Author Topic: GFX Announcements  (Read 4678 times)

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Re: GFX Announcements
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2017, 13:35 »
For the BM (now B/L/IM) competitions the following points system was established:

B/L/IM points:
  • 5th place +3
  • 4th place +5
  • 3rd place  +7
  • 2nd place +10
  • 1st place +15
  • +2 extra points for participation

Ladder points given to BM participants:
Spoiler for BM #1:
cyb +17
efko.aqw +12
Renovatio +9
KeMCek +7

Spoiler for BM #2:
Renovatio +17
efko.aqw +12
Regeo +9
cyb +5
Hamza +2

Spoiler for BM #3:
cyb +17
efko.aqw +12
Regeo +7
Hamza +7
MaraSK +7
Renovatio +5

Spoiler for BM #4:
cyb +17
Renovatio +12
Regeo +9
MaraSK +7
Hamza +2

Spoiler for BM #5:
cyb +17
Renovatio +12
Regeo +9
Hamza +7
MaraSK +5

Spoiler for TOTALS:
| Participant | BM points | TOTAL points |
| cyb         | 73        | 246          |
| Renovatio   | 55        | 498          |
| efko.aqw    | 36        | 351          |
| Regeo       | 34        | 221          |
| AGENT       | 21        | 451          |
| MaraSK      | 19        | 86           |
| Hamza       | 18        | 233          |
| KeMCek      | 7         | 58           |

Thank you!

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  • Awards 2nd place on GFX Ladder 2015 [UNIQUE] B&U staff member [RARE] Winner of 3 Challenges of the Week [RARE] Winner of 10 Signature of the Week Contest [LEGENDARY] GFX Tournament Winner [UNIQUE] Forum staff member [RARE] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2018 [UNIQUE] Winner of 10 Photo Manipulation Contest [LEGENDARY] Making 50 bets in Footbal Betting [COMMON] Violinist - Music Quiz #1 [EPIC] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2017 [UNIQUE] Winner of 15 Photoshop Challenge Contests [LEGENDARY] Tournaments Contribution [RARE] Jungle Race Tour Winner [RARE] Uther Party Tournament Winner [COMMON] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2016 [UNIQUE] GFX staff member [RARE] 2nd place in Special Event #2 [UNIQUE]
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Re: GFX Announcements
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2017, 13:35 »
Today is the last day of the GFX 2017 season.
In the next 2 days awards will be given for being in the ladder's top (generally and for each game as well) and for activity.

A lot of changes are coming, for the next season. Besides icons and membergroups a new kind of reward will be created.

Thank you for being with us this year, for keeping our section alive.
Special thanks to @AGENT  for being our most active participant of 2017. Starting with January 2018 he will be GFX Honored member. Also, special thanks to our new regular participants: @Hamza , @Regeo  and @MaraSK .

Happy new year!
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  • Awards 2nd place on GFX Ladder 2015 [UNIQUE] B&U staff member [RARE] Winner of 3 Challenges of the Week [RARE] Winner of 10 Signature of the Week Contest [LEGENDARY] GFX Tournament Winner [UNIQUE] Forum staff member [RARE] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2018 [UNIQUE] Winner of 10 Photo Manipulation Contest [LEGENDARY] Making 50 bets in Footbal Betting [COMMON] Violinist - Music Quiz #1 [EPIC] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2017 [UNIQUE] Winner of 15 Photoshop Challenge Contests [LEGENDARY] Tournaments Contribution [RARE] Jungle Race Tour Winner [RARE] Uther Party Tournament Winner [COMMON] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2016 [UNIQUE] GFX staff member [RARE] 2nd place in Special Event #2 [UNIQUE]
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Re: GFX Announcements
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2018, 13:58 »
Dear GFX members,
We are trying to make the awards more valuable. Some of us got a lot of "easy" awards and we must admit that isnt too much pride in having awards given for simple acts like participating in an event (5 minutes work) while others have similar awards for playing DotA the entire season and getting in top 20 from 10000 accounts (ladder awards).

Therefore, a lot of "easy" awards will be removed so the ones that actually matter can have a real value. The most affected will be the GFX honored members / old participants (me, efko.aqw, AGENT, DatFace, etc).

I apologise for taking some of your awards but, please, take notice that I do it in your best interest.

Also, from now on awards for multiple wins will be stacked in 1 single award with the highest number of wins that you achieved. Example: if you have 3 awards, for winning 1 PSC, winnin 3 PSC and winning 5 PSC, on your profile will be shown only the one for winning 5 PSC.

The color scheme used to indicate the number of wins (in additional to the award's name and description) is:
1 win - orange | 3 wins - blue | 5 wins - green | 10 wins - purple | 15 wins - red

Due to these changes the GFX 2017 season awarding will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding and may we have a new great GFX season! Have fun!
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  • Awards 2nd place on GFX Ladder 2015 [UNIQUE] B&U staff member [RARE] Winner of 3 Challenges of the Week [RARE] Winner of 10 Signature of the Week Contest [LEGENDARY] GFX Tournament Winner [UNIQUE] Forum staff member [RARE] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2018 [UNIQUE] Winner of 10 Photo Manipulation Contest [LEGENDARY] Making 50 bets in Footbal Betting [COMMON] Violinist - Music Quiz #1 [EPIC] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2017 [UNIQUE] Winner of 15 Photoshop Challenge Contests [LEGENDARY] Tournaments Contribution [RARE] Jungle Race Tour Winner [RARE] Uther Party Tournament Winner [COMMON] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2016 [UNIQUE] GFX staff member [RARE] 2nd place in Special Event #2 [UNIQUE]
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GFX Team is introducing GFX Achievements!
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2018, 12:48 »
GFX Team is introducing GFX Achievements!

Dear GFX members and users,
We are introducing this new awarding system for participants with at least 2 participations in the last 6 months. If you are an inactive GFX member just participate in our competitions in order to get listed here.

If you think you should be listed here and you arent then, please, PM me or Hamza.

Use this Feedback topic to help us improving this new system (adding/removing achievements, setting another criteria for the selected members, etc). Thank you!

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Offline Renovatio

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  • Awards 2nd place on GFX Ladder 2015 [UNIQUE] B&U staff member [RARE] Winner of 3 Challenges of the Week [RARE] Winner of 10 Signature of the Week Contest [LEGENDARY] GFX Tournament Winner [UNIQUE] Forum staff member [RARE] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2018 [UNIQUE] Winner of 10 Photo Manipulation Contest [LEGENDARY] Making 50 bets in Footbal Betting [COMMON] Violinist - Music Quiz #1 [EPIC] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2017 [UNIQUE] Winner of 15 Photoshop Challenge Contests [LEGENDARY] Tournaments Contribution [RARE] Jungle Race Tour Winner [RARE] Uther Party Tournament Winner [COMMON] 1st place on GFX Ladder 2016 [UNIQUE] GFX staff member [RARE] 2nd place in Special Event #2 [UNIQUE]
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Re: GFX Announcements
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2018, 16:28 »
Dear LA users,
GFX team is introducing a new set of easy and fun games where everybody can join and win no matter of their PS skills.

Challenge of the Week will present a new game each week and we will repeat the ones that you like. This week we will play Windows Paint Challenge #1 and the task is: Draw a dog in Windows PAINT.

Participating in Challenge of the Week can bring you these awards:
Winning 1 CotW

Winning 3 CotW

Winning 5 CotW

Winning 10 CotW

Winning 15 CotW

Also, participations and wins here make you eligible for our GFX Club (GFX title with colored nickname, special icon and private board acces).

For the ones interested in our ladder the ranking points given in CotW are these:
  • 1st place: 10 pts
  • 2nd place: 6 pts
  • 3rd place: 4 pts
  • 4th place: 2 pts
  • 5th place: 1 pt
  • +1 participation pt

Special thanks to our Head GFX moderator Jeandarc for coming up with these ideas!
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  • Awards Lagabuse Legend Winner of 1 Challenge of the Week [COMMON] Winning 3 seasons of Football Betting [EPIC] GFX Tournament Participant [COMMON] Making 50 bets in Footbal Betting [COMMON] GFX staff member [RARE] Winner of 1 Signature of the Week Contest [COMMON] LA Ladder #11-25 [EPIC] 1v1 Earthshaker Tournament Winner [RARE] 1v1 Queen of Pain Tour Winner [RARE] Winner of 5 ShadowRaze Tours [LEGENDARY] Mirana Wars Winner [RARE] Pudge 1v1 Tournament Winner [RARE] Invoker Wars Tournament [RARE] 1v1 AR Tour Winner [RARE] Pudge Wars Tournament Winner [RARE] 2v2 SHOM Tournament Winner [RARE] Uther Party Tournament Winner [COMMON] MadBalls Tournament Winner [RARE] Junior Tournament Member [RARE]
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Re: GFX Announcements
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2019, 10:36 »

Overall GFX Ladder 2018

Spoiler for Hiden:
First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:

4th-10th Place:

PSC Ladder 2018

Spoiler for Hiden:
First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:

4th-10th Place:

SOTW Ladder 2018

Spoiler for Hiden:
First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:

4th-10th Place:

PMC Ladder 2018

Spoiler for Hiden:
First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:

4th-10th Place:

CotW Ladder 2018

Spoiler for Hiden:
First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:

4th-10th Place: