. !ignoring flamers would probably be the best way