Author Topic: MH report  (Read 480 times)

Offline WireFrame

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MH report
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:53 »
1: nisamTR
2: vektorX
4: we noticed that he always goes to the rune but we hoping it was a coincidence...
5: at 12:30 he stuned me while i was invi, after that we were sure he have mh...
at 32:45 he goes directly on trax in forest...
at 39:42 he blinked exactly on bane... even i when watcing a replay didnt know he went there... i thought he went to the uper shop...
+fairly new acc... probably coz old one got  banned...

Offline Dinamovac007

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Re: MH report
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 23:00 »
watched all situations the first one was miss click obviously he try'ed to activate sprint for bane
the second one was a clear attempt to farm a forest while trax was there,
i even watched the 3rd one, its all about the side of the game ur in, he jumped on the rune to chase down the hero which, in my opinion is more logical than runing to the top shop for tp out...
my bans are permanent.