Author Topic: Ban request - antigame, afk, solo play  (Read 300 times)

Offline Corristo

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Ban request - antigame, afk, solo play
« on: June 15, 2017, 10:41 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
ANtigame, solo play, afk at important moments of the game

4: When was the Rule Broken?
Min 14-15 (replay time) pudge come bottom lane to kill, bone doesn't care to help, keeps farming.

Min 18-20, teamfight mid lane, bone TP's down instead to farm woods and creeps.

Min 22-23 he follows in sentinel woods lina, VISIBLE FORM, and ofc huskar kills him (WTF intentional feed????)

Min 25-26-27 teamfight bottom lane, for sentinel 2nd tower, bone is farming FAAAAR away top lane, becouse why not? (anti-teamplay again)

Min 29-30-31 bone follows huskar in woods, this time invisible, but huskar uses dust (maybe map hack?, he had no sentrys or wards there. Very suspicious case.I won't make post just becouse of this, but i noticed that point when watching replay.if any admins bothers to check for map hack go for it.

Min 31-32 teamfight for top lane sentinel tower, bone goes to farm mid lane then sentinel woods. This was the most annoying moment, when we were fighting for rax, and it was the loosing moment of the game. seeing so much ''not giving a fuck'' is the most annoying thing in dota.

Min 32- still fighting for top lane, he goes sudden afk- or intentionally staying there to not help, and starts moving after fight ends.I think he just enjoyed watching the teamfight from distance.

37:15    Act.of.War    [Allies]    well
37:21    Act.of.War    [Allies]    here you see why i dont come
37:30    Act.of.War    [Allies]    the fuck should i die for nothing   

Maybe to help your teammates, and win the game somehow????

Min 35-36 mid fight, bone runs to fountain full hp/mana, then he watches everything till the end.

If this is not enough to ban such kind of antigamers then dota is dead, and I dont care playing anymore with such kind of players.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
All those solo, not teamplaying players should be banned from the server. dota is teamgame, if u dont want to play as a team, go play tetris.
I don't blame him for dying like 3-4 times totally for nothing, lets say he is just noob, but for refusing to help his teammates when he could, but he didn't want to, that deserves ban.
6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6046057

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Re: Ban request - antigame, afk, solo play
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 13:31 »
act.of.war !7 Days Ban+5 Warn Anti-Team Play(2nd Time)/Afk in crucial Moment
He need to farm that he was farming in lane however he didn't join any team fights and he was afk while they pushing barracks at top,he didn't die on purpose at 22.Minute because he was invis and he didn't see his invis duration was about in end