Author Topic: Some "Eye opening" Dota basics (Or: A random anon guy whining...)  (Read 8530 times)

Offline North_Legionare

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Note: Before everything I want to mention in advance that the following things aren't proven facts. This is my personal opinion and therefore it doesn't mean it's 100% accurate and 100% true, so if you want to add anything (good or bad) to this post feel free to do so, as the matter of fact I would be more than honoured to hear other people's thoughts about things such as theese.

Okay, the stats were reseted again yesterday, so basically all the players have been put "in the same basket", in other words, we all got a fresh start on our accounts, and a new chance to show how "good" we really are. I got no problems against that in most of the cases, I realize that stats need to be reset from time to time for many reasons,one of the reasons is to give all other players a chance to get to the top and to be "among the best". However, after playing the annual first game on my account, I feel like I really need to say something about this sh*tplaying, because I'm really getting tired of the usual pub sh*t people are trying to pull off here.
Now, I know that I'm not the best player here (to be honest NOT BY A LONG SHOT), and I know that no one even knows me here and that most of you will just do an eye roll on this post thinking: "Look at this retarded prick, thinking that anyone cares about this, what a moron...", however this really need to be said.

Let's take a following game as an example:;sa=game;gid=5882854

Okay,so,what's so special about this game? Nothing much honestly, this is a standard Lagabuse pub game. The only problem is THE FACT THAT THIS HAS BECOME A F*CKING STANDARD HERE. There are so many things gone wrong in this game that I litteraly lost a couple years of my life playing it. I was playing Pudge in this game, and of course, as always, I've made more than a couple of mistakes while playing. However I tried to make up for all mistakes with individual ganks and cancelling their mid player as much as I could (in this case, that was Shadow Fiend). As you can clearly see, we lost the game, and judging by Shadow Fiend's items and score compared to mine, a 90% of pub players would call me a f*cking moron and blame me for losing the game. And I couldn't even blame them, I really was playing the game on my own most of the time, so you could say that I'm a solo egocentric prick.

The post is allready getting too long, so I'm gonna get to the point now. I'm gonna make a few pointers for all the pub players just so they have a some sort of realisation (if they ever take some time to read this), so they can at least try not to make theese kind of mistakes, that are unfortunately way too often. First of all, and I can't f*cking stress this enough: DO NOT TAKE CARRY HEROES IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO F*CKING FARM!!!
Seriously allready, take some time to look at the beginning of this game. At start I managed to kill SF on mid three times, and to kill his courier when he tried to refill the bottle. I had the complete mid advantage,and I started hoarding runes massively,therefore forcing SF to switch the lane in order to regain at least some of the farm,and by that cancelling him at least 70% and giving myself time to gank the lanes (which is exactly what I did in this game). And yet, he still managed to get over 10k gold advantage over all of my "carries" in the team. This makes me wanna watch the replay over and over from each player's perspective just to see what the f*ck were my teammates doing while I was trying to perfent SF from farming. And to top it off, we managed to kill two guys and get both bounty runes at start, therefore having at least 600 gold advantage.

Second thing I wan't to add, and I can't believe I'll have to add this: IF YOU'RE AN AGILITY HERO, THAT DOESN'T NECESSAIRLY MAKE YOU A CARRY! For the love of God, who the f*ck would play Vengeful Spirit as a carry in this game??? SERIOUSLY YOU GOT THREE CARRIES ALLREADY AND YOU'RE ALSO PLAYING AGAINST SPECTRE AND SF, HOW THE F*CK WERE HELM OF DOMINATOR AND S&Y OBVIOUS CHOICES? Even if you get some descent items, the chances that you'll outcarry Spectre and Shadow Fiend with Vengeful Spirit are extremely low, if they're smart enough, and they were in this game, your chances are redused to zero.

Okay, I'm getting annoying by now, and the post is starting to get seriously long, but this needs to be mentioned. You can't just label and classify all heoes as CARRY/TANK/SUPPORT. There are different types of supports and different types of carries, sometimes even different types of tanks (just to give an example, supports can be divided into healers,disablers,roamers, etc.). The best example I could think of at this point is Furion. There are so many different ways you can play Furion, but how do you know what's the right way of playing him? You might be surprised (not...), but you don't have to play Furion on Dagon 5 and Lothar's Edge all the time, for instance, I'm combining items for Furion depending on the current outcome of the game, as well as depending from the heroes I'm playing with or against. As well as other heroes, Furion can have multiple roles, he can be a damage carry, he can even be a desolation carry, he can be a carry/disabler, he can be a hard pusher, he can even be a nuker, and he's also a great support ganker. Now, why did I bother writting all this about Furion? Well, some heroes can have multiple playing ways like Furion, some heroes are more simplified and they have less patterns, but the point is, I'm sick and tired of watching morons playing heroes based on the exact same patterns. I'm sick and tired of watching people playing Vengeful Spirit as a carry based on her Command aura, I'm sick and tired of people who are playing Lina as a carry just because Fiery Sould is adding 85% A/S and 8%M/S per casted spell, I'm sick and tired of people who are playing Void with Mask of Madness versus nukers/disablers, and beyond everything, I'm sick and tired of people who don't even bother to use their brain when they're playing, just to think for one f*cking second before they buy an item.

Okay, I got so many things in my mind, and I'd like to write down so many things, but I'm not even sure that you people even care about this (what am I saying, of course you don't care...), so I'm gonna add just one more thing. Before I started working I had more than enough time to play Dota, and I took my time to play all Dota heroes, every single one of them. Now, as I mentioned before, I'm not the best player here, I'm not even in the top 1000 players, so this might be a wrong idea, perhaps I'm retarded and I don't understand the Dota basics, but I always had a routine whenever I wanted to try a new hero, or whenever a new hero would come out in Dota, so I'll recommend this to most of you guys. Please, for the love of God, take 1-2 minutes of your time to READ THE DESCRITPION AND EFFECT OF YOUR SPELLS. I'm getting really tired of explaining some basic sh*t to random people. YES - Omnislash is pure damaged based and it works through Black King Bar. YES - Obsidian Destroyer can use Astral Inprisionment to expand the duration of heals/buffs (such as Bottle,healing salve etc.). YES - Slark can use Pounce before Duel and then use Shadow Dance during Duel (it's a glitch,I know,but hey,if it works who cares). YES - Most of the Goblin Shredder's spells are pure damage based. YES - Standing within 225 AoE near an ally will disable Acr Warden's Flux (PEOPLE STILL DON'T KNOW THIS, LIKE, WHAT THE F*CK?). YES - Battle Furies are STACKABLE, and base armor HAS NO EFFECT ON CLEAVE DAMAGE (this is actually a useful information if you know how to use it...). YES - Ursa's Fury Swipes are no longer an orb effect. YES - Eye of Skadi is only a buff placer for ranged heroes, not an orb effect.  These are actually some basic things, and I honestly can't believe there are still people who don't know things such as theese, and the worst part is, people don't even care about this anymore. And the worst part is, this is only a tip of the iceberg, I can give at least 30 of theese examples without even thinking a bit, however I won't, because the post is allready huge. And also, what really grinds my gears, whenever I try to explain something like this to someone, he usually calls me an annoying sh*tfag, and he ignores me. Maybe it's just me, but I'm surprised that in pub games people are taking more time to insult my mother and my family rather than to read their spells and variations... It ain't so hard people, here, you can find anything related to heroes and items on

Okay, for the end, I apologize for the long post, I guess I just lost my nerves... Like I said,if you got anything to add on this, good or bad, please feel free to do so, any advice is welcome. I'd say so much more on this topic, but I allready spammed too much...
Black Kevlar

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Nobody insulted you yet? Jeez, man u suck  ;D ;D ;D
63:15   Azinoth   [Allies]   if u didnt let echele paly we won
63:29   ForTheFans   [Allies]   RETARD
63:32   ForTheFans   [Allies]   HE IS
63:35   ForTheFans   [Allies]   TECHI
63:44   ForTheFans   [Allies]   YOU JERKING ON HIM OR WHAT
63:46   tnxgodformusic   [Allies]   Xddddd
63:49   ForTheFans   [Allies]   STUPID FAGGOT

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Well, i read it all but problem is that i dont play DotA anymore so i cant have an opinion, if you are new in DotA just imagine this in the old days (2009 till 2012) while i was playing people where more retarded and they didnt know about AoE skillls moving like robots in the middle of the danger, im a League Of Legends player atm, imagine there!

There are ppl that dont know about a champ's passive or active skills and still he is playing him for fun, im sick of this shits ( etc..) more and more nerds are trying to play this games and they only ruin it....

Move to some MMORPG game for 2-3 months, you'll get healed! :P

Offline Nexxus

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Spoiler for Hiden:
Note: Before everything I want to mention in advance that the following things aren't proven facts. This is my personal opinion and therefore it doesn't mean it's 100% accurate and 100% true, so if you want to add anything (good or bad) to this post feel free to do so, as the matter of fact I would be more than honoured to hear other people's thoughts about things such as theese.

Okay, the stats were reseted again yesterday, so basically all the players have been put "in the same basket", in other words, we all got a fresh start on our accounts, and a new chance to show how "good" we really are. I got no problems against that in most of the cases, I realize that stats need to be reset from time to time for many reasons,one of the reasons is to give all other players a chance to get to the top and to be "among the best". However, after playing the annual first game on my account, I feel like I really need to say something about this sh*tplaying, because I'm really getting tired of the usual pub sh*t people are trying to pull off here.
Now, I know that I'm not the best player here (to be honest NOT BY A LONG SHOT), and I know that no one even knows me here and that most of you will just do an eye roll on this post thinking: "Look at this retarded prick, thinking that anyone cares about this, what a moron...", however this really need to be said.

Let's take a following game as an example:;sa=game;gid=5882854

Okay,so,what's so special about this game? Nothing much honestly, this is a standard Lagabuse pub game. The only problem is THE FACT THAT THIS HAS BECOME A F*CKING STANDARD HERE. There are so many things gone wrong in this game that I litteraly lost a couple years of my life playing it. I was playing Pudge in this game, and of course, as always, I've made more than a couple of mistakes while playing. However I tried to make up for all mistakes with individual ganks and cancelling their mid player as much as I could (in this case, that was Shadow Fiend). As you can clearly see, we lost the game, and judging by Shadow Fiend's items and score compared to mine, a 90% of pub players would call me a f*cking moron and blame me for losing the game. And I couldn't even blame them, I really was playing the game on my own most of the time, so you could say that I'm a solo egocentric prick.

The post is allready getting too long, so I'm gonna get to the point now. I'm gonna make a few pointers for all the pub players just so they have a some sort of realisation (if they ever take some time to read this), so they can at least try not to make theese kind of mistakes, that are unfortunately way too often. First of all, and I can't f*cking stress this enough: DO NOT TAKE CARRY HEROES IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO F*CKING FARM!!!
Seriously allready, take some time to look at the beginning of this game. At start I managed to kill SF on mid three times, and to kill his courier when he tried to refill the bottle. I had the complete mid advantage,and I started hoarding runes massively,therefore forcing SF to switch the lane in order to regain at least some of the farm,and by that cancelling him at least 70% and giving myself time to gank the lanes (which is exactly what I did in this game). And yet, he still managed to get over 10k gold advantage over all of my "carries" in the team. This makes me wanna watch the replay over and over from each player's perspective just to see what the f*ck were my teammates doing while I was trying to perfent SF from farming. And to top it off, we managed to kill two guys and get both bounty runes at start, therefore having at least 600 gold advantage.

Second thing I wan't to add, and I can't believe I'll have to add this: IF YOU'RE AN AGILITY HERO, THAT DOESN'T NECESSAIRLY MAKE YOU A CARRY! For the love of God, who the f*ck would play Vengeful Spirit as a carry in this game??? SERIOUSLY YOU GOT THREE CARRIES ALLREADY AND YOU'RE ALSO PLAYING AGAINST SPECTRE AND SF, HOW THE F*CK WERE HELM OF DOMINATOR AND S&Y OBVIOUS CHOICES? Even if you get some descent items, the chances that you'll outcarry Spectre and Shadow Fiend with Vengeful Spirit are extremely low, if they're smart enough, and they were in this game, your chances are redused to zero.

Okay, I'm getting annoying by now, and the post is starting to get seriously long, but this needs to be mentioned. You can't just label and classify all heoes as CARRY/TANK/SUPPORT. There are different types of supports and different types of carries, sometimes even different types of tanks (just to give an example, supports can be divided into healers,disablers,roamers, etc.). The best example I could think of at this point is Furion. There are so many different ways you can play Furion, but how do you know what's the right way of playing him? You might be surprised (not...), but you don't have to play Furion on Dagon 5 and Lothar's Edge all the time, for instance, I'm combining items for Furion depending on the current outcome of the game, as well as depending from the heroes I'm playing with or against. As well as other heroes, Furion can have multiple roles, he can be a damage carry, he can even be a desolation carry, he can be a carry/disabler, he can be a hard pusher, he can even be a nuker, and he's also a great support ganker. Now, why did I bother writting all this about Furion? Well, some heroes can have multiple playing ways like Furion, some heroes are more simplified and they have less patterns, but the point is, I'm sick and tired of watching morons playing heroes based on the exact same patterns. I'm sick and tired of watching people playing Vengeful Spirit as a carry based on her Command aura, I'm sick and tired of people who are playing Lina as a carry just because Fiery Sould is adding 85% A/S and 8%M/S per casted spell, I'm sick and tired of people who are playing Void with Mask of Madness versus nukers/disablers, and beyond everything, I'm sick and tired of people who don't even bother to use their brain when they're playing, just to think for one f*cking second before they buy an item.

Okay, I got so many things in my mind, and I'd like to write down so many things, but I'm not even sure that you people even care about this (what am I saying, of course you don't care...), so I'm gonna add just one more thing. Before I started working I had more than enough time to play Dota, and I took my time to play all Dota heroes, every single one of them. Now, as I mentioned before, I'm not the best player here, I'm not even in the top 1000 players, so this might be a wrong idea, perhaps I'm retarded and I don't understand the Dota basics, but I always had a routine whenever I wanted to try a new hero, or whenever a new hero would come out in Dota, so I'll recommend this to most of you guys. Please, for the love of God, take 1-2 minutes of your time to READ THE DESCRITPION AND EFFECT OF YOUR SPELLS. I'm getting really tired of explaining some basic sh*t to random people. YES - Omnislash is pure damaged based and it works through Black King Bar. YES - Obsidian Destroyer can use Astral Inprisionment to expand the duration of heals/buffs (such as Bottle,healing salve etc.). YES - Slark can use Pounce before Duel and then use Shadow Dance during Duel (it's a glitch,I know,but hey,if it works who cares). YES - Most of the Goblin Shredder's spells are pure damage based. YES - Standing within 225 AoE near an ally will disable Acr Warden's Flux (PEOPLE STILL DON'T KNOW THIS, LIKE, WHAT THE F*CK?). YES - Battle Furies are STACKABLE, and base armor HAS NO EFFECT ON CLEAVE DAMAGE (this is actually a useful information if you know how to use it...). YES - Ursa's Fury Swipes are no longer an orb effect. YES - Eye of Skadi is only a buff placer for ranged heroes, not an orb effect.  These are actually some basic things, and I honestly can't believe there are still people who don't know things such as theese, and the worst part is, people don't even care about this anymore. And the worst part is, this is only a tip of the iceberg, I can give at least 30 of theese examples without even thinking a bit, however I won't, because the post is allready huge. And also, what really grinds my gears, whenever I try to explain something like this to someone, he usually calls me an annoying sh*tfag, and he ignores me. Maybe it's just me, but I'm surprised that in pub games people are taking more time to insult my mother and my family rather than to read their spells and variations... It ain't so hard people, here, you can find anything related to heroes and items on

Okay, for the end, I apologize for the long post, I guess I just lost my nerves... Like I said,if you got anything to add on this, good or bad, please feel free to do so, any advice is welcome. I'd say so much more on this topic, but I allready spammed too much...

fk you, you fking noob, gtfo

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Dear north_legionare

1. if u are tired of pub games u are alowed to post vouch request on safelist (ss) , first u will be trial 10 games and if u have skill to play there vouchers and admins will give u vouch. search on forum for safelist and post vouch.

2. dude dont cry if u lose game with 27-7 its happens always, u can lose game even with better score.

3. this is pub , and that was 1500avg game, even in 1750-1800 games happens to all pick carry. somethimes u get bad perdiod for dota when u lose every game not importan how good u play when ur team sucks.

means the point is that these proposals to set requirements for SS .

have fun. and good luck with that.

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First of all, the game was 45 mins long, so you couldn't "litteraly lose a couple of years of your life" playing that game. Call me grammar nazi but this just grinds my gears.

Also, this looks like a typical "I had 27/7 but I've lost anyway" post. I know you aren't complaing about this, I've just been around for a quite a while and I've seen a lot of similar posts. But you had some serious point.

People are giving marks to everything, it is in our nature. And I'm not only talking about roles.
Look around, someone gave a mark to everything.
I remember when there was a DotA. It was just DotA. But ppl needed to mark it, needed to specify its genre.
DotA isn't RTS, it isn't RPG, it always was DotA. As simple as that.
But no, a mark is a must! So someone came with this MOBA genre. DotA was the only MOBA game, MOBA had only 1 game in its "box". Stupid, eh? Who cares, it now has a mark, which is important.

Same to roles, ppl need to mark the heroes, need to separate them into groups. Doing so just makes "every agi hero a carry".
Who cares that Medusa is outstanding pusher. "Fuck your mom dusa, always solo, no teamplay, only 5 kills. Reported motherfucker."
The fact that you got 500 creeps, keeps all lines pushed, keeps enemy busy so your "carry" can finally farm (or whatever) is ignored.

I really hate that in DotA 2 Venge is marked as support. Ofc, Venge is great support but if you "dare" to play her as something else, everyone cries that you don't have mana boots, wards, don't level aura as first and so on.
Just because she has that "support mark".

Some "advanced" knowledge can be a great advantage. I say "advanced" because not everybody knows even simple mechanics.
I often see ppl using heals or asking any healer for help while under effect of AA's ulty. And I could continue for hours...

But it all depends on the level of games you play.

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Who on earth writes a thousands words article complaining about some internet computer imaginary game, get a life virgin

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Stuff like this always happens after stats get re-seted its anoying as hell getting out of the "retard division" getting to 1600+ that is, you get stuck with idiots and you get frustrated, lucky for us it dosent happen very often...
Modul Nostru

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first of all i would like to saay

now im reading sec

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Like I said,if you got anything to add on this, good or bad, please feel free to do so, any advice is welcome. I'd say so much more on this topic, but I allready spammed too much...
Alright dude, I've read everything you said.

You did not spam, spam = multiple messages fast, stuff like that, you just posted a long message. That's not spam.

Now, your problem is, you have absolutely no clue how fucking bad you are, oh wait, you actually do.

Ok, the real problem is, you seem to think this server contains good, or even decent players.

It does not.

This server is filled with COMPLETE noobs. 99% of this server has absolutely no clue what the fuck they are fucking doing or how to play this game, and the 1% that do are still incredibly horrible at it but they're not entirely clueless, but they are still INCREDIBLY horrible, I can't stress enough how BAD everyone is here. VERY bad. VERY VERY bad. VERY VERY VERY ... VERY BAD. VERY BAD. VERY VERY VERY BAD.

Ok, let's move on, VERY BAD, I mean, wait.

Ok, let's move on. What else, oh right, tips. Tips for you:

Oh wait, not yet, first to give you some knowledge for a while:

For the love of God, who the f*ck would play Vengeful Spirit as a carry in this game??? SERIOUSLY YOU GOT THREE CARRIES ALLREADY AND YOU'RE ALSO PLAYING AGAINST SPECTRE AND SF, HOW THE F*CK WERE HELM OF DOMINATOR AND S&Y OBVIOUS CHOICES? Even if you get some descent items, the chances that you'll outcarry Spectre and Shadow Fiend with Vengeful Spirit are extremely low, if they're smart enough, and they were in this game, your chances are redused to zero.
Venge can EASILY outcarry spectre & sf if played correctly, because venge comes online far earlier than spectre and is far tankier than sf and even than spectre early, sny and hotd are very good items for a carry venge which make venge very scary to fight early on, however the issue most likely was the fact that the venge player got these items far too late and that he is far too bad a player, he should have them both in like min 15, I'm quite sure he didn't.

As for the rest of your "whining", actually, whining, no need for " " because it is clearly whining, yeah, people are bad, you seriously didn't know this til now ? There's not a whole lot you can do about that.

Now some tips for you:

Tip 1: If you want to win more games and if you consider yourself a better player that should win, DO NOT PICK SHIT HEROES LIKE FUCKING PUDGE you won't fucking kill towers in 5 seconds with pudge, if you want to WIN you need to play to WIN not just to KILL, KILL =/= WIN, WIN =/=KILL, you can't always win games by KILLING when your entire team is FEEDING, you must DESTROY THE ANCIENT.

Tip 2: The fact that you have 27-7 score with pudge or that you killed the enemy sf and killed his courier does not mean you did something spectacular and deserving of victory, that score and those achievements are EXTREMELY EASY TO DO WITH HEROES LIKE PUDGE, because that's exactly what they are MADE for, to be FAR stronger at killing people early than other heroes.
You simply did your part, NOTHING MORE. N O T H I N G   M O R E. This is something you HAVE to realize if you want to win more games.
Now comes the tip 2, because til now there's only been some clarification for you: If you want to win more games, you need to do MORE than your job, you need to do the job of others as well. That will increase your winning chances considerably.


There are MANY other things you could be doing, however these are some of the easier to apply ones.
I would tell you more but you probably won't understand the ideas behind some of them, if you want though just ask, and I'll give you some more.
Dear north_legionare

1. if u are tired of pub games u are alowed to post vouch request on safelist (ss) , first u will be trial 10 games and if u have skill to play there vouchers and admins will give u vouch. search on forum for safelist and post vouch.

2. dude dont cry if u lose game with 27-7 its happens always, u can lose game even with better score.

3. this is pub , and that was 1500avg game, even in 1750-1800 games happens to all pick carry. somethimes u get bad perdiod for dota when u lose every game not importan how good u play when ur team sucks.

means the point is that these proposals to set requirements for SS .

have fun. and good luck with that.
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4k mmr players from dota 2 can, without a single doubt, rape absolutely every single safelist player with the exception of stalker and like 5 others, and 4k mmr players never even managed to kill me even once in around 50 games which I played on an account of my cousin in a 4k avg game where everyone was 4k, and I won all of the 50 games. 100% winrate. That's how bad safelist league is.

Now granted, safelist league is definitely visibly better than random lagabuse pubs, but as you can see from what I said a lil above here in this reply to you, mr buldozer guy, it is still at a pathetic level of play.

I felt like this needed to be added to your reply, mr buldozer guy, to make something clear about your post, because you neglected to mention exactly just how bad safelist league is.

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Spoiler for Hiden:
Note: Before everything I want to mention in advance that the following things aren't proven facts. This is my personal opinion and therefore it doesn't mean it's 100% accurate and 100% true, so if you want to add anything (good or bad) to this post feel free to do so, as the matter of fact I would be more than honoured to hear other people's thoughts about things such as theese.

Okay, the stats were reseted again yesterday, so basically all the players have been put "in the same basket", in other words, we all got a fresh start on our accounts, and a new chance to show how "good" we really are. I got no problems against that in most of the cases, I realize that stats need to be reset from time to time for many reasons,one of the reasons is to give all other players a chance to get to the top and to be "among the best". However, after playing the annual first game on my account, I feel like I really need to say something about this sh*tplaying, because I'm really getting tired of the usual pub sh*t people are trying to pull off here.
Now, I know that I'm not the best player here (to be honest NOT BY A LONG SHOT), and I know that no one even knows me here and that most of you will just do an eye roll on this post thinking: "Look at this retarded prick, thinking that anyone cares about this, what a moron...", however this really need to be said.

Let's take a following game as an example:;sa=game;gid=5882854

Okay,so,what's so special about this game? Nothing much honestly, this is a standard Lagabuse pub game. The only problem is THE FACT THAT THIS HAS BECOME A F*CKING STANDARD HERE. There are so many things gone wrong in this game that I litteraly lost a couple years of my life playing it. I was playing Pudge in this game, and of course, as always, I've made more than a couple of mistakes while playing. However I tried to make up for all mistakes with individual ganks and cancelling their mid player as much as I could (in this case, that was Shadow Fiend). As you can clearly see, we lost the game, and judging by Shadow Fiend's items and score compared to mine, a 90% of pub players would call me a f*cking moron and blame me for losing the game. And I couldn't even blame them, I really was playing the game on my own most of the time, so you could say that I'm a solo egocentric prick.

The post is allready getting too long, so I'm gonna get to the point now. I'm gonna make a few pointers for all the pub players just so they have a some sort of realisation (if they ever take some time to read this), so they can at least try not to make theese kind of mistakes, that are unfortunately way too often. First of all, and I can't f*cking stress this enough: DO NOT TAKE CARRY HEROES IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO F*CKING FARM!!!
Seriously allready, take some time to look at the beginning of this game. At start I managed to kill SF on mid three times, and to kill his courier when he tried to refill the bottle. I had the complete mid advantage,and I started hoarding runes massively,therefore forcing SF to switch the lane in order to regain at least some of the farm,and by that cancelling him at least 70% and giving myself time to gank the lanes (which is exactly what I did in this game). And yet, he still managed to get over 10k gold advantage over all of my "carries" in the team. This makes me wanna watch the replay over and over from each player's perspective just to see what the f*ck were my teammates doing while I was trying to perfent SF from farming. And to top it off, we managed to kill two guys and get both bounty runes at start, therefore having at least 600 gold advantage.

Second thing I wan't to add, and I can't believe I'll have to add this: IF YOU'RE AN AGILITY HERO, THAT DOESN'T NECESSAIRLY MAKE YOU A CARRY! For the love of God, who the f*ck would play Vengeful Spirit as a carry in this game??? SERIOUSLY YOU GOT THREE CARRIES ALLREADY AND YOU'RE ALSO PLAYING AGAINST SPECTRE AND SF, HOW THE F*CK WERE HELM OF DOMINATOR AND S&Y OBVIOUS CHOICES? Even if you get some descent items, the chances that you'll outcarry Spectre and Shadow Fiend with Vengeful Spirit are extremely low, if they're smart enough, and they were in this game, your chances are redused to zero.

Okay, I'm getting annoying by now, and the post is starting to get seriously long, but this needs to be mentioned. You can't just label and classify all heoes as CARRY/TANK/SUPPORT. There are different types of supports and different types of carries, sometimes even different types of tanks (just to give an example, supports can be divided into healers,disablers,roamers, etc.). The best example I could think of at this point is Furion. There are so many different ways you can play Furion, but how do you know what's the right way of playing him? You might be surprised (not...), but you don't have to play Furion on Dagon 5 and Lothar's Edge all the time, for instance, I'm combining items for Furion depending on the current outcome of the game, as well as depending from the heroes I'm playing with or against. As well as other heroes, Furion can have multiple roles, he can be a damage carry, he can even be a desolation carry, he can be a carry/disabler, he can be a hard pusher, he can even be a nuker, and he's also a great support ganker. Now, why did I bother writting all this about Furion? Well, some heroes can have multiple playing ways like Furion, some heroes are more simplified and they have less patterns, but the point is, I'm sick and tired of watching morons playing heroes based on the exact same patterns. I'm sick and tired of watching people playing Vengeful Spirit as a carry based on her Command aura, I'm sick and tired of people who are playing Lina as a carry just because Fiery Sould is adding 85% A/S and 8%M/S per casted spell, I'm sick and tired of people who are playing Void with Mask of Madness versus nukers/disablers, and beyond everything, I'm sick and tired of people who don't even bother to use their brain when they're playing, just to think for one f*cking second before they buy an item.

Okay, I got so many things in my mind, and I'd like to write down so many things, but I'm not even sure that you people even care about this (what am I saying, of course you don't care...), so I'm gonna add just one more thing. Before I started working I had more than enough time to play Dota, and I took my time to play all Dota heroes, every single one of them. Now, as I mentioned before, I'm not the best player here, I'm not even in the top 1000 players, so this might be a wrong idea, perhaps I'm retarded and I don't understand the Dota basics, but I always had a routine whenever I wanted to try a new hero, or whenever a new hero would come out in Dota, so I'll recommend this to most of you guys. Please, for the love of God, take 1-2 minutes of your time to READ THE DESCRITPION AND EFFECT OF YOUR SPELLS. I'm getting really tired of explaining some basic sh*t to random people. YES - Omnislash is pure damaged based and it works through Black King Bar. YES - Obsidian Destroyer can use Astral Inprisionment to expand the duration of heals/buffs (such as Bottle,healing salve etc.). YES - Slark can use Pounce before Duel and then use Shadow Dance during Duel (it's a glitch,I know,but hey,if it works who cares). YES - Most of the Goblin Shredder's spells are pure damage based. YES - Standing within 225 AoE near an ally will disable Acr Warden's Flux (PEOPLE STILL DON'T KNOW THIS, LIKE, WHAT THE F*CK?). YES - Battle Furies are STACKABLE, and base armor HAS NO EFFECT ON CLEAVE DAMAGE (this is actually a useful information if you know how to use it...). YES - Ursa's Fury Swipes are no longer an orb effect. YES - Eye of Skadi is only a buff placer for ranged heroes, not an orb effect.  These are actually some basic things, and I honestly can't believe there are still people who don't know things such as theese, and the worst part is, people don't even care about this anymore. And the worst part is, this is only a tip of the iceberg, I can give at least 30 of theese examples without even thinking a bit, however I won't, because the post is allready huge. And also, what really grinds my gears, whenever I try to explain something like this to someone, he usually calls me an annoying sh*tfag, and he ignores me. Maybe it's just me, but I'm surprised that in pub games people are taking more time to insult my mother and my family rather than to read their spells and variations... It ain't so hard people, here, you can find anything related to heroes and items on

Okay, for the end, I apologize for the long post, I guess I just lost my nerves... Like I said,if you got anything to add on this, good or bad, please feel free to do so, any advice is welcome. I'd say so much more on this topic, but I allready spammed too much...
you are smartest guy left on this server by far
my advice is if you dont have friends here dont waste time with this game - support stream, best music
LF support partner

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Another tip, because I'm feeling generous at the moment:

The absolute best hero in the entire fucking game to win pub games with, is tiny.
There is absolutely no doubt about this, do not believe anyone who says otherwise, because they are completely braindead if they say otherwise.

It is very simple why this is true:

Tiny can kill, easily.
Tiny can push, easily.
Tiny can tank, easily.
Tiny can initiate, easily.
Tiny can counter-initiate, easily.
Tiny can fight early game, easily.
Tiny can fight mid game, easily.
Tiny can fight late game, easily.

If you want to win more games, learn to play tiny. You will be #1 on this shit server in no time.

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Who on earth writes a thousands words article complaining about some internet computer imaginary game, get a life virgin

Yeah, I feel like I should add this... I'm actually working as a tech support agent, eight hours a day/fourthy hours a week... And I'm also working on some private stuff too, and I'm about to finally get a college diploma, so I'd say my life is going solid so far... And you Jean, well, I've heard stories about you, but if I mention at least a half of those it's gonna get me some serious warn points...

Now, I didn't just come to reply to the dickhead Jeandarc. I'd also like to thank CoMMoN1337 for taking his time to write his opinion on my "rage" post. I've studed up everything you wrote and I have to say you're absolutely right. Now, of course there's another problem. Basically, like I mentioned above, I'm working eight hours a day, and if you count in my other obligations I rarely even have time to play Dota, so I kinda thought that the guys who have 5x more games average than me per day would most likely play better than me, or at least they'd know the spells mechanisms and effects. And yeah, just to add, the game I mentioned was an EXAMPLE GAME, which means that it's not the first, or the last game that I had with a similar outcome.

Now, about the Vengeful Spirit as a carry, you gotta be more cautious when reading posts. I NEVER said Vengeful Spirit can't be a carry, I simply asked how was that a solid choice in the mentioned game. Don't get me wrong, I know that a Pudge pick wasn't exactly great, and I know that I could have played so much better, but first of all, I'm not Dendi, and second, in that game I got their mid owned, hoarded the runes, got a descent share of ganks and I managed to pervent Spiritbreaker to gank multiple times (hooked the bastard during charge multiple times). So basically I did my part (kinda), and I really tried my best to do as much as I could in the game. I even wanted to push and end the game real fast, because I'm aware of Pudge's advantages and disadvantages, but the others wanted to farm more, to get better items. And of course, at the end we lost because Spectre and Shadow Fiend got everything they needed, and I became more than useless myself, and as for the others, well needless to say anything, their creep scores are saying it all...

About winning the games, you mentioned that I have to do my part and even more in order to win a game, and I couldn't agree more. You're absolutely 100% right here. However, doing more than my share is okay, but doing EVERYTHING is not. In the mentioned game I took Pudge because he's an early game ganker and I could also switch to tanking/tank-supporting if we get to the late game, and I kinda wanted to play Pudge as well, it was a win/win option, if I did the job right. My goal wasn't to boost my stats, I was actually trying to cancel the opponents as much as I could in order to give my teammates enough time to get the items they need. True, it's my fault that I'm even trying to rely on bunch of pub players, but seriously, I don't have the skill or the nerves to even try to win theese kind of games, not anymore. And as for the other players, let's see what it takes to play a descent carry in a Lagabuse pub game. Roughly said you only need TWO things:
1. To know how to lasthit (duh);
2. To be abled to look at the bottom left corner of your screen (the minimap, duh).
(Note: We're talking about a Lagabuse pub game, let's be honest, lane control, creep blocking advantages/disadvantages, neutral stacking, pulling - you can't expect that from an average pub player...)

Now, what really pisses me off is the fact that they were all INTENTIONALLY playing carries, either pure dmg carries or endurance carries, without any knowledge of farming or looking at the minimap, and at the end I'm the one being blamed for losing the game. And to top it all THEY were the ones who didn't want to push early when I was usefull and tanky enough to sustain the initial damage and when I was abled to easily cancel Spectre out in teamfights. And the problem is,this is happening ALL THE TIME, not just in this game, in every freaking game. If I wanted to boost my win rate, I'd probably end up playing Arc Warden every single game. Or even as CoMMoN1337 metioned, Tiny is a great idea. And still, people are most of the time so retarded that even then you have a solid chance to lose. And above all, the main problem is the fact that most of the players aren't noobs, they're RETARDS. The main difference is, noob doesn't know how to play and he's lacking in skill, but in most of the cases he's willing to listen and cooperate, and that can be crucial sometimes. And than you have the retards, just for an example, I played a game with Invoker recently, and we lost the game after 60 minutes because our Sven just went #YOLO in four guys leaving us without a tank/initiator. The guy's statement was (roughly translated from Serbian): "I'm not gonna f*ck anyway, so there's no difference between trying to score patiently or hasty". Really mate? Really?

Anyway, I've made a huge post again, I apologize, perhaps I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I decided to be annoying again. And once again, thanks for the replies, I'll take your advices with my hands wide open. And I forgot to mention this the last time, I apologize for my bad English, I'm from Serbia so English isn't exactly my stronger side.
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Deer common ,

I do not understand why you hate dota1 when you played for so many years?

I conclude by your posts that in Romania the rank is next common>w33ha>cancel^>romanian player.

Now a serious question . Why is the average time in Dota 2 games 30 min? 1/10 games are 50 or 60 minutes.
Why thay finish games in 18-30 minutes? is this true, my friend who play d2 tell me that u gain gold faster than in dota1? its smth like normal and em mode, thats why thay finish games faster?

Now Kappa conclusion , If I'm not mistaken you still hold the record in ss captain score , it was like 0-15 win lose cap rank?

This is dota 1 , we still play it we still love it, this is lagabuse pub server and we like it, if someone does not like be free to change the server. conclusion, in d1 pub its normal to all pick carry even on garena, rgc, iccup or lagabuse or every server in the world, of course, in in house leagues there is different lvl of plays.

I would not say that in safelist is like 3-4k mmr avg games, i watching d2 and i can see some bad games and players and ruiners on 6k or 6.5k. I'll meet you in half that in ss is like 5-5.3k avg. cuz most of ppl know how to play, there is skilled or less skilled players but games are good.

sorry for bad inglish i use translator.

have fun.

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How dare you lil gei boi, ye, das wat u r lil gei boi, fite me inr, ye, i bet u wot lil gei boi