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Topics - ^_GaaRa_^

Pages: [1]
Humor / Hitler gets banned from DOTA
« on: July 22, 2010, 11:45 »

Humor / Farm Hack!!
« on: July 04, 2010, 13:07 »

Feedback / Desync bannable?
« on: June 30, 2010, 16:31 »
My proposal: Don't give host the capacity of banning people dropped by desync problems.

Humor / Nice trick!!
« on: June 30, 2010, 14:06 »
This guy knows a little trick to avoid bans!!!! xDDD

Look at this chatlog....

[BBH]Zejtin    21:41      -switch 3    21:41      
Ashke    21:52      -ok    21:52      
Cetnik^    21:53      -ok    21:53      Cetnik^
21:55      -ok    21:55      StandAndFight
[BBH]Zejtin    21:55      ALL OK    21:55      [BBH]Zejtin
tuna123    21:56      -ok    21:56      tuna123
[AshS]Kamikaza_    21:59      if i leave pls dont bann me    21:59      
[AshS]Kamikaza_    22:02      -ok    22:02      
[BBH]Zejtin    22:04      -ok    22:04   

Obviously, that "-ok" was to switch and not because he was agree with leaving of that noob kamikaza xDD

Then, when kamikaza left... he got banned, and used the excuse that "host" said he wouldn't ban him xDDD   

Music / Circus Parody xD (english)
« on: June 26, 2010, 16:19 »


Suggestion Board / Question for moderators
« on: June 25, 2010, 23:07 »
As you know I was moderator and I'd like to understand the point of some punishments you impose to some "special players".

1- Permanently Ban: Before asking you why do you impose this kind of punishment I'd like to remember you that, someone who is banned isn't allowed to play with another account. Now, understanding this, why do you ban permanently someone? If I'm not wrong, when you ban a person, you're not banning that one, you're banning his nickname, and that doesn't avoid him to play. I understand you Permaban a nickname if he abuse stats incredibbly because if you don't ban forever, when he gets unbanned he still would have that abusing score, anyway it's an excesive punishment because, as I said, that doesn't avoid him to play. I think this kind of ban (which is really special) should have a different way of punishment. For example (and it's only an example to show you an idea), you could permaban the abusing account and the player for X-days. After those X-day passed, he is allowed to create a new account and play again. I know that this maybe seems stupid because you can think that he can create another account with permaban but, this would be a legal way to let him play, just like when you ban a leaver and he can create a new account (even if it's not allowed). So, banning the player for Xdays, and locking account would be better than permaban.

Then, in conclusion... my proposition is that those accounts you want to get permabanned has a different punishment. The punishment would be, lock the account and ban the player Xdays.

Thank you for reading me.

Humor / Interview with some pros!!
« on: June 25, 2010, 22:48 »
Hey Blackeye!!!! what's up????

Hi, I'm kinda bussy chooooooosing my clothes...

Do you have a girlfriend?

Oh yeah, she's Mary and she's really beautiful

hahaha yeah she's awf... I mean beautiful, just like you xD

What's your favourite hero in DotA Allstars?

Mmmm, this one is my favourite!!!

Wowwww, I feel you like pigs

 are you in any clan?

Yeah, my favourite clan is [PiG], that's why I'm [PiG]Blackeye

Are you from any association???

Yeah, this one...

hahahahaha ok ok, thank you for your interview... tomorrow we will speak with anothe pro... xDD

Feedback / Make a tournament.
« on: June 24, 2010, 21:23 »
It would be nice if we make a torunament, with some prices like.... the team winner wins 50 points in scoresystem :D:D

Any other idea?

Humor / Creating a new game in
« on: June 24, 2010, 14:12 »
ahhh, I feel so good, I'm gonna play dota...
!Gopub apemso eu only noobs

Now I only have to wait until all people comesss :D:D

Noob has joined in the game.

!sd Noob

Hahhaha, you're a fucking noob so you can play

5 more joins in the game...

Pro has joined in the game. (scourge slot 7).

!sd pro

!sd Pro

Are you retard? can't you read it's only for noobs?

!swap 7 2

3 more joins in the game.

!start force
Players still not pinged 3 times: Retard, Nopinged


!start force

Players still not spoofchecked: Retard

Spoof Retard!!!!

-Retard: How? :S:S

Omfg retard type /w sc !!!

-The rest of people...:

-Retard: gooooo, start!

-All people: Omfg retard we can't start if you don't.... Kick the retarrrrd!!


Feedback / !Votekick is bugged
« on: June 22, 2010, 16:49 »
Ok this command is really the most bugged system I've ever seen. This system must be remade because of his vulnerable abusing bug. Here I'm going to post the replay where it is shown how people is kicking the whole opponent team when they are almost going to lose.

First of all, I'm gonna explain the game. The game begins easy, scourge destroy sentinel in all ways. They have 0% chance to win but suddenly, one of scourge is AFK. We decide to kick him. Then, another one stays afk, so we decide to kick him. We are 3v5. I really didn't care to play 3v5 but the didn't think like that, so "ONLY SENTINEL", started to votekick all scourge. As you can see, it's only needed the vote of sentinel, so now... scourge can't avoid to be kicked. This is a bug I hope you solve soon because it's a really abusing comman when it's 3v5 and stupid sentinel can't win so they decide to cheat.

The game link is this:

As you can see, whole scourge has been KICKED BY VOTE....

Come on, don't fuck up me... I've not been playing for 1 hour to get kicked by stupid noobs.

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