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Messages - FilLaD1N

Pages: [1]
DotA Discussion / Dota 7.04 graphic
« on: April 01, 2024, 09:52 »
7.04c7 with default WC3 theme.
7.04c7 with İmproved HD theme.

Technical support / Re: warcraft error
« on: December 09, 2023, 23:25 »
Related to the map. Fixed next version

DotA Discussion / Re: DotA Map Poll
« on: August 01, 2020, 16:31 »
I think nothing prevents from waiting a little and changing the map back to new version after reverting after bugs and stupid moments are fixed (for example f9 not working and crashing is a serious issue, dont know how many have it beside me though)
Crash is fixed in newest map. There is new updates

DotA Discussion / Re: new map 7.00
« on: July 25, 2020, 10:02 »
pfff the new map is very boring. i played just a one time and i delete this game if u dont change this last 7.00 shit map. please return last map or i think you will lose a lot of player. map can be change but not so. please dont change old map.

what a weak naga siren why you change that heros skills idk and i lost a lot of shortcut skill.

if u love this last map please give us 2 alternative and we play old map.

"what a weak naga siren" Ahahaha, I'll die right now from laughter from your comments. You can't even imagine what kind of imba Naga Siren has become, ofc if you know how to play with him.
Can you show me your psr or ladder games? After saw it we could take your comment seriously.

Here will be more players from CIS. They are already playing here.

DotA Discussion / Re: new map 7.00
« on: July 24, 2020, 15:32 »
3)I dont like and don't want DOTA2 MAP terrain in dota1. No need to copy paste it, new runes, outposts new roshan location. No need, and no like. I don't know who asked for it ever.

4) The new user interface is a catastrophe as it is. Everything is bigger, takes too much of the screen, icons are misslocated, minimap change also dislike.

And how many years will you play in your non-promoted map?

New interface is better than old. I don't understand why you don't like it.

"minimap change also dislike."
From this i can understand that you didn't even pay attention to the fact that there are two mini-maps in the map: OLD and NEW
And you can play with whichever you like best.
It seems to me that you don't even know what a config file is where you can customize the game is just as cozy.

Anyway your nagging is not appropriate.
Play for a couple of weeks and you'll get used to it.

Unban Requests / autoban
« on: November 06, 2018, 00:38 »
1. FilLaD1N and noDOTAnoLIFE
2. Autoban
3. Leave
4. left the game early, thought already won
5. No further explanation needed this time

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