Player: captaincharisma

Player Name: captaincharisma Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 1117
Ladder games: 1106 Custom games: 11
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 1106 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 1052
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
23-06-2022 00:38:26 Ap +++ #3 PUB Tidehunter 1325 | -24 0 2 0 5 2 0 WON
22-06-2022 00:49:05 SD v7 +1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1349 | -16 4 8 15 113 6 9 LOST
22-06-2022 00:02:44 SDv7++3 #3 PUB Gyrocopter 1365 | -21 8 12 8 166 11 25 LOST
21-06-2022 20:44:02 SD v7 +1 Rlyy PUB Alchemist 1386 | -19 2 13 14 163 3 35 LOST
21-06-2022 19:53:35 SD +1 PUB Silencer 1405 | +24 5 5 7 82 1 20 WON
21-06-2022 19:07:57 SD 8/10 V7 #1 PUB Tidehunter 1381 | -21 9 9 18 127 5 22 LOST
20-06-2022 23:51:09 AP+1 PUB Phantom Assassin 1402 | -19 5 9 6 109 5 19 LOST
20-06-2022 23:10:37 SD + 1 PUB Spectre 1421 | +16 12 4 24 156 10 19 WON
20-06-2022 01:24:26 SD RMK PUB Winter Wyvern 1405 | -19 4 16 24 175 10 22 LOST
20-06-2022 00:07:27 SD +++ #2 PUB Bounty Hunter 1424 | +0 1 0 0 7 1 0 DRAW
19-06-2022 23:30:12 SD gogo #8 PUB empty 1424 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
19-06-2022 15:49:46 SD LAST FAST #3 PUB Tidehunter 1424 | +20 3 4 18 172 1 7 WON
19-06-2022 13:08:50 AP + + #6 PUB Tidehunter 1404 | -16 10 10 13 154 10 4 LOST
19-06-2022 12:19:01 SD rmk PUB Shadow Priest 1420 | -20 1 12 3 45 6 3 LOST
19-06-2022 11:42:07 SD +2 #1 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1440 | +0 0 0 0 13 3 0 DRAW
19-06-2022 01:43:33 sd +1 #3 PUB Rogue Knight 1440 | -15 1 11 7 117 5 47 LOST
19-06-2022 00:38:32 SD v7 +1 Rlyy PUB Night Stalker 1455 | -19 16 15 9 182 5 61 LOST
18-06-2022 23:38:17 SD v7 +1 Rlyyyyy PUB Treant Protector 1474 | -17 3 12 4 23 2 2 LOST
02-06-2022 22:51:06 AP +1 PUB Bristleback 1491 | -13 2 9 1 48 3 5 LOST
02-06-2022 19:20:46 SD V7 RMK #6 PUB Butcher 1504 | +18 7 14 11 118 1 27 WON
01-06-2022 19:50:05 ap rmk PUB Ancient Apparition 1486 | +19 11 6 21 54 5 8 WON
01-06-2022 19:01:50 Ap +1 #2 PUB Ancient Apparition 1467 | +0 0 1 0 10 2 0 DRAW
01-06-2022 18:00:07 AP +1 PUB empty 1467 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
31-05-2022 23:05:47 AP +1 #1 PUB Tidehunter 1467 | -17 6 14 24 102 3 20 LOST
31-05-2022 21:51:21 SD #6 PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1484 | +22 8 6 21 118 3 35 WON
31-05-2022 20:47:55 Sd v7 +1 Fast! #1 PUB God of War 1462 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
31-05-2022 20:25:11 SD RMK #1 PUB Lifestealer 1462 | +16 6 3 8 102 0 87 WON
31-05-2022 19:45:06 Sd v7 +++ #10 PUB Spiritbreaker 1446 | +0 0 0 0 8 0 0 DRAW
31-05-2022 19:14:33 AP +1 last slot PUB Tidehunter 1446 | -13 6 9 25 256 7 55 LOST
31-05-2022 01:00:22 ap rmk #1 PUB Butcher 1459 | -17 13 9 4 51 1 3 LOST
Total custom games: 11
Date Game name Type Map
07-05-2022 03:29:58 3 VS 3 PUB DotA_Allstars_7.03b2.w3x
27-03-2022 17:18:48 forest party PUB Forest Party 0.17e.w3x
05-04-2020 16:13:37 aa PUB Uther Party Ultima-X fix0.62.w3x
06-10-2018 19:44:10 123 PUB DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4.w3x
06-10-2018 19:39:42 123 PUB DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4.w3x
12-07-2018 21:47:32 uther PRIV Uther Party Ultima-X fix0.62.w3x
13-11-2016 20:01:04 mirana PRIV Mirana Wars v5.03.w3x
13-11-2016 19:44:44 mirana PRIV Mirana Wars v5.03.w3x
18-06-2016 04:23:49 fat PUB MooMoov4.05GenerationX.w3x
05-02-2015 00:17:34 apem fast + 2 PUB DotA v6.81d.w3x
04-02-2015 22:32:55 rain PUB DotA v6.81d.w3x